Bonus Part! (+ Q&A)

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As stated in the previous chapter, I am doing a bonus chapter! This will not follow the story, but explain what has happened after the main story ended, with each of the sides.


After staying with the Sides and Thomas for a few weeks, Valeri parted ways. Though Virgil was upset by this, he knew he would see his brother again, and wouldn't have to wait. Valeri and Patton exchanged numbers, and kept in touch, talking about the older boys travels, and what Virgil and the other sides had been up too.

Valeri's travels mainly consisted of long road trips and weekends away with friends. He went around Europe, and to the UK, and visited Florida as much as he could. Visits to Florida were always the best, and the others were always happy to see him.

Virgil and Patton:

Without Valeri, Virgil was upset, but he couldn't be happier with his caregiver and boyfriend by his side. He texted Valeri every day and managed to find times to video call with him. Virgil decided to start an Instagram account, for struggling or closeted littles and would offer support and tips to them. He found it a great use of time, and always felt an overwhelming feeling of pride when someone complimented his efforts or found his help useful.

Patton was proud of his baby boy and was happy to offer his own support with Virgil's Instagram account when needed. The two spent a lot of time together, in and out of little space; doing puzzles, watching movies, colouring, everything, and both were happy and comfortable in the others company.


After some time, Roman began to join in with Virgil's little activities. He would play dress-up with the emo and have Logan pose as a fearsome, but boring, dragon witch, allowing the little to assist him in "slaying" the fiend. With the subject of Logan, Roman finally confessed to the nerd. The Prince had been pining over Logan for a while, and finally worked up the courage to confess his feelings. The two eventually started dating, which just made the roleplaying wit Virgil a lot more fun.


After getting with Roman, Logan seemed to hang out with Virgil a lot more. The two coloured together, and Logan allowed Virgil to sit on his lap as he worked when Patton or Roman were busy. Virgil liked sitting with Logan, it was quiet and he usually fell asleep cuddled up to the logical trait. Patton and Roman regularly found the two asleep at Logan's desk, his laptop displaying some sort of document with his phone propped up playing a cartoon for Virgil.

Logan did a lot more research on age regression and soon became very knowledgable in the subject. He helped Virgil with his Instagram and even made his own blog on experiences and tips for other caregivers and Littles.


Janus helped the others with Virgil's regression, using his knowledge from the time he was the emo's caregiver to assist when he was being stubborn. Virgil liked to hang out with Janus occasionally, mostly when he was in his youngest mind and usually sat playing with his hat or nibbling at the snake sides cloak. The two liked eachothers company, but seeing them together was rare.

Thomas and Isaac:

Little Thomas loved to play with Virgil. When the host was regressed he and the emo  colour together, Isaac watching over them. Thomas and Virgil were often found curled up on the couch together, a cartoon playing on the TV, and Isaac asleep beside them.

Thomas and Isaac finally came public with their relationship, and Isaac started to appear more in videos. The fanders loved it, and Isaac loved having a bit of spotlight on himself.


During the time this story took place, Remus had no idea about any of it. He didn't notice Logan's yells of confusion, he didnt notice the amounts of sippy cups and stuffies left around, he didn't notice Janus disappearing for hours on end. The duke spent most of his time in the imagination, creating new creatures and environments.

When he did finally find about the emos little space, not much changed. Virgil liked to hangout with his caregivers, and Remus couldn't be trusted by himself anyway, let alone someone who would need extra care. However, sometimes when the others were all busy, Remus would take Virgil to the imagination. He would create creatures for the little, and places for him to explore and play in, they enjoyed the little time they had together.

Hey there! Payton here! Thank you guys so much for reading this story, and i hope you enjoyed. It was fun writing this bonus chapter, and i might write more in future, with little oneshots with the characters. Let me know if you have any ideas :)

Also! Im going to do a Q and A. So please leave your questions for all the characters in this story in the comments after their name (below) thank you :)

Virgil (big):

Virgil (little):






Thomas (big):

Thomas (little):



And Me! If you have any questions, story related or not, leave them here, thank you:

(I'm gonna keep this open for a year :) -8th jan 2021)

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