Chapter five

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Chapter five/ Harper's pov

As promised continues...

"MOM!" I exclaim as I throw myself on her, hugging her.

"Hey sweetie." She lightly laughs hugging me back.

"Argh I missed you so much." I mumble into her hair still holding onto her.

"Maybe you should've visited." She gives me a stern look and I offer her an innocent smile.

Okay so maybe I haven't payed her a visit for like three months but I can't help it. I hardly ever got time off from work, and when I did it was literally like seconds for myself only.

"Ma you know my work takes up all my time." I step aside letting her inside. "I'll take that to the room." I motion to her bag, taking it out of her hands.

"Ooh fancy I get my own room?" I roll my eyes at her, she can clearly see this place is tiny.

"No we sharing." I say as I walk down the small hallway, dumping her bag on the bed.

Great now I have to chase Bryan to the sofa in the living room. Oh he is gonna be pissed, so I believe. Fingers crossed he won't.

As I make my way out of the bedroom I hear mom chewing? Coming into her view, I find her with our leftover breakfast from minutes ago.

"Really Ma ?" I chuckle as I take a seat next to her watching her eat.

"You didn't make this." Oh jeez ouch. But true I can't take credit for Hill's.

Crossing my arms on the island. I glare at her and ask,"So your point is?"

So maybe I'm not the best cook in the world but I'm not that bad. Although I will congratulate Bryan on being ninety-eight percent better than me. Ninety-eight why? because I can also up him with another two percentages. This is me fooling myself.

"Are you eating fast foods again?"  Again?! It was once and only because I had gone through a ridiculously horrible past. God I'm pathetic. Am I ?

Shooting her a look. I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. "Look Mom Bryan might be home in a couple of hours. Please don't make this hard for me. And refrain from doing anything silly."

"You have my word. Who's Bryan? Oh my goodness does my little angel have a boyfriend or better a...."

"No!" I yell glaring tremendously at her. Everytime this happens and she knows my answer. I guess she's just waiting for a guy to sweep me off my feet one day again.

Shrugging her shoulders she gets up and washes out her plate. "Do you have any place you need to be sweetie?" Drying her hands on the dish cloth she continues," If not maybe we can set the sofa for you friend and put on a movie, throw ourselves into bed with snacks." She morphs her face into a what do you say look.

In my head I chuckle knowing that catching up with her would be wonderful. I however have to go down to the station and report about this strange guy appearing on my mom's doorstep and after file the little information we gathered yesterday.

"I'm sorry ma I can't. Maybe later, I need to head out." I take her hands in mine. I know she'll be upset but she has to understand that this isn't a vacation for me,it's work. And when work calls, I Harper Davis am there in a blink of an eye, doing my job as best as I can. Frankly speaking I am a workaholic.

"Of course. I'll see you later then." She mumbles and pulls her hands out of mine, walking to the room.

Sigh. Great this is just fan- frickentastic.

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