Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six / Harper's pov


I'm about to talk, to break the tension but the door opens and Chief enters with our coffees. This makes me sigh in relief. Handing me my coffee I thank him and he takes a seat next to Mr Hill's who is sat at the foot of Bryan's bed on a chair. I took the opportunity to sit next to Bryan.

"How did you know something was off?" Mr Hills questions Chief and I raise a brow.

He smiled up, looking at me. "Bryan was looking at her with fear in his eyes and just as you got on that plane Davis, I got a call from Agent Mertis. He told me that Haze and his men had ambushed them and escaped." He crossed his arms and I frown, why am I never told these things!

"But Bryan got on his plane as well, how did you two even Catch up?" Querying as I make myself comfortable in my seat., Sipping on my coffee.

I close my eyes for a quick second and focus. This is gonna be a long day. 


"That I can't even answer. I was on my way to Dawn Valley and saw him hailing for a cab. I walked up to him and confronted him, he told me why he was there and I didn't sent him back either, Because I knew I would need his help." Chief breaths and I nod my head in understanding.

"So who exactly is Imran Johadeen? I mean we got brief details about him. But I want to know who is at fault for Bryan being in here right now." I said and I take a glance at him lying there. The doctors said he will be fine as long as he comes out of his coma, otherwise he could worsen.

Mr Hills leans back in his seat and speaks, " He is someone the MPS has been tracking for a year now. We've been watching him and we were also well aware of the stunt he pulled with the Vikings. At that point we knew something would go wrong but I then figured that you guys would have it under control here. You would've if you knew."

This whole time. All you had to do Bryan was reach out to your father. Sign, now you here.

"Mrs Viking, was she truthfully carrying her fetus?" Sir Hill's bites his lips as if he were dreading asking the question.

"Yes Sir." I nod

My throat dries up. And I know I'm not lying but I actually do feel sympathetic towards her. I can't imagine what it would be like to loose an infant. I remember the feel of my hand on her belly, it was just joyful.

"Right. This Andrew fellow is?"

Oh. Okay not an easy question. Not even one I would want to answer but regardless have to. I know he is just doing his job and questioning the necessary information. I'll say, that this just makes it easier for when I tell Bryan about him. So maybe getting it out of the way now isn't such a terrible thought.

I clear my throat and fold my already sweaty hands together." He- he is um,* clears throat* he is my husband. We've been married for six years, I ran away four years ago."

He looks at me, obviously studying my face. And I feel a beed of sweat forming on my hairline. Worse comes to worse, he could now officially hate me.

"I don't want to pry but you know I have to do my duty in querying these questions. What was the reason behind you fleeting?" He pose with a concerning brow then continues," Start from the beginning and please refrain from leaving out anything important, whatever you say, as you are already aware of will be held against him in court." He breaths and I mumble a yes.

Oh I have many, so many that I would rather forget.

Taking a really deep breath and then sighing I answer him with absolute abhorrent in my voice.

"I was the age of nineteen when we got married. To sum it up things were perfect from the moment we met. He proposed at eighteen, my mom gave him approval. We got married and then a couple of months past and things begun to change. He got home drunk, would take his anger or what he called loneliness out on me by- by forcing me to sleep with him." Breath Harper, breath. Come on you got this. You are definitely not the same girl or woman you were six years ago.

You got this. Nice and slowly Harp.

I glance at both Chief and Sir Hills, but there faces are a blank canvas. I know it's not because they don't feel some sort of emotion, it's just they choose not to show it.

Continuing as I fix myself in my seat, " It got even worse after, if I opened my mouth to speak back about anything he didn't like, he would beat me, everywhere and anywhere. He didn't care. Then not long after he would bring woman home and not even bother hiding the fact that he had sex in our bedroom with them." My voice is now coming out heavily as I  breath. Showing my anger as clear as daylight.

Okay. Just breath in and out. Think bout Bryan.

Mhm okay that's helping. Soon my breathe is even again and I relax as I continue. " I ignored it or tried too, but one day I got fed up and confronted him. He didn't like it and raped me again and beat me after. I never told my mom, she had enough going on. So I hid it away from her. He got really messed up too, started doing drugs, woman trafficking and children abuse. I got too scared, thought he would do worse to me. So I ran, took my mom with and finally explained it all to her."

"So even after that he never bothered finding you?" Chief ask

"Guess he was to messed up too. But he found a way to finally come back and hunt me." I whisper but still loud enough for them to hear. I wipe away the small tear drops on my cheeks.

Gulping down the last little of my coffee, I look up at them and bite my lip in agitate.

"We'll look further into the things he has done. And lock him up for good, forever. Don't worry Harper." Mr Hills says as he gets up and walks over to me. My eyes widen as he bends down infront of me and wraps his arms around me, hugging me. I was so surprised, I didn't even get to hug him back.

"Thank you." I smile at them.

They smile back with a nod and I relax in my seat,"Anything else you needed to cover Sir?" I face Mr Hills

"I think that's everything for now. If I do need for information I'll come back." He says and stands up heading to the door. " Goodbye Davien, I'll see you again Harper." We bid him farewell too and with that he leaves.

"I have to get back to the station. You gonna be okay alone?" Chief says

I smile and nod my head.


This day didn't end different from the past week but I did feel a weight lifted from me. Maybe all long I just had to talk to someone about it. And I've known Chief for two years now and well Mr Hills only a few hours but I mean he is after all the man I love, fathers.

The rain outside still pours and with a peaceful mind I close my eyes and drift into a sleep.

AUTHORS NOTES: This chapter took so long and I don't know why. I'm sure there is other things you guys wanted answers for so when I finish the book, I'll put something on my message board. Anyway enjoy, vote, comment and stay shining ⭐

Peace out sparkling team 🌟

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