Forking down the last of his scrambled eggs and toast, Izuku placed the dirty dish in the sink and slipped his wallet out of his back pocket. His father was surely out of money by now.


 Tentatively, he tread into the living room on his tippy-toes and deposited a few thousand yen on the table, hopeful he could leave for school and not see the sleeping man until the next day.


 Hisashi was laid out on the couch, clothes rumpled and dirty, and his hair was tangled like it hadn’t been brushed in weeks. He smelled of week old musk, dirty socks, and stale beer, and Izuku’s nose withered at the horrible concoction. Would it hurt to take a shower once in a while?! How was he even allowed into the bar looking and smelling like he did?


 Izuku made to move away, but a groan from the couch halted him in his tracks. He stiffened up, hoping that if he just stayed still, his father would roll over, fall right back asleep, and the threat would pass.


 “Ugh, fuck, my head is fucking killing me,” came a harsh whisper from behind.


 Izuku wanted to cry.


  Maybe I can still get away, he hasn’t noticed me yet. If I just be as quiet as possible, I can grab my things and run out of the door.


 Izuku pulled in a steadying breath. Right. Yes. I just have to get to my room. I can do this.


 Izuku took an experimental step, increasing the gap between him and his father by a measly inch. He took another step, and then another, but he didn’t manage to get much farther before, “The hell? Is that you, Izuku?”


 He cringed, turning slowly to offer his father a wobbly smile. “H-Hi, f-father. I, um, I-I left some money on the table for you, so…”


 Hisashi was sitting up on the couch now, the dark circles under his eyes wrinkling as he squinted at Izuku, and then over at the table. “You’re the one that’s been leaving all the fuckin’ money, huh? Shoulda figured. All you seem to do is cower and kiss ass, damn pussy.” Still, Hisashi leaned over and snatched up the bills anyway.


 Izuku felt irritation flicker to life in his gut, but he stamped it down. The last thing he needed right now was another confrontation with the man.


 “Um, yeah. Anyway, I’ve gotta- uh, s-school, so…” Izuku tried another step forward, hitching his thumb over his shoulder in an, ‘I gotta go that way’ gesture.

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