Part four:

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After the group had finished eating, Patton took the littles to go play again. They were playing a game of chase, the two smaller boys running after Patton, as he jogged ahead of them. 

Patton ran slowly, as to let the little's get him, Virgil caught up to the moral side, and jumped at him the two fell to the ground. Patton laid on the ground, Virgil on top of him.

"You caught me!" Patton giggled.

"I fast!" Virgil smiled.

"Yes you are you little monkey," Patton started tickling Virgils sides, causing the younger to squirm around and giggle loudly.

Thomas came running up to them to see what all the commotion was about, and was soon pulled into the tickle war. Both of the littles were squealing and giggling as Patton tickled them. Virgil and Thomas started squealing for Patton to stop.

"P-Pat Pat, sstopp!" Virgil squealed, still giggling.

"Who's Pat Pat? I'm the tickle monster!" Patton laughed, tickling Virgil and Thomas more.

"I-Isaac! Help us!" Thomas called through his laughs. Isaac laughed as he walked over to the tickle pile, joining in and tickling Thomas.

"Nooo, traitor!" Thomas squealed as he was pulled onto Isaac.

The four finally stopped the mini war after a few more minutes, and Isaac and Patton laid on the floor with their littles on their chests, everyone panting as they caught their breaths.

"The tickle monsters have been vanquished!" They heard as Roman walked up to them.

"W'oman!" Virgil called as he looked up at the prince. Roman sat beside Patton, and Virgil crawled onto his lap.

"I like this version of Virgil" Roman joked.

"So do I, he's adorable," Patton agreed, booping Virgil's nose.

A little time passed, the five freinds just sitting on the grass, cooing at the littles as they crawled around them. Virgil had decided that now was the perfect time to have a nap, so he crawled onto Roman's lap and curled up. The princely side ran his fingers through the little's hair as he drifted off. Patton cooed and unwrapped his cardigan from his shoulders, gently laying it over Virgil like a blanket.

Thomas was still hyper, so was running around with his arms out, pretending he was an aeroplane. Isaac stood up and scooped Thomas up from behind, placing this little on his shoulders and holding his hands out. Thomas giggled as Isaac ran around, making aeroplane noises. The caregiver slowed down and took Thomas off his shoulders, holding him gently.

"The aeroplane has come into landing, preparing departure," he said as he placed Thomas on Pattons lap.

"It was a safe landing, thank you for flying Sanders airline," Patton giggled, wrapping his arms around Thomas' waist. Thomas giggled and curled up to Patton, holding his shirt gently, his eyelids drooping slightly, before snapping up. Isaac sat beside Patton and ran his fingers through Thomas' hair, hoping that it would calm down the energetic boy and he would settle down for a nap.

Both of the younger boys were asleep. Virgil was on Roman's lap, and Thomas on Patton's. Isaac took Thomas from Patton and stood up, holding the little tightly.

"Let's head home, get these two all comfy in bed," he suggested, and Patton nodded, standing up also and offering a hand out to Roman. Roman, still cuddling virgil, stood up with the help of Patton, and the three went back to their picnic spot.

Patton packed everything  away and, making sure he had everything, started the short walk home. During the walk, there was small chatter between the three caregivers, mostly about the littles and other things they would have to do to care for them.

"I've already made a list of rules for Thomas, you will probably need a few for Virge as well Pat," Isaac said.

"What sort of rules will they need?" Roman asked .

"Well, things like no naughty language, always tell a caregiver when you are upset, or need something, dont be afraid to ask for help, just things like that," isaac explained. Patton and Roman nodded.

"Punishments and rewards should also be constructed, things like later bed times and movie nights as rewards, and time outs and no sugar after dinner for punishment" isaac explained further. The other two nodded, and they continued to discuss rules, rewards and punishments for the two littles.

They finally arrived home after a little while, and Patton opened the front door.

"Horrible to see you," Hissed a familiar voice, and the three turned to see Janus sitting on the kitchen counter. "Logan totally isnt in a bad mood, you better not avoid him," the snake side adviced, smiling at the sight of the sleeping Virgil.

"Thanks Janus, we'll keep an eye out," Patton chirped, smiling softly.

"You're totally not welcome, it wasnt my pleasure," Janus hissed, adjusting his cloak as he jumped down from the counter.

After hearing the familiar hiss off the snake, Virgils eyes fluttered open, and he turned his head to see his old caregiver, bursting out into sobs at the sight.

Um... hi there? It's been a while, and I'm sorry about that, but here is a chapter. It's kinda short, but im gonna try and get another one out soon. Thank you guys for the support of this book so far, it means alot :) (this is also not edited, so I apologize for that 😣)

(Finished: ???.2020

Edited: Sept.2021)

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