part eight:

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Virgil sobbed as he looked up at his brother, the older man smiling softly, his arms open. The younger brother threw himself into Valeri's open arms, his sobs growing louder as he cried. "Hey bud, you miss me?" Valeri chuckled softly, holding his brother close. "S-so much" he replied, nodding into Valeri's chest. Valeri smiled as he ran his fingers through Virgil's hair "I'm sorry for being gone so long little one" The older whispered, "I got so caught up... I'm so sorry..." Virgil looked up at his brother with sparkling eyes and nuzzled into the taller boys neck "don't apologise Val... I've been okay" he mumbled quietly. Virgil looked up at Valeri once again "how did you-..." he was cut off by his brother making a gesture with his head towards Patton. Virgil sobbed again as he broke away from his brother to hug his caregiver "thank you thank you thank you!" He cried happily, squeezing the father trait tightly "thank you Pat..." the emo repeated, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. "My pleasure kiddo, anything to make you happy," Patton said softly. Virgil looked up at his brother and made grabby hands for him. Valeri chuckled and picked up Virgil, the emo immediately burying his face into his brother's neck. "Aww... baby boy-" Patton and Valeri said at the same time, cutting themselves off and looking at the other. Patton gave Valeri a blank look, making a shiver go up the older man's spine.

Virgil, now fully regressed, clung to his brother, but his eyes kept flickering to Patton, conflicted on who to choose. He went to make grabby hands at Patton, but then remembered that he had his brother again, and didn't want to leave him. The little started to cry, his emotions getting the better of him as he looked at both of his caregivers. Patton was immediately at his side, rubbing small circles on the emos back in a comforting manner. "You don't have to choose Virge, we can all go and do something together, how does that sound?" The fatherly trait said softly. Both caregivers chuckled when Virgil nodded, his hand moving to hold Patton's hand as he stayed in Valeri's arms. The three moved upstairs to Virgil's room, and the little immediately hopped out of Valeri's arms and pulled out the box from under his bed. He popped a pacifier in his mouth and grabbed a few photos of Valeri and him from when they were younger, holding them up to his brother. "You kept them...?" Valeri said softly, carefully taking the photos from his brother "mhm! Wan'ed to look at th'm sometimes" the emo said quietly, jumping up onto his bed. Patton sat beside the little and handed him his stuffy, which the boy took eagerly and hugged to his chest.

The two caregivers sat with Virgil between them as Virgil caught up with his brother. Patton sat to the side, just watching then talk and laugh, only interacting when talked to directly. In all honesty, Patton half regretted bringing Valeri here. He was scared Virgil wouldn't need him any more now that his brother was home, and that Patton would just be cast to the side. But, as long as Virgil was happy. Right? "Look, Pat Pat! We gots puppy faces!" Virgil exclaimed, breaking Patton from his thoughts as the little showed him Valeris phone, displaying a selfie of the two with a dog filter. "You look so cute kiddo!" Patton exclaimed, faking his excitement for the sake of Virgil. Virgil turned back to his brother and the two continued to take selfies together with the different filters, Virgil's favourite being one that put a tiny spider on his head.

Patton sighed softly, muttering something about getting a snack before leaving the room. The fatherly trait walked down the stairs, humming softly as he went. He suddenly let out a cry of pain as he put too much weight on his leg, causing him to topple forwards. "Woah Patton!" Isaac exclaimed, catching Patton and taking him to the couch. "S-sorry kiddo, just put too much weight on it is all, don't worry" Patton assured, looking up at the other. Isaac nodded and sighed, taking a seat next to Patton. "What's up?" He said softly, taking the fatherly traits hands in his own "And don't say nothing, I'm not stupid" he added. "I brought Virgil's brother back to make him happy, I guess I didn't realise that they would forget about me" Patton confessed quietly "I know they haven't seen each other for ages, but I think Valeri hates me, and they didn't even realise I had left" he continued. "What makes you think Valeri hates you?" Isaac asked curiously "I don't know, I just... what if he thinks I did a bad job at looking after Virgil? What if he takes Virgil away? What if he doesn't agree with us dating?" Patton rambled "he won't take Virgil awa- your dating?!" Patton looked up sheepishly and nodded "I asked him the other day" he whispered. Isaacs expression softened "you're being paranoid Patton, Valeri isn't going to think you did a bad job, you did amazing, and he won't take Virgil away, Virge won't let him. As for the dating thing, I'm sure he won't care, he loves Virgil and if Virgil is happy, then I'm sure he is too" Isaac explained softly. Patton nodded "thanks Isaac" he said softly "your welcome, I would help you any time" Isaac said softly, kissing Patton's cheek before standing. "You okay to walk on that now?" Patton nodded and stood up cautiously.

A loud sob sounded from the stairs, and Patton looked over to see Virgil running down, his arms out. "Pat Pat!" He cried, throwing himself at the fatherly figure. Patton hugged the little, stroking his hair softly "what's wrong baby boy?" He said softly. "Didn't know where you's was" Virgil said sniffling. Patton smiled and hugged him tighter "I'm right here baby, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," he said, looking up at Isaac and smiling. The immoral side gave his polar opposite a look that simply said "see, you'll be fine" and walked away. Patton grinned and hugged his baby tighter, feeling him calm down immensely. "Pat Pat... can I have some juice..?" Virgil mumbled sleepily. "Of course, orange?" Patton asked softly, and Virgil nodded. The fatherly trait picked up the little and held him to his chest as he carried him to the kitchen. Patton summoned a sippy cup and filled it with orange juice, before handing it to Virgil and taking him back to the living room. "You wanna drink your juice and have a nap?" Patton asked softly, but he got no reply from the little. "He asleep?" A voice said from the stairs, Patton looked up to see Valeri. "Uh, yeah, I think so," Patton said softly, letting Virgil curl up on his lap. Valeri took a seat next to Patton "I heard what you said by the way... I'm sorry it felt like I was going to take him... and I think you've done an amazing job looking after my brother, I've never seen him so relaxed" he said softly. "S-sorry... I get attached and paranoid about my kiddo all the time..." Patton said, looking up at Valeri. "It's fine, I used to be the same, I think Virgil secretly likes having people fight over him," he said jokingly, but they both giggled when they saw Virgil's lips curve up into a smile, that simple reaction answering their question.

I apologise if this is short, I just didnt know what else to add without making it way too long. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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