Answering your questions!

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So I really wasn't expecting any questions, so thank you! Here are the questions and answers, and I will continue adding to it as more questions come through :3

Virgil (big)
Two_nerdy_beans asked:
Do you sometimes feel bad for being a little?

Littlespace is always something I've wanted to keep a secret; I don't think I've ever felt bad about it... but I've always been scared that someone won't accept me, and maybe thought that I should stop, or try to stay big.

Virgil (little)
Two_Nerdy_beans asked:
Did you know that you are so ducking adorable and I wanna squeeze your lil cheeks and I wanna take you on a picnic and horse riding and I love you child

"Hehe... *hides behind pattons leg* fank woo... I gotsta ask daddy, but I wanna do that stuff too!"

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Can I have a cookie? Pretty pleaseeee?

"Of course kiddo! If you've been good that is!"

475747474b asked:
Can I have two 🍪🍪🥺?

"Well of course! Are you feeling dangerous?? We should go be dangerous together."

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
How dare you leave the baby for seven years. S e v e n.

"...I feel attacked... but I'm sorry... things came up, and I didn't intend to leave him that long, I love my baby brother, alot"

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
May we have a onesie sleep over, pretty pleaseeeeee?

"That is an excessive amount of 'e's... but yes... I suppose we can, although we'd better keep this from Patton, he would want to join aswell..."

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Hey, hey Roman-
Have you ever casually, ya know, stabbed a dragon witch?

"Why yes! Multiple times actually! Alot of my quests consist of lots of creature slaying, and the Dragon witch seems to be very persistent in trying for a rematch, I win each time, of course"

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Can I eat your hat? for science purposes-

"...that is obsured... but I suppose if you really want to... remus will just end up eating it anyway"

Thomas (big)
Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Please gimme a hug. You are my idol and I want a hug, please-

Of course you can have a hug! *virtual hug*

Thomas (little)
Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Did you know you are so ducking adorable and I love you so much and I wanna cuddle you all day?

"Cuddles?! I wan' cuddles! Also fank woo ehe... wuv 'ou!"

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Hey, Isaac-

Please be my caregiver, man, your so nice and sweet, and you're a ducking, wait for it, P U P P Y!

"Hehe, I'd love to be your caregiver, as long as Thomas is okay with that of course, also thank you, that's so sweet. Ehe- woof! :D"

Two_Nerdy_Beans asked:
Hey, hey, hey Remus-
Did you know that I love you, little goblin?

"Aww! Why thank you! I am pretty snazzy.
Hey... you wanna go eat Janus' hat together? For... science purposes of course!"

Me (payton)
475747474b asked:
Where did you come up with this story idea and why did you add characters (not hating i wish isaac was real🙃):

"I'm not entirely sure where I got the idea for this story, I believe it came from a role play chat I had with my irl friend, and I decided to turn a small idea from that into a book. It was my first real fanfiction at the time, and became my pride and joy, I'm so happy with how far its come!

The new characters both originated from that rp as well  - Isaac was Patton's brother, immorality, and Valeri was Virgil's, paranoia, (valeri actually went out with Janus for a bit in that rp 🤭) they were new dark sides and two of my favourite original characters. I initially decided to add them to this book as I wanted to balance out the characters, and add more mature sides as well as just experimenting with new characters in fanfiction.

Thank you so much for the question, it actually got me thinking and I wasn't sure i would get any, it means a lot! ^^

(To those who asked questions):

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