Blast to the past

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Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy ninth-grade student.

"I think we should break up," Ariel said abruptly. "What?" I asked looking over at her. "Why?"
"You know why, it's not really a why, more a who," she said shrugging, she began to walk away and my jaw was dropped. What did she mean? I began to walk to math and I sat down next to Ulrich in class. "What's wrong? No seconds at breakfast?" He asked. "No, my girlfriend- well ex now, just broke up with me," I shrugged looking over at Tovah and Aelita as they sat down. "Never mind," I shrugged. "Alright," he said shaking his head. "The dance is this Saturday, do you have a date?" He asked. "Not yet, I think I'll find someone to ask today," I said leaning my head on my desk. "You?" I asked. "I asked Yumi," he nodded. "What did she say?" "She said yes," he smiled. "That's awesome. It's a costume dance, are you guys dressing up?" I whispered. "Oh shoot, I forgot about that," he frowned. "I'm gonna have to figure out a costume quick with Yumi," he sighed. "Meanwhile, I'm gonna have to find a girl to go with," I looked around the class, "you could go with Aelita and Jeremy, I'm sure they won't mind," he said. "No way, I need a date,"
Class ended and we headed to the lunch hall, Tovah sat across from me flipping through her book leaning her elbow on the table, not paying attention to me, "Tovah?" I asked. "Tovah?" I repeated. "Hey?" I waved my hand in her face. "Huh? Oh sorry," she closed her book. "What?" She asked. "Do you have a date for the dance?" I asked. "Oh, I don't think I'm gonna go," she shrugged. "Dancing isn't really my thing and I don't have a costume," she said standing up. "I'll see you guys, I'm gonna go," she said grabbing her bag.
"What's her deal? Why isn't she going?" I asked Aelita, "like she said, maybe dances just aren't for her," Aelita shrugged. "I think it's cause Adam ditched her for Amalia," Yumi said. "What? That's awful," Ulrich said. "Yeah I know," Jeremy said. "Maybe we should cheer her up, invite her to go with us, you know as a group," he suggested. "Odd you don't have a date right?" I shook my head. "Well, I have to go, I have a rehearsal," Aelita smiled. "I'll see you guys," she smiled.
"What costume are you guys wearing?" I asked. "Aelita and I are going as pirates," Jeremy said looking at his laptop, "you?" I asked Yumi, "geisha," she smiled. "Ulrich?" She asked. "Um...I don't know. I need to throw something together. Can you help me Yumi?" He asked. "Sure," she smiled as they got up and they headed up to our room. Me on the other hand I was going as a prince, mostly cause I already had the costume.

"I think we should break up," Ariel said abruptly. "What?" I asked looking over at her. "Why?" I shook my head rubbing my forehead, Deja vu, I felt like I had already done this. "Huh?" I asked. "You know what I mean!" She said stomping away.
I didn't know what she meant, still. I looked at her as she marched away and I walked to class. I sat down and Ulrich looked at me, "What's wrong? No seconds at breakfast? Hello? Earth to Odd. What are you sulking?" He asked waving his hand in my face. I looked over at him and shook my head. "Oh. No" I leaned back in my seat and watched as the teacher started writing on the board.

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"A hamburger? Or a hotdog?" I asked as we walked down the path, "Ew, gross, no way," she giggled shaking her head, "have you ever had tofu?" She asked as we walked into the cafeteria. "Maybe, is it good?" I asked. "I wouldn't eat it if it wasn't," she giggled. "I guess maybe one day we could go out to get some," she said as we sat down, Odd sat alone, sulking it seemed. "Why is he not sitting here?" She asked. "His girlfriend broke up with him this morning," I shrugged. "That's probably why," I suggested. Aelita and Yumi came and sat down with their trays, "hello," they smiled. "Where's Jeremy?" I asked. "He's in the lab working on some new program, one with our diving equipment," Aelita nodded. "Where's Odd?" Yumi asked. "Sulking," Tovah said pointing over at Odd sitting alone. "Weird."

Later we were all by the soda machine laughing about something dumb when Odd sat by himself at a bench, "I'm gonna go talk to him," Tovah said crushing her can and getting up and walking over to him, she sat next to him and they seemed to be talking. I didn't pay much attention afterward.
Aelita and I went to the factory to visit Jeremy and bring him lunch.
"Hey Einstein, hungry?" I asked waving the bag from presto burger in his face. "Starving! Where are the others?" He asked. "Yumi is in the library and Tovah and Odd are, well, I don't know," I said. "Ugh, I don't even wanna know," Jeremy said shaking his head. "Odd needs to not have a crush on my cousin," he said. "I thought you were fine with it," Aelita said as she leaned against the monitor. "Well," he gulped. "I guess, I guess I'm not," suddenly the phone rang and Jeremy looked at it, "I don't feel like talking to him," he said abruptly as he let it ring.

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