Chapter Four

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Chapter four/ Harper's pov

The morning sun that peeps through the bedroom curtains warms me as I become conscious. I open my eyes stretching my sleepy limbs and yarn.

"Harper get your arm off my face." Bryan's voice growls loudly in my ear and I snap my head to the right, him laying there in the bed.


How did he? Why did he? When did he?

Oohh right I opened my big mouth last night. Awesome.

"Sorry, sleep okay?" I ask as I remove my arm from him and sit up in the bed.

"Way better than the first night." He sleepily replies yarning. He sits up as well turning to me. "Breakfast?"

"Not that I care but good. Sounds good, I'll watch while you make our feast." Saying this I pull the covers off me and step out of the bed.

Why does my one foot feel weird?

Looking down to my feet, I realise that I'm missing one sock.


"Of course you will." Bryan answer as he mimicks my second ago movements." You kick your socks off in your sleep?" Glancing up at him, I see him staring at my feet. Amusement clear on his face.

"No you kicked them off." I reclaim glaring at him.

"And how did I do that Harper?" He crosses his arms over his chest, smirking at me.

Urgh why is his smirk so hot?!

That's weird Harper.

I'm about to reply when the familiar sound of my ringtone goes off and I turn to the nightstand behind me, picking it up answering.

"Hey sweetie."

"Mom. Why are you calling me on a different number?"

"Well I lost my phone anyway how are you sweetie?"

"Oh my goodness mom." I chuckle. She's always been clumsy. I miss her." I'm great, you okay ?"

She laughs "Of course I am. I'm at your house. Where are you?"


Did I hear her properly? She's at my house.

I look up and see Bryan making the bed.

He might just be perfect husband material.


He notices me staring and mutters a what and I shake my head, remembering my mother on the other side of the phone.

"Why are you at my house mom? Is everything okay." I know I shouldn't worry because she probably just missed me and wanted to visit but something tells me something is wrong.

"Someone came to visit me the other day, asking for you. I told him you don't live here anymore and that I forgot your address, of course he knew I was lying but he didn't question it. But for the past two days there's this van that kept appearing every afternoon watching the house. I thought I should come and see you, I was worried and scared." I can tell she's worried in her voice. And now I'm suddenly very worried as well.

"Okay um okay, what did he look like?"

"Like Dwayne Johnson, just the bad version." She lightly chuckles

Leave it to mom to describe someone like a celebrity. Apparently to her I look like the younger Courtney Cox. I laugh remembering the day she told me that.

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