The Great Outdoors

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Aelita Stones Kadic Academy: Ninth-Grade Student

"You want to sit together on the bus?" Tovah asked as we headed towards the bus for our trip to the great outdoors, we all hoped that XANA would be quiet that weekend and let us have our well-deserved fun.
I nodded as we climbed aboard, we were the first to claim our seats.
Jim ushered the kids on and made sure no one's luggage had anything it wasn't supposed to have, like Sissi and her curlers.
I waved at Ulrich, Odd, and Jeremy as they got onto the bus, but no Yumi to be found, where could she be?
I looked down at my watch and wondered where she was, we were leaving at nine and it was already eight-fifty, it wasn't like her to be late.

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy: Tenth Grade student

My alarm sounds off at eight fifty AM, I roll over not realizing what day it was, still exhausted from the night before.
We hadn't gotten home until four AM. All of this getting home late couldn't be good for me, I rolled over and turned my alarm clock off, and walked over to my closet pulling out some shorts and a black and white striped shirt.
It was the day of the camping trip...wait the day of the camping trip!
I was late! I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my packed bag and ran, I couldn't be late!
When I made it to school the bus was already gone.
"Great! I missed it, that's just fantastic," I hissed. I looked behind me to see William running out of the gates too.
"You miss the bus?" He asked.
"Yes, I overslept by an hour," I said. "Not like me at all,"
"Yeah I forgot to set my alarm," he said setting his bag on the ground. "And I don't have a roommate to wake me up," he sat back against the gate. "What're you going to do, since you have no plans now?"
"Go home I guess,"
"We could hang out,"
"Us? And do what?"
"The movies, or something, the school is completely abandoned so we have it all to ourselves," he shrugged. I thought about it. "I suppose. I mean what else am I to do all weekend?" We went and dropped our things off and went to go see 'Zombie slayer 2'

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

"Shut up," I said pointing a stick at Tovah.
"Well, I'm just saying it's not very nice to call yourself the smart one in the family! If you're the smart one what does that make me!" She protested. Tovah and I had been getting on my nerves the whole trip, teasing me. It was so frustrating! She was such a pest. "Well you know what that makes you," I said opening my laptop. Ulrich and Odd looked back at us as they set up the tent.
"Could you two stop bickering?" Odd said.
"You think I'm dumb?" She said crossing her arms. "Well at least I have common sense," she said standing up.
"You're such a spaz,"
"A spaz! You're a lame brain," I retorted.
"I'll make you lame!" She said staring at me. Aelita pulled her back, "please! You two are fighting like children. What even happened?" She asked. Tovah walked away and Ulrich walked after her. "She just can't keep...she knows what she did," I crossed my arms.
"Tovah and I have never gotten along. But I guess I shouldn't have called her dumb. It was all my fault, it was silly now that I think about it," I put my laptop away, "no signal," I shook my head.
"Figures," Aelita said.
"Well, what did you say?" Odd asked. "You could apologize,"
"Well we got in a dumb argument and I said she was dumb, but then we just kept going back and forth. Then we just kept arguing. I just snapped at her about not letting me have my friends, like Ulrich. I can see how she likes him," I shrugged. "And it's exhausting. I just want things to be how they used to,"
"Well things change and we can't very well banish her," Aelita said patting my back. "Go find her and apologize,"

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy: Ninth-Grade Student

"Tovah wait!" I called after her as she stormed away from where we had started setting up our tents.
"What?" She asked stopping In her tracks, I grabbed her hand and she jerked away. "Why'd you do that?" I asked.
"I'm just not in the mood," she sat against a tree. "I know I'm not as smart as Jeremy, but he doesn't have to rub it in," she sat her head against her knees and looked up at me. "It's always been, 'Jeremy, you're so smart and you're so amazing,' but he doesn't realize that it's hard being second fiddle, I mean, my parents are doctors. I make good grades, but they'd freak if they knew I wanted to be an artist,"
I sat down next to her, "I understand how you feel, my parents are both successful, and unlike you...the only thing I'm good at is sports. So the only time my father is happy with me is when I'm playing soccer,"
Tovah looked over at me smiling softly, "yeah, it's good to have someone who understands, I mean I wish my parents were around. I feel like they sent me here to get rid of me,"
"I don't think that's why," I stood up and held my hand out to her. "Come on," she stood up and held my hand for a moment, "Ulrich I've been wanting to talk about this...about us..." she started.
"Go on, what is it?"
She opened her mouth to talk but then we were interrupted.
"Hey Tovah...there you are," Jeremy said. "I wanted to, oh did I interrupt you two? Just fantastic," he said rolling his eyes.
"Jeremy, we weren't...we," Tovah turned and went after Jeremy.

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