It's only a fracture

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Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

It was hard at first, you know getting used to Tovah's presence, but I'm getting used to it. Yumi and Aelita seem to like her and she evened out our group. But what was getting on my nerves was my good buddies Ulrich and Odd drooling over her every word. I could tell Yumi was getting sick of it too. But Tovah was cool sometimes, like in our art class, which I was lame in. We were starting to get along, little by little I thought we could do it. I thought we could get on!

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

"You know Odd, I don't think she likes you like that," Ulrich said laying on his bed going through one of his karate magazines.
"Who? Magdalena?" I implored. "Or Shelly? Or...Emily?"
"Don't be lame, you know who I'm talking about," he sat up, "we're both playing on the same field and one of us is gonna get the goal." He said.
"Don't be bleak," I shook my head. "You like Yumi,"
"Yeah, well perhaps I want something else,"
"Something," I asked
"You go for another girl every day." Ulrich looked down and crossed his arms. "We're both being dumb. We're gonna tear our friend group apart, maybe we should call a truce," he shrugged.
"Well, I can't stop her from flirting with me! But yes, truce,"
I got up and wanted to go clear my head, I went down the hall and who do I run into, T. Of course. She's everywhere.
"Hey!" She smiled. "Good to see you!"
"Hey space girl," I nudged her as she moved to walk next to me.
"Another nickname?" She giggled.
"Yeah, I mean you look like a space girl on Lyoko, so you know, space girl is pretty suitable," I smiled.
"I like it, well where are you going? I wanna follow you, I have nowhere else to go,"
"I was gonna take a walk, I and Ulrich got in a little argument." I shrugged.
"About what?" She asked naively.
"Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to talk to you about that," she said taking my hand, she pulled me along with her into the woods.
"So I've been thinking about it for a while, and I've been here for about a month...and I was hoping you'd go with me to the dance coming up," she fidgeted with her fingers and leaned against a tree looking up at me. Her eyes sparkled under the setting sun, she was stunning.
I couldn't stand it.
I felt uncertain, the girl I liked, liked me too, but Ulrich and I made a pact to not hit on her, but I guess it was just meant to happen. I looked around and scratched my neck, "um, Tovah, I...I'm sorry, I'm taking a break from dating," I put a hand on her shoulder trying to be reassuring but I think it just seemed weird.
"Oh..." she looked down and rubbed her arm. I couldn't believe I said that she looked hurt.
"Well, you do what you gotta do," she nodded, "I have to go," she said pulling her phone out of her pocket. I went to go find Aelita.
I knocked on her door to find Aelita sitting on her bed.
"Aelita, I'm frantic, I'm in despair," I whined.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I have it bad for Tovah,"
"Yes," I laid back on her bed and kneaded my hands over my eyes. "She asked me to the dance, but Ulrich and I made a pact that we wouldn't date her. She's so sweet and amazing..."
Aelita looked over at me and patted my shoulder, "well what did you tell her? Something comforting I hope,"
"I said I was taking a break from dating,"
"A break?" I mumbled.
"Now I don't know where she is..."
'Bzzz...bzzz...' I looked down at my phone and saw my phone with a XANA alert. Just incredible.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

I couldn't believe that Odd did that, after everything.
My heart was shattered. I walked through the woods and sat against a tree, taking a break. I was lost. I looked down seeing my phone buzzing and rolled my eyes. This was just my luck, I looked up and saw red flashing eyes coming towards me.

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

"Can you just go find her? She's not answering her phone, something could be wrong," Jeremy said over the phone to me.
I bit my lip thinking of the argument Odd and I had.
"Yeah, I'll go and find her,"
I went and searched through the woods and was met by a pack of wolves, I dodged them and then ducked under a tree.
"Oh hey, good to see you," Tovah said softly, her ankle was at an odd angle and she looked scared.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Long enough, one of them used my ankle as a chew toy," she leaned against me and blinked hard.
"Why are you out here?" I queried.
"Long story," she sighed.
"Well let's try and get out of here," I said standing up looking around. "Can you stand?" I asked.
"I can try," she said scrambling to get up. She let out a shriek and moved to sit back down.
"What happened?"
"I think they broke my ankle,"
The wolves came back around and I pulled her body close to mine to shield her.
I looked up, they soon went away.
"Could I carry you?" I asked, she looked at me with wide eyes and we heard the howling start up again.
"Do you have to? Can we wait..." she asked, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
We sat close and I wondered if this would be the one we got out of.
"Tovah can I tell you something?" I stammered.
"What? What is it?" She asked still holding my hand.
"I've never kissed anyone," I blurted
"Is this confession time, it seems like a bad time?" She asked looking up at me. I wondered if this was a bad time, probably, but when was a good time. "I figure it will get your mind off your ankle," I nodded.
The wolves started circling us again and she hides her face in my chest, but soon they run the other way.
"Do you think they'll come back?" She asked.
"Probably, but let's try and get to the factory," I stand up and move to scoop her up, she's extremely light.
"Is that okay, space girl?"
She nods and we start to hurry down the path but are soon greeted by the wolves. I see a cave and we duck into it, I set her down and look over at her.
"so we're dead..." she said leaning against me. I nod.
"I've never kissed anyone either," she said looking up at me, I wonder if I should, Odd and I made a pact, but we might actually die.
I bit my lip and leaned in and kissed her, it was so good. I felt her hand on my arm and then suddenly...the howling stopped.
I peeked out of the cave and noticed that they disappeared. The tower must have been deactivated.
I picked up my phone and dialed Jeremy, "Jeremy we need a return to the past, Tovah hurt her ankle,"
"Um...we can't," he said.
"Why not?" I asked looking over at the girl sitting next to me.
"The supercomputer doesn't have enough energy for a return trip, plus I just made this program, so if I do a return trip then I'll undo it."
"Oh...well," I looked over at her.
"What's happening?" Tovah asked. "Are we going back?" she asked holding her ankle.
"No..." I said shaking my head.
"But the wolves are gone..." I said. "Come on, let's go back to school, I'll help you."

