- three -

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the day dragged on, but soon enough, it was done. it was a friday, meaning there was probably a party of some sort to go to this weekend.

mingi walked over to the tree that had become the designated meeting spot for the friend group, sighing when he spotted yunho and sena laughing together. seonghwa noticed how uncomfortable mingi looked as he approached the group and quickly intervened in the conversation between yunho and sena, honestly a little curious about the girl.

"hey guys, where are yeosang and hongjoong?" mingi asked, noticing the members missing from the group.

"on their way, yeosang had to hang back in class for a minute and joong is waiting for him so they can walk over here together," wooyoung informed him.

shortly after, the two boys made their way over to the group, yeosang sulking a bit. hongjoong on the other hand looked ecstatic for some reason.

"why the long face, yeo?" seonghwa asked.

the younger boy let out a deep sigh and rolled his eyes a bit, causing hongjoong to laugh a little bit harder than he should've, earning a light slap in the head from jongho.

"ouch!" hongjoong yelled, glaring at jongho a moment.

"be nice, hyung," jongho said, causing a blush to form on yeosang's face.

"no but seriously, what's wrong sangie?" wooyoung asked, looking worried about his friend.

"i failed another test in mr. kim's class. he said i have to ace the next three if i want to pass the class."

"oh, i'm sorry, yeo.." seonghwa said sympathetically. "if you want, i might be able to help you study a bit. i can't say i can help you ace anything, but i did have mr. kim last year."

"could you, please? i can't fail this class, my mom will kill me.." the younger said, muttering the last part under his breath a little.

"of course! you can come over on sunday and we can see what you need help with."

hearing seonghwa say this made hongjoong's blood boil in jealousy, but instead of showing it, he changed the topic to the party they had all been invited to.

"so, party tonight at minho's. you're all going right?" he said, turning his head to the rest of the group.

"yeah, i wouldn't miss it," seonghwa said.

"me either," san added.

"yeah, i'll see you guys there," yunho said.

mingi, jongho and yeosang all nodded, signaling that they would be there.

"have i ever missed a party?" wooyoung asked jokingly. "you should come with us, sena! it'll be fun!"

sena's eyes widened at the sudden invite.

"yeah, sena, you'll have a great time!" yunho said excitedly.

"i don't know..." she mumbled a bit, getting a little nervous.

"yeonjun will probably be there. he usually goes to these parties," wooyoung mentioned.

"he does? really?" she asked, surprised.

"he's pretty close to a few of the guys at our school, beomgyu, taehyun and soobin. they always have him and their friend hueningkai tag along. he's friends with one of the host's best friends too."

"oh, what's that guy's name?"

"do you remember changbin? i think you met him once or twice when we were over at yeonjun's."

"oh! i remember him! i think he might actually be in one of my classes!"

"so you'll come?" yunho asked.

"sure, why not? it could be fun."

"i think you mean it WILL be fun," yunho said with a chuckle.

mingi bit his lip, not enjoying the fact that his crush was flirting with a girl they barely knew right in front of him.

"well, i gotta drive sena home. san, you coming with us?" wooyoung asked.

"yeah! see you guys tonight," san smiled, following wooyoung and sena as they waved and headed to wooyoung's car.

yunho followed the trio, making conversation with sena until he reached his own car.

"see you," seonghwa said, turning to the rest of the group. "jongho, yeosang, you guys need rides?"

"no, i'm gonna walk today. it's nice out," yeosang spoke softly, smiling a bit.

"i'll walk with you," jongho volunteered.

"sure," yeosang whispered, blushing a little.

seonghwa smirked, realizing the obvious spark between the two.

"okay, sounds good."

the two boys then walked away, beginning their journey home.

"mingi, how'd you get here today?" he asked.

"same way i always do, hwa."

"alright, i'll drive you home then. joong, you have a way home?"

"it's like you forget i drive," hongjoong joked. "but, yes.. i do, mom."

"hey, i just want everyone safe!"

"i know, i'm playing with you," he said with a laugh.

seonghwa blushed a bit and hit hongjoong's arm playfully, then the three remaining boys went their separate ways. seonghwa and mingi got into seonghwa's car, and mingi immediately let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"mingi... you can't keep doing this. you need to stop hooking up with him."

"hwa, you know i can't do that! i can't resist him."

"it's for the best, mingi. you can't keep on letting him hurt you. i won't let you do this to yourself."

"i don't know how to tell him.. he thinks it's all for the feeling of it, for the fun. he has no clue that i like him like that, i just.. i don't want to ruin things."

"how is taking care of yourself ruining things?"

"i can't lose him, hwa! he's one of my best friends..." mingi sighed out, suddenly feeling a wave of emotions hit him. "i-i can't..."

seonghwa noticed the boy's change in demeanor and decided not to push for more, instead getting mingi and himself buckled in and driving to the younger's house. mingi let his tears fall quietly, only letting out a few whimpers.

this was why he trusted seonghwa the most. the older never pushed too much, he usually just wanted what was best for mingi. he did everything he could to understand and be there, and he never told any of mingi's secrets. mingi was extremely grateful for seonghwa.

the two arrived at mingi's house and unbuckled, then seonghwa leaned over and gave the younger a warm hug. mingi held on tight, squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a shaky breath.

"who's picking you up for the party tonight?"

"i don't know.. i don't even want to go anymore..." mingi admitted.

"mingi..." seonghwa sighed. "i'll pick you up. you stay for a couple hours, that's all. if you still want to go after that, i'll make sure someone is sober enough to drive you home."

"thanks, hwa..." mingi mumbled.

seonghwa ruffled the younger's hair, smiling a bit.

"i'll see you later. get some rest and get ready, i'll be here at 7:30. i'm picking up yeosang and jongho too."

"okay, see you then."

we stan seonghwa being the mom friend

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