Truth or Dare

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Odd Dell Robbia Kadic Academy: Eighth Grade Student

"I'm game...for this game, haha! Get it?" I laughed at my own lame joke, I looked to Tovah wondering if she would crack a smile, but nothing.
"Same," Tovah nodded. Everyone else agreed as well. We looked to Yumi, what kinda game, we were curious.
"Truth or dare!" She said. "It's the perfect game,"
"Um, no it's not," Jeremy said shaking his head.
"Come on, it'll be fun," Aelita said lightly elbowing him. "Please?"
"Fine, just don't make me do anything gross,"
"No promises," I said holding my hand in the air.
"Who wants to go first?" Yumi asked.
"Um...sure," she nodded. "I'll choose truth,"
"Alright...have you ever kissed anyone," her eyes scanned the room like she was looking for an answer, she looked down and shook her head. "No, never. I know, pretty lame," she said blushing a deep crimson. I got lost in la-la land for a few seconds, I was thinking about how I wanted to kiss her...but I already messed up my chance with her. I could be such a potato brain!
"You choose who's next," Yumi said.
"Hm, my victim," she tapped her chin, "Jeremy," she giggled. Jeremy shook his head. "I'm just spectating!"
"No!" T smiled. "You can't just watch, that's not how this work, plus, it'll make my ankle feel better,"
"You're a brat, did you know?"
"Yes, I did. Now, truth or dare!"
"Ummm." He looked at Aelita, "you pick for me, I'm not good at this,"
"Okay," she looked around and really contemplated. "Dare!"
"Alright," Tovah looked around "I dare you to put on some of Aelita's lipgloss and...give her a big kiss on the cheek,"
"What?!" He looked at Tovah with wide eyes and Aelita crawled over to grab the lipstick. She had a small excited smirk on her face, "here," Jeremy blindly put on the lipgloss and leaned over giving Aelita a big glossy kiss. Her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink, afterward, she leaned into him. "Thank you," she giggled.
"You pick, Jeremy,"
"Oh, um...Odd,"
"Me?" I asked. "Well dare, I'm no chicken,"
"Oh, I'm no good at these! Let me think,"
I looked at Tovah, who was looking at Ulrich, who was also looking at her. I wonder why they seemed so cuddly.
"I think I have one, I played this once at camp so it's kinda recycling," he shrugged, he looked at Aelita and then back at me, "alright so the dare is, we'll all close our eyes and you tap the shoulder of the girl you like most,"
"Tap their shoulder?"
"Yes, it's simple enough,"
"That's the PG version isn't it?" I giggled. "No lips involved?"
"You're such a dork!" Yumi said. "Just do it," everyone closed their eyes and I thought...which girl's shoulder do I tap? Yumi and I are just friends, so are Aelita and I, but I can't be with Tovah. I decide to tap Aelita's shoulder. We all open our eyes and Aelita smiles up at me, "why'd you tap my shoulder Odd?"
"Cause you're my best girl-friend," I shrugged sitting back down.
"That's not what I meant," Jeremy said.
"Oh. I guess I misunderstood," I said winking at Aelita when no one was looking.
"Yumi you're next," Tovah volunteered.
"I choose dare," Yumi said.
"I dare you to prank call Sissi!" Odd said
"You're on," she dialed the number and as she picked up she made her voice deep, "Sissi, this is Ulrich, I love you so much, marry me?" Sissi hung up after saying "DORKS!"
"Aelita how about you go?" I suggested.
"Me? Okay, I'll pick the truth one," she shrugged.
"Alright, I gotta think of something good," I thought for a moment. "Tell us about having a roommate now. Any pillow fights?" Aelita rolled her eyes.
"I'm not sure if that constitutes as a truth,"
"Alright. If you had to date one of the girls would it be Yumi or T?" Aelita's face turned pink.
"Oh- I'm...uh," she looked at Z and Yumi, "they're both great girls, but I think Z and I are too similar, but if we dated I could borrow her clothes..." she continued to think, "oh! I don't know, I guess Yumi, sorry Tov," she shook her head. Tovah and Yumi giggled.
"Ulrich your turn," she said changing the subject.
"Alright, truth,"
"Have you ever kissed Sissi?" Aelita asked.
Tovah sat up a bit straighter and looked over at Ulrich who sat at the edge of the bed.
"Yes, twice, unfortunately!" He shook his head and then looked back at Tovah. I wish I was in his head. But Tovah looked pissed...

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: ninth Grade Student.