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

I sat in bed with my ankle wrapped and propped up, my parents couldn't come to the hospital to see me, because they're in Africa being big important doctors, in the Doctors Without Borders program.
So my Aunt and Uncle came to check on me, Jeremy's parents.
I was pretty upset with Jeremy because he didn't do a return trip because of some program.
Jeremy sat by my bed with me, trying to make conversation while we waited.
"How's your ankle?" He asked.
"Bad," I snapped.
"It's fractured, that's what the doctor said while you were asleep. It's not broken," he tried.
"Oh good! Thank you, that makes it so much better," I crossed my arms.
"It's not my fault!"
"Yeah, but you could've done a return to the past. You've done it for Sissi, why wouldn't you do it for me?" I asked crossing my arms.
Then Jeremy's parents walked in and we put on our happy faces, "hey..." they said holding a teddy bear. "What happened?" My aunt asked.
"I fell off of Jeremy's scooter," I looked over at him, glaring.
"Oh, that's no good," She sat next to me and played with my hair. I glared at Jeremy as his mother babied me.


I was driven back to school by Jim and he got me set up in my room, he said he'd check on me every two hours!
I assured him I didn't need to be checked on every two hours. On top of that, I had a worried Aelita circling me.
"Do you want water?"
"Do you want ice?"
"Do you want a magazine? A book? A shoulder rub?"
I shook my head and looked up at her, "Aelita, I'm okay, but I was wondering if I could tell you about what happened in the woods," Aelita looked curious and sat at the end of my bed, she pulled my turtle pillow into her lap and cocked her head.
"What's going on?"
"Well..." I blushed. "In the woods when you guys were on Lyoko, something happened with Ulrich. I'm afraid that Yumi is going to murder me,"
"Why? What happened?"
"Well, we thought we were going to die, and so naturally when you think you're going to die..." I looked down.
"Did you..."
"Yes," I nodded. "He said he'd never kissed anyone and I said I'd never kissed anyone! So we are just in the heat of the moment!"
"Oh my goodness," Aelita giggled putting her face into the pillow. "So do you like him?"
"It's complicated, I was in the woods because Odd told me he wouldn't go to the dance with me,"
"Oh, well, I mean, Yumi and Ulrich aren't together," she shrugged.
There was a knock at the door, "come in,"
Ulrich peeked his head in and smiled, "Hey, I brought you something,"
Aelita looked at me and then at Ulrich "I'm gonna go see Jeremy," she said. "Text me if you need me,"
Ulrich came and sat on my bed, I looked at him and rubbed my hands over my blanket.
"What did you bring me?" He hands me a wrapped box and I set it in my lap. "You didn't have to get me anything," I said looking up at him.
"Well I figured it would help you pass the time, and I know you're artsy and stuff...just open it," he smiled nudging me. I pulled the ribbon and ripped the paper off, I opened the box and pulled out a sketch pad, "Ulrich, that's so sweet," I looked at the yellow sketch pad and flipped through the pristine pages. "You didn't have to,"
"Well I wanted to," he smiled.
"I love it," I leaned forward hugging him, and once more, there was a knock at the door, before I could answer...Jeremy, Odd, Yumi, and Aelita came in. Ulrich pulled away and sat back, I felt a soft blush on my face as I looked up at Odd and Yumi.
"Hey, how's the ankle?" Yumi asked sitting on the trunk between Aelita and my beds.
"Oh it's fine, thanks," I shrugged.
"Do you need anything?" Aelita asked
"Such a mom," Odd laughed.
"Oh, I have an idea!" Yumi said, "to get your mind off your ankle, why don't we play a game?"
Oh no...

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