Part 9.5

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TW: stern patton, Tantrums
This also hasn't been edited :Þ

After having a go on the merry-go-round, Virgil and Thomas both giggling excitedly, the five made their way to a few more rides and games. Thomas pulled on Isaac's shirt, getting his caregivers attention. "Yes, baby?" Thomas pointed to a hook-a-duck stall "You wanna go hook a duck?" Isaac asked softly, Thomas nodded "wan' hook a duckie." Isaac nodded and got Patton's attention. "I wan' hook a duckie too!" Virgil exclaimed. The caregivers chuckled and began walking over to the stall, tokens in hand. Patton paid for them both to have a go and the attendant handed them the hooks. Thomas held the pole with both hands, stretching it forwards to try and reach a duck. Isaac put his hands over the little's, helping him steady the hook, and they managed to catch a large rainbow duck. Thomas squealed happily as the attendant walked over. "Pick a prize buddy, you can choose anything," they said, making Thomas smile and point to a multicoloured dog plush he had kept his eye on since spotting it. "Words Baby boy," Isaac said softly and Thomas nodded "Can have the rainbow puppy p'ease?" He said quietly to the attendant, who nodded and handed him the stuffie in question. "Thank 'ou!" The three chuckled and waited for Virgil to choose his prize. The emo has picked out a set of colouring pens, which came with a small colouring pad full of pictures of animals. After receiving his chosen prize, the five thank the attendee and walk away to find something else to do.

They went on a few kiddie-coasters and the teacups ride, before deciding to get some food. Valeri stood at the stand, scanning over the menu and reading out suitable options for the two littles. Both Thomas and Virgil decided on hotdogs, so Valeri ordered three hotdogs, one for himself, and allowed Patton and Isaac to make their orders. Patton got a cheeseburger, whilst Isaac got some fries. They all got a can of diet cola each, allowing the two little's to have a treat. Valeri paid for the food and drinks, as the others found a bench to sit at. Virgil shuffled to sit next to Patton, leaving space for his older brother to sit. Thomas and Isaac sat opposite them, Thomas playing with his new stuffie. Virgil looked up at Patton, the moral trait pulling out his colouring book and markers to allow the little to colour whilst he waited for his food. Valeri came over with their food a few minutes later, sitting next to his brother and taking both the little's empty sippy cups. He poured cola into each of the cups, handing them to the respective little. Virgil sat sipping his drink and nibbling on his hotdog, continuing to colour as the others tucked in. "Papa, Virgil isn't eating," Thomas whispered to Isaac, who looked up at Virgil. "C'mon Virge, put your colouring down and eat buddy," he said softly. Virgil shook his head and continued with what he was doing. "Virgil, you need to eat," Isaac said again. Virgil just shook his head again "'ou not my daddy," He said quietly. "Virgil, do as your told, Isaac is right," Valeri said, gently taking the markers from his brother. "No," Virgil said, crossing his arms. "Virgil..." Valeri said warningly "No! Wan' colour!" Virgil said turning his head. Then came the dreaded word, that all children hate "One..." Patton had begun counting, and Virgil didn't want to know what happened when he got to three, so turned back around and began to eat. "Sorry, daddy..." He said quietly, Patton smiled and shook his head "not just to me, kiddo." Virgil turned to Valeri "sowwy Valewee... sowwy Isaac," He said quietly, before turning back to his food. "well done, you can colour when you're done, okay?" Patton smiled, "Okie."

