Part Seven:

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Tw? Virgil denying regression

After a few days, Patton's injury was starting to heal. He had been able to stand up for a few seconds, take a few steps, and sits back down again confidently, with the help of Virgil, who would not leave his side. "Kiddo, Im okay, you haven't been regressing for a few days and its worrying me" Patton said, softly taking the Emo's hands in his own. "Im okay Pat, I don't need to regress" Virgil persisted. "You and I both know that isn't true baby boy, you regress for a reason and its okay to relax if you need to" Patton tried to argue. Virgil just shook his head, before standing from his place on the sofa. "Do you want a cookie or something?" He asked the moral trait, ignoring Patton's arguing. Patton finally sighed and nodded. As Virgil left to the kitchen, Patton looked at Roman and dipped his head slightly, understanding, the prince followed the emo trait.

The creative side leant over and grabbed the jar of cookies from an overhead cupboard before Virgil had the chance, earning a small whine of protest from the emo. "Roman I need those for Pat" He said frustrated "I know, but someone is too small to reach the overhead cupboards" Roman said making Virgil roll his eyes. "Im not little right now Ro, just give me the cookies" Virgil argued. "Not without the magic word" Roman answered, using his not-up-for-debate voice. Virgil sighed "Can i please have the cookies Roman" He said in an almost inaudible tone, "Im sorry? i cant hear you" Roman teased "Please can i have the goddamn cookies Roman?" The emo said, his voice raised. The creative side smiled and handed the jar over to Virgil, who snatched them up and stormed away "Your welcome!" Roman called jokingly, following Virgil back into the living room. 

Virgil sat back down next to Patton and handed him a cookie from the jar, who smiled and bit into the sweet treat. "Did i hear you talking back to Roman there baby?" Patton asked "N-No..." Virgil answered shyly. Patton hummed softly "Are you sure?" Virgil shook his head. "If you say so kiddo" Patton took another cookie and snapped it in half, watching as Virgil's attention focused on the cookie. The moral trait ate half of the cookie, holding the other out slightly. "If you want it Virge, you gotta apologize to Roman" he said softly. In response, Virgil pouted and crossed his arms. "C'mon kiddo, please just say sorry, then you can have some cookie" Virgil whined softly " 'm big! Don't need t' apologize" he said, stomping his foot slightly and turning away from Patton. "Are you sure Virgie? I don't think big boys throw tantrums do they?" Patton said sternly. Virgil's pout faltered slightly, before he looked at Patton, then turned away again, hiding the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes. Patton sighed "Virgil, I just want you to say I'm sorry to Roman okay, you're not in trouble..." he said softly. " 'm sorry Roman... jus' didn't wan' leave pat pat..." Virgil mumbled quietly, slipping into his little space. Patton pulled the boy into a hug, cupping his cheeks softly and wiping away his tears. "Its okay kiddo...  well done, I'm proud of you" Virgil smiled softly at the praise and nuzzled into Patton's side, hugging the fatherly trait with no intention of letting go. 

The two sat cuddling for a little while, Patton happy that his baby had finally allowed himself to relax and regress. Roman had turned on the Steven Universe movie, a movie which both boys liked, big or small, so Patton and Virgil sat singing to the songs together. "Im gonna be right by your side no matter what" Patton said softly as their favourite song ended, looking down at his little. "No matter what?" Virgil asked, looking up at Patton innocently. "No matter what" Patton replied, kissing Virgil's forehead and booping him on the nose. The little giggled softly and hugged his caregiver, the two continuing to watch the movie as Virgil gently drifted off to sleep.

Patton smiled down at the emo as he summoned a blanket and laid it over him. Virgil shifted in his sleep, his head came to rest on Patton's chest as he clutched his caregivers shirt in a gentle grasp. Patton hummed softly and ran his fingers through his little's hair, gently untangling the few knots he had. "I love you baby boy" The fatherly trait whispered softly "love 'ou too daddy..." Virgil mumbled sleepily in response,  making Patton smile, before drifting off to sleep himself.

When Virgil awoke a few hours later, no longer in little space, he looked around, not seeing Patton in sight. He sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly, before peeling back the blanket that covered his legs. The sounds of people talking quietly could be heard from the kitchen. Curious, Virgil stood up and traipsed to the other room, where Patton stood talking to someone, someone who was not a side.

The man was taller than Patton, and appeared to be older, maybe five or six years, maybe more. He had short brown hair and brown eyes, which when the light hit them perfectly  appeared to have specks of purple. He was wearing a leather jacket and black ripped jeans, with a my chemical romance shirt, and purple converse. Virgil tilted his head at the man, observing him further. The way he held his hand on his hip, the other propping him up against the counter as he laughed with Patton. He had a gray satchel slung over his shoulder, the straps adorned with pins and badges, each from different bands, places and countries. The man looked across at Virgil, his lips turning up into a smile.



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