Fainting Spell

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Aelita stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I woke up in a cold sweat I had had another nightmare, it was my fourth this week, I sat up rubbing my eyes and saw Tovah sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Did I wake you?" I asked softly. She had a book light on as she glanced over her book, and took her headphones off. "What'd you say?" She asked "I've had my headphones on to mask your screaming," she pulled them around her neck and set her book to the side. "You know when I first moved in you didn't do this...as much, now it's almost every night," she shrugged. "What's wrong? Or...you know,"
"It's nothing, I just, I don't know," I shrugged. "I should get back to sleep I guess, what time is it?" I looked over at the clock, "four? Two more hours of sleep," I sank back into my pillow and got some restless sleep.
Tovah opened her book back up.

Beep beep beep.
"Morning," Tovah cooed as she shook my shoulder, "any more nightmares?" She asked. "No, I slept okay," I sat up and went to gather my clothes to take a shower, "are you coming?" I asked. Tovah nodded, "yes, yes," we walked down the hall to the long line to the bathroom. "Look who it is, the screamer," Sissi said imitating the painting, "can you keep it down at night? You're keeping me from my beauty sleep!" She shrieked.
Tovah stood up on her tippy toes trying to get in her face, "you're gonna need to sleep for a million years to get any sort of beauty sleep!" Tovah narrowed her eyes. "Keep your attack dog in check!" Sissi snapped. I looked at T as she leaned against the wall, "Thanks..." I said nodding softly.
She shrugged. "No biggie," we finally got into the shower and we both went into the separate stalls and started our showers. All I could think about was the nightmares that I had been having, they were really plaguing me. I couldn't go through my day without having one of these episodes. I felt dizzy as I was getting out of the shower, I had my robe wrapped around me and Tovah was talking to me about French class, but I didn't know why but suddenly I felt extremely faint. I collapsed to the ground, out like a light.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: Ninth grade student.

One minute I was talking to Aelita about French class and the next she's out cold! I picked her up, holding her at an odd angle so her feet were somewhat dragging on the ground, I mean she was taller than me, so this wasn't the easiest to 'carry' her.
Miss Hertz was on duty while we were taking showers so I flagged her down, "Miss Hertz! Aelita...she passed out," I held her up as I talked to Miss Hertz, "oh dear," she got up and went down the hall to find Jim, he came down the hall and took Aelita from me. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked. "Yes, yes,"
Miss Hertz reassured. "Go get dressed, breakfast in fifteen,"
I went down the hall to my room and was met with Odd and Ulrich.
"Nice robe," Odd laughed.
"Thanks," I said looking down at my frilly pink robe, it wasn't very me. But I liked it.
"Isn't it a little late in the morning to just now be getting dressed?" Ulrich asked leaning against the wall, "sleep in?" He asked. "Not that I don't like your robe," he giggled.
"No, not at all, I barely slept. Aelita kept me awake, her nightmares and screaming," I crossed my arms covering my semi-exposed chest, it was a short robe. Not that there was much to look at anyway. I felt a blush spread over my face, "we were in the showers and Aelita passed out. It was really weird, should I tell Jeremy?" I asked.
Odd nodded, I opened my door and the two of them followed me in. "Um...yeah, can you guys wait outside?" I asked. "Unless you were planning on watching?" I asked rolling my eyes. "If not, I'll see you at breakfast!" I said as I shoved them out of my room. I got dressed and then went to Jeremy's room.
"Jeremy," I opened the door, "Hey, ready for breakfast?" I asked. "Oh, um, Aelita she got sent to the infirmary this morning, she passed out in the showers," I sat down on his bed. "Jeremy? Jeremiah?" I got up and shook him by the shoulders. "Pay attention," I crossed my arms. "Still waking up?" I figured he was deep in his work or something so I went to the cafeteria.

"Hey Space Girl, dressed I see," Ulrich said I sat down. I set my tray down, "Have you guys talked to Jeremy today?" I asked.
"No, maybe he's skipping breakfast or something," Odd shrugged.
"I went in his room and it's like he was ignoring me, I was trying to tell him about Aelita but he was all stiff," I sipped at my hot tea. "Weird, right?"

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