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Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Tenth Grade Student

We had one class before spring break, which seemed a little pointless to me; but one class was just one class. I commenced walking to class, stuck in my little world. Odd had suggested I come with him for spring break, but that felt way too real, we weren't 'boyfriend and girlfriend' officially, I mean, sometimes we were, sometimes we were just friends. It was complicated. Sometimes I even caught him flirting with other girls, but I mean, could I blame him? I still didn't know where my head was at. I often wondered if he was just doing it to get under my skin, it didn't seem to be working.
I got to class and sat in my usual spot next to Ulrich.
"New shoes?" He inquired, I bounced my head up and down, not paying him much attention, he was always so observant with me, it was nice.
"Yeah, I needed some new boots." I pulled my book out.
"They're cool," he flipped to the page written on the board.
"Where's Odd?" I questioned, hopping right over his compliment, I was somewhat ignoring Ulrich too, I was kind of ignoring everyone, my mind was everywhere except with my friends.
"Didn't he tell you?" He asked. I shook my head no in response, not understanding the question.
"Tell me what?" I asked, not understanding what he meant. 
"He was leaving a day early to go home since his trip was going to take a while. He's spending one week with his family and the other with his grandparents." He explained. "I thought he'd have told you?" He whispered. I shook my head in response, he had certainly not told me. But he had said he wanted to tell me something the night previous, I guess it was that he was leaving early, so much for saying goodbye. 

I leaned my head against my fist as I stared at the board, I was waiting for the bell to ring. I wanted nothing more for the bell to ring and to be released from class. It was the last class of the day before Spring Break, I was going home with Jeremy, for once I wasn't dreading it, Jeremy seemed to be the only person I wasn't constantly avoiding. But I knew that he would rather stay at school than go home.  The bell chimed, and there was a chorus of cheers from everyone celebrating that they wouldn't have to be at school for two weeks. I grabbed my bag and walked to find Jeremy, "What time are your parents coming tomorrow?" I asked. 

"Around lunch is what they said, my father has a meeting in the morning, my mother has something to do, I don't know. I'm just glad the factory isn't too far." 

I shook my head, "You're a workaholic." I replied.
"Tovah!" a voice called, I froze in my place, that voice. I turned on my heel, slowly, I prayed in my head that this was some sort of diabolical XANA attack, plotted specifically at me, that he was going to drag me into the virtual sea or something nasty like that, but no, worse.
I saw my father, he was standing with the principal, uncharacteristically he was smiling gaily, he was like a snake waiting for his prey. I looked back at my cousin before walking over to him.
"What are you doing here?" I investigated, my face unbroken, I should have pretended to be happy to see him, but I wasn't.
"I wanted to surprise you, but I'm heading home and I was thinking during your break you could come home and spend some time with us."
It didn't sound much like an invitation, more like a 'you have to,' kind of thing. "Go to your room and get your things, we leave in forty minutes," he aggravatingly thumped at his watch.
I nodded, powerless to speak. "I'll be here, talking to the lovely Mr. Delmas." He shouted after me. I rolled my eyes after I walked away, my one masquerade of defiance. It seemed weird, the flattery, the showing up out of nowhere, oh my gosh, he was here to sell my kidneys.

"Are you excited to be at Jeremy's?" Aelita asked as she braided Yumi's hair, Ulrich sat on the ground messing with a puzzle cube.
"Change of plans," I pulled my packed suitcase from under my bed, "My father is here." The three gasped, "Why?" Yumi asked. 

"He wants me to come home for the break." I sat on my bed and looked at the three.
"Well do you want to go?" Aelita inquired.
"It's not like I have a choice," I retorted.
"I'm sure you can talk to him," Yumi replied.
"If he's anything like my dad, there's no such thing as discussing a problem," Ulrich replied.
"Exactly," I crossed my arms. "It's gonna be a nightmare, does anyone have anything I can use to put myself to sleep with on the plane? Like a hammer?" I questioned.
"I'm sure it will be fine," Yumi pat my shoulder, "you'll be able to see all your friends." I nodded in agreement, but her statement would imply I had any friends or at least ones who still wanted anything to do with me.
"I should go, forty minutes means fifteen. I'll see you all after I get back from my trip to hell!" I said after shutting my door behind me.
I exhaled, trying to calm down. "The person who's breathing is me, I am the person who is breathing," I told myself. Halfway down the stairs, I bumped into Sissi.
"Hey, I know you won't be too far away for the holiday so I was thinking you could come to my house, I know crazy! An actual house, we could have a sleepover- you don't look so good." She tilted her head. "Is everything okay?" She implored curiously.
"My dad is here, I'm going home with him for a week," I answered plainly. I didn't know really what else to say.
"That's a downer," Sissi answered. "You can always call me if you want to talk." I didn't understand the animosity towards Sissi, she was a very nice person who seemed to just be misunderstood. "Here," she took her beaded bracelet off, "take this, it's good luck," she slid it on my wrist, Sissi squeezed my hand, I appreciated the compassion.

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