The five finished their food but sat at the bench for a little longer to allow Virgil to colour like promised. After he had finally decided they could pack up to go on another ride, Virgil put the book and markers into Patton's bag and took a final sip from his cup, beginning to stand up. Patton stood up as well, clearing up the table and taking Virgil's hand. The others stood as well, Thomas grabbing Isaac's hand as Valeri took Virgil's other one. "Where would you like to go kiddo's?" Patton asked the two little's. "Can go on the big wheel?" Virgil asked, pointing towards the Ferris Wheel. "Are you sure Virge? It will go high, and you don't like heights," Valeri said to his brother, looking down at the emo. Virgil nodded "I' sure! I wan' go up and sit with daddy and Valewee!" Virgil exclaimed excitedly. "You wanna go on to Thomas?" Isaac asked the host, who nodded "stay wif you though," He muttered quietly, hugging Isaacs arm "of course." They all made their way over to the Ferris wheel, handing over their tokens before climbing into two separate carts. As the wheel started turning, the carts began to rock slightly, and Virgil clung to the bar tightly, his knuckles almost turning white. Patton noticed the little's response to the rocking and gently took one of his hands, Valeri taking the other. Virgil felt calmer knowing his caregivers were there and relaxed. He looked around, noticing they were at the very top. "Look! You can see the whole funfair from up here!" Patton exclaimed, pointing out. Virgil and Valeri both looked around, looking at the funfair below them. It was an amazing sight, the lights flashed, and children were running around excitedly, holding giant teddies. Virgil giggled, he wasn't at all bothered by the height and knowing they were up very high, it was just exciting being taller than everyone else, and being able to look over everything. Soon the carts began to move again, and soon they were at the bottom. The bars lifted and everyone was allowed off. Virgil jumped down, giggling excitedly as he waited for the others to get off. Isaac and Thomas were let out, and soon everyone was thanking the attendant and walking away.

It was roughly 4 pm, and the caregivers had all decided now would be a good time to head home. However, the Little's had other ideas. "Okie Dokie Kiddo's, we've gotta head home now," Patton said to the two. Virgil looked up at Patton and shook his head, Thomas doing the same. "Yeah, we gotta get home and get you two cleaned up," Patton reasoned. "Nuh-uh, wan' stay here," Virgil said, crossing his arms. "C'mon Virge, let's go home and see snakey," Valeri said to his stubborn brother. "No!" Virgil said loudly "I wan' stay here!" Thomas was now copying Virgil, who had crossed his arms. "Thomas, baby don't copy Virgil, we've got to get home," Isaac said to his little. "Hmpf," Was all Thomas said as he turned his head. Virgil had now begun stomping his feet and yelling, making Patton look around panicked and try to calm him down. "Thomas..." Isaac said in a warning tone, which made the little turn his head back and look down guiltily "Sorry Isaac..." He said quietly. Isaac smiled softly and picked Thomas up, resting him on his hip. "Its okay baby boy, just don't do it again, okay?" He said softly and Thomas nodded. "No! No no no!" Virgil had yelled, "I don't wan' go home!" Patton sighed softly "please stop yelling Virgie," He said. "No! Fuck you!" Virgil screamed. As soon as the words had left his lips, he slapped a hand over his mouth and looked up at Patton worriedly. Patton gave Virgil a stern look, a whimper escaping Virgil's throat. "Virgil said a bad word papa..." Thomas whispered to Isaac. "Virgil, you know not to use that language," Patton said sternly, Virgil nodding. "'m sorry... didn't mean to..." He said quietly. "Now, if you hadn't meant to you wouldn't have said it..." Patton began "but, because you apologized I will let you off just this once, but I want you to have some time out when we get home, okay?" Virgil nodded and took Valeri's hand. 

The five travelled home, excitedly chatting about the days' events, and ignoring the small tantrums Virgil had. When they finally arrived home, a 10 minute time out was in order, so Virgil did as he was told, and sat in the corner by himself for the full ten minutes. When the time was up, Valeri scooped up the younger boy and held him in his arms. "Do you want to go watch a movie now little one?" The older asked softly, earning a sleepy nod. All the sides, Valeri and Thomas, all sat on the couch; Virgil was on Janus' lap, and thomas was on Isaac's. Patton chose an age appropriate movie for them to watch, which just so happened to be winnie the pooh, and they all snuggled together to watch it. As the movie played, the littles soon fell asleep, worn out from the days events, happy in everyones company.


(Woah! We are at the end!? I didnt know whether to add another chapter after this, but decided this was a nice place to end. I may add another chapter after this, but without a proper story line or whatever. I would also like to do a Q and A chapter! For all the characters in this book and me :) more info will be in the next chapter)

(Also, an entire 10 chapter book, and only one mention of Remus? My favourite Side?! Howww??)

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