24: Another Sleepover-Narrator

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     Let's have some fun. :)

     Everyone had their Winnowing Galas that week. Sophie and Keefe shared a romantic dance and kiss, Biana and Tam danced and blushed at each other like nobody's business, Linh and Wylie won the award for Most Awkward Couples, Marella and Dex talked about video games and somehow confessed for each other like the cute couple they hopefully are now, and Fitz talked to some random girl and smiled a lot.

     That pretty much summarized everything that happened. (I should know). But the gang didn't have enough fun, so they decided to have yet another sleepover.

     So everyone packed their bags and headed over to the Vacker's. Marella was unable to come because of her Mom, she was having a bad day and Marella's dad was away and could not take care of her. Wylie was doing simple exercises to refresh Prentice's memory and just tell him about how life is going.

     So the original crew were coming back, only a month later. So many things had changed. People got together, people formed new relationships, people worked together as a team to be strong and won their fight. These not-so-ordinary boys and girls were glad to be hanging out with each other again.

     "So..." Keefe started, "Truth or Dare like the old times?"

     "Why not?" Everyone shrugged.

     Although Keefe scratched his head trying to figure out how he was going to prank and torment his friends when he already knew everything there was to know. But he shrugged his thoughts off and played the game.

     This is going to be chaos, as always, Sophie thought.

     I know, right? Fitz responded.

     Sophie jumped. She didn't realize she had transmitted it.

     I feel like- Sophie was interrupted by Tam mocking Keefe.

     "If you two keep talking like that I'm going to have to assume you're flirting," Tam said in a girly voice, flipping his bangs for added effect.

     "I don't talk like that!" Keefe pointed out, his voice raising an octave.

     "You sure?" Tam said as everyone started laughing.

     Keefe glared at all of them. And then, of course, couldn't stay angry, so he started laughing too.

     "You know what I was just thinking?" Linh said once everyone was calm.

     "What?" Fitz asked. He was curious.

     "So much has changed in this month since we've last had a sleepover. Does anybody else feel like that?" Linh wiggled her eyebrows at Sophie and Keefe, and Tam and Biana.

     "Yeah," they all agreed.

     "So why not get back to playing Truth or Dare and see how much more we can learn and know?" Linh said with a face full of evil.

     "Honestly, you're scaring me," Tam said, gasping and looking behind him like she would somehow be there with a knife.

     "Chill! I just wanna have some fun!"

     "So...Truth or Dare, Dex?" Biana asked.


     "Hmm. This is going to be a hard one," Biana faked. "Oh! Nevermind! I dare you to call Marella and confess to her."

     "Well actually..." Dex started.

     "YOU ALREADY DID?" Biana squealed.

     "No, I just," Dex tried again.

||𝒫𝒾𝑒𝒸𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora