Part Nine:

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Valeri had been staying with them for a few days now, and Virgil had not been happier. He loved seeing his older brother, both in and out of little space, and the bond between the two had not been stronger. Patton had been watching the two interact and loved seeing how happy his baby was, and he had gotten to know Valeri quite well. For example, Valeri had gone to a few other states and even visited the grand canyon, both Virgil and Patton had gasped excitedly after hearing this news. They had all gotten very close in these few days, and Pattons injury had pretty much healed fully, so to surprise the small emo, Valeri and the father figment decided to take him to the funfair which had recently arrived in town.

"Kiddo? Its time to wake up Virgie," Patton said softly one morning, gently shaking awake the emo. Virgil sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes "Morning pat" He yawned "Is there a reason I have to wake up so early?" The emo asked. "Its nearly 11 o'clock Virgil," Valeri said from the doorway "Yeah its too early, I usually get up at 3 in the afternoon," Virgil said, looking up at his older brother. "I noticed, now get ready, Patton and I have a surprise," Valeri said chuckling, before walking out of the room. "So bossy" Virgil mumbled under his breath, before smiling up at his boyfriend. "What's this surprise then?" He asked, "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?" Patton giggled, booping the smaller boy. Virgil groaned softly and leant his head on Patton's chest, the father trait gently running his fingers through his baby's hair. "Let's get dressed baby boy," Patton said softly, earning a small whine from Virgil before the emo finally detached himself from the moral trait and stood from his bed. Patton stood up and walked over to Virgil's closet "what do you wanna wear kiddo?" He asked, looking back at Virgil, who was chewing the sleeve of his onesie. The anxious trait simply shrugged, feeling himself slipping and honestly just wanting to be babied. Patton pulled out a pair of black shorts, a baggy, pastel purple sweater, and a pair of black socks with panda faces, before placing them on the bed next to the emo.

Virgil looked up at Patton and giggled softly. "You want some help kiddo? Or can you dress yourself?" The moral trait asked gently. "Help pwease," Virgil said softly. Patton nodded and moved to help Virgil unbutton his onesie. After shimmying the piece of clothing off, Patton helped the little put the new clothes on, before grabbing him a clean pacifier and handing it to the boy. Virgil popped his paci into his mouth, giggling softly as he was picked up by the moral trait and carried into the kitchen. Patton made breakfast for everyone, the other sides and Thomas having already been downstairs. Compliments were shared around the room as people tucked into the meal, Patton's face flushing pink at the praise. After eating and clearing away plates, Patton, Valeri and Isaac met in the living room with their respective littles.

Thomas was holding Isaacs hand, cuddling the immoral traits arm, as he was yet to be told what they were doing today that was so very exciting. "What we doin' Pat Pat?" Virgil asked his caregiver, looking up at the moral trait. "Well kiddo, Valeri, Isaac and I are gonna take you and Thomas to a funfair okay?" Patton said, looking at each of the others in turn. "Will there be rides?" Thomas asked quietly "Will there be prizes?!" Virgil asked excitedly "Yes, there will be rides and prizes" Isaac answered, causing the two littles to squeal with happiness.  Patton giggled at the two's cuteness, gently holding Virgil's hand as the emo bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet. "Can go now?" A shy Thomas asked from behind his boyfriend, looking up at Patton. "Yes kiddo, let's get your shoes on and we can go" The two littles nodded and scurried over to the door, pulling on their shoes in a hurry. Valeri chuckled, helping his brother tie his laces before pulling him up. The five made their ways out to the car, Isaac taking the driver's seat as Valeri and Patton buckled up the littles. 

Half an hour or so later, the five had arrived at the funfair. Virgil was excitedly spinning around and clapping his hands, whilst Thomas stood to the side shyly. Patton saw his hosts slightly tense body actions and approached him carefully. "Everything okay little one," he asked softly, Thomas nodded. "It's just a shy day," Isaac said from being him "he'll warm up again soon." Patton nodded.

The five made their way to the ticket booth, to buy some tokens for rides. Patton bought the two littles five tokens each, but said he would get them some more if they needed too, and bought himself, Valeri and Isaac a few as well, in case the little wanted a caregiver to go with them. After purchasing the tokens, they walked through the funfair, just getting a good look at the rides. A merry-go-round caught Virgil's eye, as he saw a purple pony next to a blue one. He gently tugged at Patton's sleeve, the fatherly side looking down at the emo. "Can go on dat?" Virgil asked, "pwease?" He added. Patton smiled, looking at Thomas "you wanna go on the merry-go-round kiddo?" Thomas looked up and nodded excitedly, "let's go on there then," Patton said, taking Virgil's hand. The five walked over to the merry-go-round, Virgil immediately trying to climb onto the purple pony. Patton smiled and handed the staff member running the ride two tokens, one for Virgil, one for himself, as Isaac did the same for him and Thomas. "Valewee! Can chu film us?" Virgil asked happily, looking at his big brother. "of course I can little one," Valeri smiled, taking out his phone.

Haha, so, this is only half of this chapter, I still have some I want to add, but it's been so long since I've updated and didn't want to keep yall waiting much longer. The next part of this will be out whenever. 

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