Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven / Bryan's pov

She's doing something...

She's slowly breaking the wall down that I spent years building higher and stronger.

This was just suppose to be an assignment. But then we went to being friends, which was fine but now we're fucking... Can I even call it that anymore? Because god damn after three rounds yesterday, the fourth one felt different...

It wasn't just sex, no. I don't regret it but I don't want to go there.

Laying here and watching her sleep. I chuckle, she looks adorable unlike the uptight face she gives people everyday. The little snores that whistle from her plump small lips and Sharp nose. Her thick long lashes resting on her cheek bones. Those freckles that are scattered so perfectly on her face. My this woman has me wrapped around her finger...funny thing is, I seem to not want to let go.

It scares me and believe me when I say nothing has ever scared me. So does falling for her or any woman for that matter has me pissing my pants. I need to give dad call. Maybe he'll tell slap me outta it.

Throwing a glance back to her face, I see her brows has furrowed and her lips in a tight line. What could be the matter now? I thought to myself but my question was answered as soon as her eyes shot open and she moved into a side crunch.

Her period has been a bitch since yesterday. And I had been the softest person I found myself to be.

"You're awake?" She voices her voice squeaky

I smile to myself. "Mhmm want breakfast?" She nods and I stand from my position on the sofa. "Okay stay here. I'll cook something up for you quick." She shakes her head and I frown.

"I just want some fruit loops and berry juice." She says grinning up at me and damn did that grin do things to me.

Two months ago I hated this girl...Now I don't even know what I feel.

"Got it Ma'am. Your meal shall be here soon." I salute her and walk off towards the kitchen, hearing her sweet laughter ring after me.

As I enter the kitchen I find Elizabeth seated with a bowl of fruit loops and a glass of milk. I didn't even hear her movement. Man my ass must have been staring at Harper to long. "Good morning Liz." I greet her

"Ah morning hun. Where's Harper?" She greets back smiling

"On the sofa laying. Just getting her a bowl of fruit loops and a glass of berry juice." I say while pouring the milk into the cereal and setting it aside for a second while I get a glass for her juice.

"Oh my, at least we know she's not pregnant now." The moment those words hit my ears, I swear I turned around so fast. Liz has a teasing glint in her eyes and is smiling at me.

"What?" I baffle out

"She tells me everything dear." She laughs at my confused expression and put a hand on my shoulder,"Go before she throws fit for you taking so long."

Either that or she just heard us? Nah that can't be it. We only always did it when she left the house. But I gotta say there's relief.

I don't say anything as I move my feet to the living room. Alright then.


"I need too use the bathroom. You two take those to the kitchen." Liz announces as we step inside the house.

We left the house at about twelve forty-four this morning. Took a look at Liz apartment, which is surprisingly much bigger than this house. Then took a two hour stroll in the mall, shopping for well things the ladies needed or wanted. I was forced to accept a t-shirt that quoted 'im the boss when my woman says I can be, other times I'm just throwing trashy sass' , we can all guess who bought it. I rolled my eyes and groaned but took it anyway, knowing I'm never going to wear it, unless that is if she forces me.

"Okay mom." Harper replies and places some shopping bags on the island. " Oh I actually got a response from Gabriel about the phone from that guy. He sent me an email regarding some information about him and that he is working with someone named I.NJ. So what now?" she throws her arms over my shoulders and mine immediately go towards her waist. It's been a month I think since we waited for this... finally got something on him but I guess it's a little to late,knowing where we got Haze right now we can't move to that issue yet.

"Finally. But he is gonna have to be put on hold. But if you want we can still go through it? It'll be a break from this assignment. I.N.J, sounds interesting." I say as I move her closer to me. My head bending down to hers. Our eyes lock and I see hers changing its colour....ah my naughty Harper.

"Bryan..." She whispers her fingers scraping at my neck, her breathing heavy. I smirk but move even closer to her lips.

"Psst really Harper you're on your period." She pouts and I can't help but smile after. It's honestly adorable.

"Just a kiss please Bryan." Ah now she's begging, giving me the puppy eyes and still has that adorable pout on her face.

A man just can't resist. Or at least I just can't.

"Just a kiss." I say and lean closer to her, capturing her lips with mine, savouring the sweet taste of her. Biting her bottom lip asking for entrance as a moan escapes from her. Her hands practically choking the back of my neck while she grinds her lower half on me.

Shit Harper!

Pulling away before I do something or before she does something. I peck her lips once and move to unpack the grocery's they bought.

"No fair Bryan!" She playfully yells and I roll my eyes.

"You said just a kiss. I gave you one." I state

"Exactly I didn't ask for just one!" She glares

"But you still got what you asked for." I argue. This could honestly go on forever. And I don't have the energy.

"You're an ass." She shouts and slaps my arm as she walks past me.


"Fine one huh." I smirk waiting for her reaction

"You wish. Yo ass ain't got nothing on Chris Evans. Can we get done now please, I need sleep." She groans and I scoff.

"Ah the american ass. Harper you slept longer than me and your mother." I remind her but she shrugs her shoulders and pulls out her phone going into the email Gabriel sent her.

"Shall we?" She ask but all I do is smile.

Mumbling a 'mhmm' I stand besides her and snake my arm around her waist. Leaning my head on her shoulder as we proceed.

This right here, it what I think I need. But my heart is saying run, you'll just get hurt.

I want to believe that I won't.... In some way I kind of have a hint it won't be bad.

AUTHORS NOTES: Boy am I done for. Two fricken chapters in one day baby! I shouldn't say baby, I never sound right saying it even when I type it out. Eh whatever, what'd you think? Another little moment but this time in Bryan's pov. Harpers up next of course. Enjoy, vote, comment and stay shinning ⭐

Peace out sparkling team 🌟

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