Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven/ Harper's pov

I scan around the deserted area my eyes falling onto a broody silhouette. Finally all alone with the scumbag.

"Well I've been told by a little birdie you've been looking for me." My voice is littered with vexed. Arms crossed over my chest, my brows pulled together in focus. 

Startled the figure whips around. He backs up which makes me on instinct step one foot forward. Now with his face my way I notice he doesn't look like I imagined, in fact the opposite of it. His sleek black hair tied into a man bun and his eyes a piercing hazel colour that holds no fear. Jaw tightened in annoyance clearly wasn't hoping for company. But then not so much to my surprise a smirk stretches upon his lips, his plum soft looking lips.

My god woman! You need to get some help.

As much as I don't want to admit that, my conscience is correct.

"It's a pleasure to finally see you face to face Ms Davis or should I say Mrs Adams, unless that last name is a name you prefer?" His taunting smile embedded wildly on his face, his bulging arms crossed across his probably toned chest.

I inhale deeply. I hadn't expected that. I honestly thought that for a second I was dreaming this.

Well fuck.

My legs already moving on their own accord. Stopping in front of him, my right hand grasping his shirt into my fist pulling his upper body closer to me.

"You know shit! Now if you want I'll let you go but I never ever want to hear or see you on this damn planet. Kabish?" My words are slow, breaking them down for the rat himself.

He laughs," Nah I don't like." And with that his hand grips my arm that holds his shirt. Twisting my arm and flipping me over onto the ground hard.

Hell that hurt.

Wasting no time I jump to my feet ready to pound this asshole. Fist in the air with his. Just as he throws a punch my way I duck down missing it. Steading myself and giving him a blow to his larynx making him double over with a pained grunt. Using this as leverage I swing myself onto his back, taking us both to the ground. But me still having the upper hand jabs my elbow into his shoulder blade earning a loud growl. I'm suddenly turned over as quickly as one can blink, him straddling me while throwing punches my way. Bringing my forearms up as my palms hold close to the crown of  my head, blocking his punches.

Knowing I have get out of this position. Moving my left leg forward up into a bend and ramming it into his kidney hard. Repeating this with my right leg and then left again. This causes him to stop his bashing at me. Giving me the perfect opportunity to butthead him. Both groaning as that had hit hard impact, possibly brain damage on his point.

Recovering, I shove him a side and get back on my feet. Adding a little more damage to him by kicking him in his genitals.

"YOU BITCH! IMMA KILL YOU!" He yells making me chuckle.

"I'm not the one on the ground asshole. And I will now proceed to taking your unusually attractive self off the face of this planet. Like I promised." My breathless voice creaks out, a scowl etched on my face as I pick my Taurus 9mm out of my thigh holster raising it directly to him.

"You're going to hell!" He barks still clenching his balls.

"See you there then." Pulling the trigger which was aimed at his forehead, killing him in one shot. He should've taken my offer. Which meant still killing him but just a little earlier than this.

Swinging my gun back into my holster and turning to the dead body in front of me. This was so unnecessary, I didn't even get any information from him and now his dead. Bending besides him, I search through his pockets and pull out a beat up blackberry.

It'll have to do. Deciding I can always go through it later. I stand up ready to leave.

"I knew you were up to no good." Whipping out my gun and quickly aiming it towards the person who happens to be Bryan standing a few feet away from me, arms crossed and a scowl dancing on his pretty lips.

Kill me now..

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I return my gun from where I can refrain from kill him too. Crossing my arms over my chest as well.

"What the hell did you do Davis?" He answers my question with one of his obvious questions.

"I was bored and thought why not kill. Might I add it was exceptionally fun. The guy was weak and I got me some good ass meat." A cocky smirk  stretches upon my face and I can tell my ego is getting higher and higher as seconds fly by.

Moving my feet forward, stopping as I reach him. Taking in his expression I can tell he looks mad and yet I don't care.

Or do you, wink wink...

Will you shut up!

"Save it Harper. Why did you kill him ?"

"He was being stubborn." I shrug

"Not valid enough." Glancing over my shoulder he asks, "Who the hell was he anyway?"

"That my friend was the piece of crap bag who came looking for me. Now since you have a car, let's go." Pushing pass him and towards the car. Climbing in, I welcome the heat and lean back into the seat. Seconds later Bryan hops in and starts the car.

"Nothing on him? Where to?" He drives off into the cold air of the night. Sighing as he vividly relaxes. 

Was he worried??

"Nope. Home. I'll check the phone tomorrow and we'll discuss the whole serious Viking dilemma." He nods not saying another word.

Taking that as the end of our conversation. I relax my eyes and enjoy the silence of the night.




Hastily sitting up my blankets falling off the top part of my body. Probably revelling things that I could care less about right from being sleep deprived.


"We got things to do and maybe places to go. So up now." Who I assume is Bryan orders me. I'm to sleepy to even bother recognising.

"No." I mumble falling back down onto the bed, groaning. I hardly got any sleep last night because mum kept kicking me in her sleep.

Suddenly a warm hand clasp around my arm pulling me up into a rock hard chest."Come on...." His hand moves to my hair, probably neatening it "You gonna wake up now stupid?"

"Ya ya in a minute." I mutter my eyes still close as my head rest on his warm comfy chest. "You'll make a nice bed."

AUTHORS NOTES: I'm tired.  So darn tired. I want my bed. Which I Am Already In.  So enjoy, give me your thoughts on the chapter. I'm out!♥ Vote, comment and stay shinning☆

Peace out sparkling team 🌟

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