- six -

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two weeks had passed since yunho and mingi had hung out together. they barely looked at each other now, and no one, not even seonghwa, knew why.

"i think we should stop hooking up."

"w-what? but—"

"yunho, why do we do this? we should be going out and falling in love, not hooking up with our best friends."

yunho was at a loss for words.

"i—" yunho paused, trying to come up with something... anything that would let him feel mingi's touch again. "you're right, mingi... b-but.. can we at least do it one last time?"

mingi quickly agreed, leaving him filled with regret.

after, the two laid beside each other, staring at the ceiling.

"i don't think i'll be able to walk tomorrow," yunho joked, hoping to break the tension that still filled the air.

mingi shook his head, got up, and put his clothes on.

"i think we made the wrong decision doing this again... i'm sorry, yunho."

the younger left yunho's room, feeling a wave of emotions hit him. he then sprinted home, not wanting to cry anywhere he could be seen.

"party tomorrow at changbin's... you guys coming?" wooyoung asked.

"i'll be there," san quickly responded.

"me too," seonghwa added.

"me three!" hongjoong exclaimed.

"yeah, i'll come," yeosang said.

"me too," jongho jumped in.

mingi simply nodded in response to wooyoung's question, paying no mind to yunho.

"yunho, what about you?" hongjoong questioned.

"yeah, sure... i'll come."

mingi went to change his answer when seonghwa shot daggers at him, shaking his head no. knowing seonghwa, mingi listened and said nothing.

"perfect! the whole gang will be there!" wooyoung said excitedly.

san looked at the boy lovingly, smiling at how excited he got over such small things, like their entire friend group going somewhere. it truly made everything worth it. all of the dark and lonely nights, they were all worth it. all because of jung wooyoung.

the lunch bell rang just a few minutes later and the group parted ways, yunho going up to sena for the two to walk to class together. at this point, saying mingi was jealous would be an understatement. he missed everything about the boy, from his precious laugh to the feeling of his body up against mingi's own. he wanted to believe that this was for the best, but despite his desire, he felt like it was weighing him down.

as the group split up and walked to their classes, jongho quickly caught up to yeosang, despite already having passed his class.

"yeo!" he called out, causing the older to turn around.

"jongho? your class is back there, what are you doing?" yeosang asked, surprised.

"yeo... i just needed to talk to someone about mingi and yunho... i'm worried about them."

"why? they've done this in the past where they don't talk for weeks at a time."

"yeah, but this time's different. something big happened, and none of us know what it is. what if they don't make up?"

"have they ever not made up though?"

jongho thought about it for a moment and then realized yeosang was right, but he didn't want to leave the boy just yet. something about yeosang was special. all he wanted to do was hold the older, protect him from the world. but yeosang couldn't know that... no one could.

jongho knew he was bisexual. he knew damn well he liked boys and girls. but, he was terrified. he didn't want anyone to know that. his parents would hate him, his friends outside of the little group he was a part of would hate him, and he would probably lose his part time job. telling anyone his secret was just too risky.

"jongho.. you need to get to class, the bell's about to ring."

"shit..." jongho whispered. "see you later, yeo, have a good class."

jongho sped off, only to bump into yunho less than a minute later.

"why aren't you in class, jongie?" yunho asked.

the younger of the two noticed how distraught his friend looked and instead of answering, he grabbed yunho's wrist and pulled him into the bathroom.

"what's wrong?" jongho asked bluntly.

"nothing's wrong, jongie. now, why aren't you in class? you never skip..."

"if i tell you, will you stop lying and just tell me what's going on?"

yunho thought about it, but ultimately knew he had to tell someone about what was troubling him. he had been planning to tell hongjoong, but couldn't seem to get the words out.


"i-i walked yeosang to class... i was heading back and pretty much right before i bumped into you... i realized i couldn't do it, i couldn't go to class."

"why not?"

"yunho... n-no one knows this... like, actually no one. b-but..." he started, looking around the bathroom to make sure the two were alone. "yunho, i'm bisexual. i-i like yeosang..."

yunho looked shocked about the younger's confession, but quickly changed his demeanor when he noticed the fear on jongho's face. he brought the boy into a hug, hoping to ease his worries.

"i'm proud of you, jongie. really proud of you. thank you for telling me... i'm honored to be the first one to know, even if it was a part of a bribe."

"i-i needed to tell someone eventually... i wasn't going to be able to hold that in much longer."

yunho chuckled lightly, but jongho then changed the subject to yunho's state.

"what's going on, yunho?"


"what happened?"

"we never told you guys... but we had been hooking up. it was really easy to trust him.. i-i thought he wouldn't hurt me if we were just hooking up, but... he did."

"yunho... do you like mingi?"

"i-i did, at first. but as time went on it seemed to be more just for fun and i lost feelings for him. then sena got here and... i-i have feelings for her."

"yunho, you idiot! you just made it clear as day why things went downhill with mingi!"

"w-what? how?"

"you lost feelings and he gained them. mingi likes you, dumbass. and now you like sena, which by the way... we all figured that out pretty quickly. he's heartbroken, yunho. that's why he ended things."

"you really think so?"

"i know so..."

"you're really smart, jongho."

"thanks... now do me a favor and apologize to mingi. you're both in the wrong here, but he's clearly hurting and the least you can do is apologize first."

"i'll see what i can do, jongie. thank you... for real."

"anytime, yunho... anytime."

jongho best boy

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