Part two:

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Virgil felt himself beginning to regress and he felt himself shrink a few inches, he was now visibly smaller than Patton and he started to panic. Patton looked up at Virgil, feeling his change in height. 

"Hey, are you ok kiddo?" 

Virgil nodded quickly. "Yep fwine," he said hurriedly. Patton sat up and held Virgil's small hands in his own. 

"Are you sure kiddo? You seem.. a bit different, not that it's a bad thing, I'm just a bit worried." 

Virgil stared Patton in the eye for a few moments before tears began to form in his eyes, he started to cry and took his hands out of Patton's soft grip, hiding his face with his hands. Patton took immediate action and tried to help calm the anxious boy down. "Hey Virgie, it's ok, you remember the 4,7,8 trick I taught you?" Virgil nodded, removing his hands from his face and looked at Patton again, slowly taking a deep breath. 

After he had steadied his breathing, Virgil wiped the tears off his face and looked at Patton again, giving him a half-smile. "Are you ok Virge?" Patton asked, keeping his voice as not to make his friend cry again. Virgil nodded, but he stayed slightly tense. Patton pulled the smaller boy into a hug and gently caressed his cheek when he pulled away. "Are you sure Virgil?" This time Virgil shook his head. 

"I'm sowwy." 

Patton looked Virgil in the eyes, "sorry for what?" He asked gently. 

"Vat I'm wiewd," (that I'm wierd) Patton looked Virgil in the eyes again, 

"how are you weird Virgie?" 

"I'm a wittle... I'm not a big boy sometimes" 

Patton sighed softly, "Is that why you shut yourself in your room sometimes?" Virgil nodded slowly and tears began to form in his eyes again. "Hey, hey, it's ok, is there something that you like to have with you?" Virgil nodded and reached over to his pillow to grab the teddy cat he kept under there. He froze when he felt nothing under there and began ripping the pillows off his bed, throwing them to the floor. There was an empty space where the pillows and cat should have been. Virgil began to panic and hyperventilate. He turned to Patton who tried to calm him down. 

"M-my kitty...H-he's not vere (there)" Virgil stuttered. 

"Shh, it's ok, do you want me to get you one of my teddies while I look for yours?" Patton asked, Virgil nodded and Patton quickly ran to his room, grabbing one of his panda stuffies and a soft blanket. He went back into Virgil's room and handed him the teddy and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. "Her name is Rosie, I'm sure she isn't as good as your teddy, but I hope she can help you like she helps me," Patton said, smiling as Virgil cuddled the small panda.

"Fankwoo Pat Pat." Patton smiled at the small boy. 

"Hey, Virgil?" Virgil looked up at Patton. "What age are you right now kiddo?" 

Virgil held up three fingers: "fwee" he then went back to hugging the small panda teddy. Patton awed at the cute boy and picked him up. He cuddled him for a few seconds before setting him down on the floor. 

"Stay here a second Virge, I'm gonna try and find your stuffie, okay?" 

Virgil nodded "kay-kay," he replied sweetly. 

Patton took the covers off Virgil's bed, looking for the teddy, nothing. He put the covers and pillows back on then crouched down to look under Virgil's bed. Nothing. Hmmm, Patton thought if I was a small stuffie, where would I hide? Patton then looked up and picked Virgil up again. 

"Can I take you downstairs or would you like to keep this a secret from the others for a bit longer?" 

Virgil thought for a moment then replied "secwet," Patton nodded and set Virgil on his bed. 

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