I looked at Ulrich and crossed my arms, "you have?" I tilted my head, I thought to myself, "I've never kissed anyone," Ulrich said as we sat in the woods, scared for our lives. Maybe he just said it cause he wanted to kiss me. I looked over towards Aelita and she looked down into her lap.
"Who's next?" I asked. "Who hasn't gone?"
Ulrich looked around, "Odd, how about you pick someone?"
"Why me?" He asked.
"Cause you haven't given someone a dare,"
"Alright," he said.
I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows, "alright, a truth I guess, I mean I'm a bit immobile," I shrugged.
"What really happened in the woods?" He asked crossing his arms.
"What!" Ulrich said. "Nothing happened," he said shrugging.
Yumi looked at Ulrich and me, the room was very hostile and silent, Jeremy looked peeved too.
Aelita stood up. "Maybe we should play a different game!" She went to the cabinet and pulled out a deck of cards. "Here anyone wanna play goldfish?" She asked.
Jeremy stood up and pointed at Ulrich, "did you kiss my cousin? I said red zone!"
"I did not!" He lied.
"We made a pact!" Odd said.
"I cannot believe you," Jeremy said standing up and putting his hands on his hips.
"Red zone?" I asked. "What do you mean? You told them they weren't allowed to kiss me?"
"You kissed?" Odd asked.
"I didn't say that," I crossed my arms.
"I think you guys should go, Tovah needs to rest!" Aelita said standing up. "Bye guys!" She said opening the door.

Bzzz bzzz
I looked down at my phone and saw Odd calling, my ankle was feeling better. "XANA alert," he said annoyed on the phone.
"I can come to get you," he said.
"I can't walk," I said. "What am I gonna do?"
"I'll carry you? I don't know, I guess we'll figure it out, but we have to get there soon,"
"Fine," I said a little annoyed with him still.
He came to my room and I looked up at him, "are you still mad at me?" I asked. "No, why would I be?" He asked as I pulled my blankets off.
"I'm still in my pajamas,"
"That's okay," he said nodding.
He helped me out of bed and I put my arm over his shoulder and we went through the halls, he walked and I limped.

We made it to the factory and we got into the scanner, as we made it to Lyoko, my ankle felt good as new.
"Thanks for coming, Odd," Ulrich said spitefully. He looked over at me and gave me a slight smile, I rolled my eyes and pulled out my blaster.
This was my fifth time on Lyoko, I walked up to Yumi, "this is getting old fast," I said.
"What you kissing Ulrich?" She said before running and throwing her fan at a tarantula. I shot my blaster at a hornet before doing a tumble to cover Aelita.
"Tov, this way," we got on the vehicles and I held onto Ulrichs waist
"I'm not mad at you...I just wish you-" I fell off the bike and skidded across the desert floor.
One of my other abilities is anti-gravity, so I was able to jump really high and run over blocks and boulders and stuff, pretty handy. So as I stood up a tank came towards me I jumped over it, Odd shot it with his laser arrows and we got Aelita to the tower.
Tower Deactivated. Luckily, I avoided awkward chit chat.

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy: ninth Grade student.

As we were walking back to school Yumi grabbed my arm, "so, what do you think is happening between those two?" She asked.
"I don't know, I said she was red zone,"
"What does that mean?"
"She's my cousin, so like...I wouldn't...I don't want them drooling all over her. It's annoying,"
"I thought you didn't care,"
"Well I do, I don't want those two, well Odd drooling all over her,"
"Well I like, I like Ulrich as a friend," she shrugged.
"Well, then why do you care?"
"Well..." she shrugged as we got to the gate, "cause I want him to like me," she shrugged.
"At least things with Aelita and I are going well," I smiled.

I knocked on Tovah's door and peeked my head in
"You did really well out there today," I smiled. "I wanted to talk,"
"Thanks," she said drawing in a sketchbook. "What's up?"
"Well I won't tell anyone, but did you kiss Ulrich?" I asked.
"Yes, and I'm kinda..." she started to tear up as I sat next to her. "Upset,"
I put my arm around her, hugging her.
"I'm sorry, Ulrich can be a jerk,"
"Yes, I...I was in the woods because Odd rejected me for the dance so I was wondering,"
"Maybe they aren't meant for you," I said softly.
"Maybe, sorry we haven't been close for these years, I like hanging out,"
I looked at my cousin and thought for a second. "I agree," I smiled. "I feel like we've gotten to get to know each other better and understand each other,"
She hugged me and we sat back in bed talking about camp and her mom and how the last missions went.
I think things were going to be okay.

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