16: Lavender Dresses and Boy-Crazy Messes-Tam/Biana

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Tam looked at himself in the mirror. Casual Black shirt and jeans, he looked good. Hopefully Biana thought so. Tam thought back to yesterday when they were together.

They walked in the park, taking turns talking about random things as they went along. Tam resisted the urge to hold her hand, knowing she probably wouldn't like it. She liked Keefe, or Dex, not him. At least, that's what he thought.

They continued walking, Biana talking and Tam nodding and agreeing every once in a while to what she was saying. Suddenly, Biana fell quiet.

"Is everything alright?" Tam asked, stopping walking.

"Yeah, it's just...I keep wanting to say something and I just keep chickening out."

"I'm here for you, you can tell me anything."

She smiled and it looked like her confidence had been restored. "I wanted to say that...I really like you, and I really hope you do too."

"I really like you too." Tam whispered.



"You know, I was really excited when you got me as your #1, and you as mine. I thought maybe that meant you liked me, but I didn't want to ask and I was too afraid to admit it myself."

"Honestly, I could say the same thing for me. I just didn't think you liked me at all."

"Well, I don't know why anyone wouldn't like you."

He gave her a hug. It felt weird giving someone besides Linh a hug, but it felt good. Different, but good. They continued the rest of their walk holding hands and talking about more random things.

Tam backed out of the memory, sighing happily. A few moments later he heard a knock on the door. "Hi Biana!"

"Hey!" She said cheerfully.

"Want to grab some coffee?" He asked.

"Why not? It's become a favorite...for me at least," she replied happily.

They walked, silently, until they got to the coffee place and ordered. Tam sat down, and Biana headed over to him, she had gotten her drink right after him.

Tam tapped his fingers on the table until Biana asked quietly, "So are we going to talk about yesterday?"

"Sorry. Well maybe...and only if you wanted to...you could be my girlfriend?" He asked, saying the last word a bit high pitched.

"I'd love to!" She smiled.

Tam sighed in relief. "Sorry it was a bit...awkward, I didn't exactly know what to say."

"It's cool, I didn't either honestly. But then we got really quiet, and I thought I had to say something...so yeah."

"I'm glad you did, I have no idea how to start conversations with girls, or how to just talk to them, or people in general. You may have noticed it's not exactly my thing."

She laughed her beautiful laugh and sipped her coffee. "You know how to talk to girls! There was that one time when- well I remember this moment where- well I know there was this one day- okay so maybe you're not the best at talking to girls...but you talk to me!"

"Occasionally...yes," They laughed. "You know, it's really nice talking to you."

That night Tam went to bed with a huge smile on his face, and he felt like rainbows and sparkles had glittered across his world that day. It was honestly strange for him, he wasn't really a rainbow person, and sparkles were much more Biana's style, but maybe that's why he felt like that. It didn't help that literally the whole elvin world was gems though.

Switch to Biana's POV

Biana walked back that night from the boys' dorm, whistling and smiling a face full of joy. She walked into her dorm to be immediately pressed with questions.

"Where were you?"

"Why are you happier than normal?"

"Were you with a boy?"

"I bet it was Tam."

Biana smiled as she moved to sit on the couch. "I like being happy! And I was at a coffee place in the college."

"Alone? Because it seemed like you were dressed pretty fancy when I saw you leave." Sophie commented.

Busted! Biana thought to herself. "I wasn't alone."

"So you were with Tam?" Marella pressed eagerly.

"Fine! Yes I was with Tam. Why does that matter? Don't you have anything better to do than to care about my love life?"

Biana thought she had made a pretty good statement, and then all girls shared a look. "You said 'love life'...that's why it's important." Linh spoke with a grin.

"Also, we kinda don't have anything better to do..."

"You have Dex..." Biana smiled knowingly.

"We're not talking about me right now!"

"Whatever you say."

"So..." Linh interrupted, "does this mean you and Tam are dating?"

"Maybe..." Biana said quietly.

"AHHHHHH IM FINALLY GOING TO HAVE A SISTER! We can go shopping together, talk about things together, brat about how we're sisters together..."

"Umm...sisters? Don't you think that's a bit too soon to be thinking about that?"

"Well...no...Tam really likes you. And so do you. Oh but promise me that for your wedding, I get to be your Maid of Honor!"


"If anyone's going to be her Maid of Honor it's going to be me!" Sophie cut in.

"But me and Biana will be sisters!"

"Well she's my bestie!"

"HEY!!!" Biana shouted. "Do I get a say in this?"

"Nope," the girls replied. "Huh, something we agree on."

"Stop copying me."

"No you stop copying me!"





Biana took that time to sneak away while the girls were all focused on not copying each other and whatnot. Marella was distracted easily because she was commenting on the whole thing like she was a news reporter and this was the new big scoop.

Biana had to admit, she loved her friends for being so happy about this, and supporting her and all that. They really were the best friends she could ever ask for.

"And Tam really is amazing," Biana whispered to herself.

That's the end of that! Hope you liked reading this chapter, I promise there are so many more on the way! Sorry I don't have a definite publishing schedule but I publish when I have time!

Word count: 1048



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