A Fine mess

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(I included a redesign of Aelita's costume if she was blue instead of pink. This chapter continued into the next😜)

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I sat up as I heard screaming and rubbed my eyes, it was weird, for once I was deep in a nice and peaceful sleep, but I was interrupted by my roommate.
"What's wrong?" I whispered turning on the lamp. "You were screaming,"
Tovah grabbed her glasses and slipped them on looking over at me, "what?" She asked, "I'm fine, it was just a nightmare, I used to have them when I was younger and my mother died," she said nonchalantly as she stretched out. "Your mother died? I'm so sorry," I said as I moved to lay on my side. "What happened?" I asked softly. I didn't really know if it was too insensitive of a question, none of my friend's parents were dead.
"Well, she was sick for a long time," she started, "I was about nine when it happened, my father never really told me what happened. I just remember going to visit her in the hospital after school every day, Jeremy's mom was there too, his dad would pick me up from school and take me from school and take me, my father is Jeremy's dad's brother. After my mother died I stayed with Jeremy and his family for a couple of months, that's when Jeremy and I started getting on each other's nerves. But then when I turned ten I moved to Africa with my dad and he met this woman who is now my stepmom, my school in Africa may have closed down but I also don't get along amazingly with Brenda with my stepmom." She laid back in bed, "I guess we should..." beep beep beep. Our phones both started glowing.

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy Tenth Grade student

An hour and a half later: I was sitting on the ground waiting for everyone to get back, Ulrich sat next to me flipping a coin.
"Heads Aelita comes back first, tails it's Tovah," he flipped the coin as the scanners whined open. Tovah was sat at the bottom of her scanner she stood up and climbed out, then came Aelita who toppled out. Odd walked out of his scanner and looked at the pair.
"Need a nap ladies?" He asked.
Aelita looked at her hands and then her feet, "did I get taller?" She asked, "what's going on?" She asked pulling on her dress. Tovah ran her hands through her hair and then at us, "I think we have a problem," Aelita put her hands on her chest, "these are definitely not mine,"
"Have you two lost it?" I asked. "What is going on with you, Aelita?"
"I'm not Aelita, I'm Tovah," she said looking in the reflection of the scanner. Jeremy climbed down the ladder, "what're you guys doing? We need to get-" he looked at Aelita and Tovah. "You guys okay?"
"They are very not okay," Ulrich said shaking his head.
"We're in the wrong bodies," Aelita said. "Let's get back in the scanners and if we de virtualize again we can fix this, that ought to work,"
"No, I don't think so, your bodies aren't stable, I have to fix this manually," Jeremy climbed up the ladder back to the lab. "I'll be up for the rest of the night working on this!"
"Well we should get back," I said. "Come on,"

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student.

"So, Aelita and Tovah switched bodies," I said as we sat back in bed.
"Yeah, weird, right?" Odd laughed. "The dance is soon, are you gonna take Aelita in Tovah's body?" He giggled. "I bet Jeremy would be furious," Odd pet kiwi as he laid on his bed, it was late at night but neither of us could go to sleep. Tovah and I hadn't been hanging out as much lately, she had been hanging out with some mystery boy in her art club, I knew I couldn't be jealous because I had been spending more time with Yumi lately. "I don't know if we're going together, I think I'm still going with Sissi," I shrugged. "But what happened on your trip to the beach together? Why did she even go with you? I thought she'd go with Jeremy and Aelita to their space thing."
Odd shrugged as he pulled the covers over his shoulders, "I don't know, she was going to stay here, but...I don't know. Let's just go to bed,"
"What did I strike a nerve?" I asked.
"No! I'm just tired," Odd protested.

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"So what do I have to do this morning?" Tovah asked as she went to her side of the closet and pulled out her usual clothes. "Well, you can't dress like you," I said pulling out my clothes and handing them to her, "you have to dress like me. You also need to act like me," she nodded taking my dress and boots. I took her sweater, button-down, shorts, knee socks, and boots and we walked to the showers to get ready.
"What's after breakfast?" Tovah asked.
"Computer club," I nodded as we brushed our teeth.
"Computer club? I don't know if I can swing that,"
"You'll be with Jeremy he can help you, what do I have?" I asked as we walked to get dressed. I pulled on the bra, then the button down and then the sweater, I wasn't used to so many layers.
"You wear a lot of clothes on top," I added.
"Well yeah," she giggled. "It's to make up for what I'm missing if you get my drift," she winked. "I'm not used to wearing a dress. What if I need to run?" She said running her fingers over the material. "You can run perfectly fine In a dress," I shook my head. "What's my first thing?" I asked.
"Art club," she said tying up her boots. "Oh and there's this boy in there-"
"A boy?" I asked. "That you like? What happened to Ulrich?"
"Alright, so what do I do if he talks to me?" I asked.
"I don't know, be natural, Odd is in there so you won't be totally alone. But I have an art show next week so do as little to impact my pieces as you can!" She said fixing well, my hair in the mirror. "How do you live with such short hair?" She asked.
"How can you see?" I asked.
"I know, I have really bad vision," she rolled her eyes. "It's kind of nice to be able to see without glasses,"

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