8: Under The Stars PT 1-Keefe

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Everyone had gotten a bit bored of the games, and Keefe heard a few people's stomachs growl (including his), so they went to the kitchen to see if there was anything in the fridge to eat. Luckily, Della was there, and she happened to be making an amazing-looking food. "Hi, sweeties! Having fun? I made you some pasta in case you were hungry!"

"Oh we are," Dex responded, then blushed. "Thank you!"

"Before we eat, Foster, can you come into the hall with me? I need to ask you a question about Elementalism for midterms, and you're the only one who is there on time and actually listens to the boring lectures, so..."

"Heres my question: How would you even know if the lectures were boring? You ditch Elementalism all the time!" Sophie joked, but followed.

Biana's POV

     "Linh, remember how we were going to follow Sophie and Keefe if they sounded suspicious? Time to go!"

"Okay," Linh said as Biana grabbed her arm and walked with her, right behind Keefe and Sophie, following as they turned a corner. Biana and Linh moved so they couldn't be seen, and then Biana turned invisible and Linh covered herself up with mist.

"Keefe, what did you want to ta-" out of nowhere, Keefe kissed Sophie on the lips.

Sophie kissed back, but pulled away after a second and said, "What was that for?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to kiss you again."

"Again?!?" Linh whispered.

Sophie looked over to where Linh and Biana were. "Did you hear something?"

"No," Keefe responded.

"Huh, weird. I thought I heard someone talking."

"It's probably just everyone else talking about stuff back in the kitchen." Keefe commented.

"Or stuffing their faces with food," Sophie agreed.

"Yeah, we should probably get back before all the food is eaten." Keefe patted his stomach. "It gets ugly when Keefe doesn't get his food."

Biana laughed quietly. Sophie side-hugged Keefe and then they looked like they were about to go back to the kitchen, so Biana and Linh ran back, appearing again.

Back to Keefe's POV

Sophie and Keefe turned and were starting walking back, when Biana and Linh appeared out of nowhere.

"Where did you go? Again." Fitz asked.

"To the bathroom," Linh said.

"Together?" Tam inquired.

"Hey, don't judge! Hermione went to the bathroom by herself and got attacked by a troll!" Linh said.

"Are we talking about Harry Potter? I love that book!" Sophie said as Keefe and Sophie walked back in.

"Oooh, food! I mean, it was there before, but FOOOOOOD!!!" Keefe said as he dug into his spaghetti and got a piece of garlic bread to go with it.

After the gang finished eating, they played a game of BaseQuest, and then their parents came to bring them home.

~~~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today was the day! Keefe thought as he jumped out of his bed in Candleshade. He was going to ask Foster-He meant, his girlfriend-out! Keefe loved thinking that. Wasn't it funny that his father thought Keefe would never amount to anything, yet he was dating the most powerful elf on the planet? I mean, it's not like this is us getting married and having a child, but we did get each other as our #1, so maybe we will stick together until we get married (if we get married), Keefe thought. And it's not like good-ol Daddio is allowed to know right now, because of Sophie wanting to keep it secret for a while. Though Keefe suspected his father already knew.

He took a deep breath. Since the sleepover was over, and everyone had left the Vacker's yesterday, Keefe got dressed, went to his Leapmaster and shouted, "Havenfield!"

Keefe appeared and knocked on the door, to be answered with Grady. "Uh oh," Leefe muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I said...great to see you again, Grady. You see, sometimes I mumble my sentences, instead of saying them so they are somewhat audible..."

"Well then, it's nice to see you again..." Keefe watched Grady clench his teeth, "Keefe. I assume you aren't here to talk to me in the doorway?"

"No, I'm here to see Fos-Sophie."

"She's upstairs in her room."

"Thanks," Keefe called as he ran up the stairs.

"Foster!!!" Keefe said as he knocked on her door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," he heard her say.

Keefe opened the door to her bedroom to see her sitting on her bed. Keefe walked over to her and gave her a hug, before sitting down beside her and saying, "I was wondering..." Keefe started, then got nervous. "How's your day been?"

"Good," She said. "I woke up a while ago, ate breakfast, the usual. Was there something else you wanted to say? It seemed like you were going to say something else but changed the subject."

"Yeah, I was actually going to ask you," he looked down at his shoes, "Would you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

Sophie smiled and sat up on her bed. "I'd love to! Where?"

"You'll see," he said as he smirked his signature smirk.

"I know wherever we go or whatever we do, it'll be great, so okay."

Keefe touched her hand. As soon as he did that he felt a strong burst of happiness, love, excitement, and so many more wonderful things. He knew they were going to have a great time tomorrow, and he couldn't wait for her to see what he had done.

"Oh, and dress warm."

Thanks for reading! I wrote the whole chapter of this already, and they'll be posted at the same time, so you can continue reading after this, no cliffies. I made them two separate chapters because of I put it all in one it would be about 3,000 words and I didn't want it to be super long, so I decided to split it up. Anyway, thanks for reading! Stay safe, healthy, and stay awesome!

Word count: 1000



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