19: Havenfield and Alicorns-Marella

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     "Everyone out, now, that includes Wylie and Fitz." Alden said.

     What side of the bed did he wake up on? Crankypants.

     Once they got there, Edaline insisted on stuffing everyone's faces with mallowmelt and ripplefluffs, which were so. Freaking. Good!!! But Marella couldn't get the thought out of her head of why Alden was so angry.

     "Why was Alden so annoyed when we came? Why did he shoo everyone out?" Marella asked once the group headed outside and into the pastures.

     As everyone sat down near the adorable little alicorns, Linh responded, "Maybe he doesn't want us around the Neverseen, they probably aren't fully locked up and they could probably escape easily and hurt us. Alden is probably just being careful."

     "Yeah, okay. Doesn't make me feel any better, but I'll take it."

      "Hey, I know what'll cheer everyone up!" Sophie smiled. "Why don't we play a game with the alicorns?"

     "Aww, hi babies!" Marella said as she started to pet Wynn and Luna.

They were kinda like dogs, in a way, jumping on you and licking you, and they were so, so soft. It was no secret Marella was in love with them.

The gang played with the alicorns for a while, and soon everyone left, except for Dex, Sophie, Keefe, and Marella.

"Hey, Marella, have you ever ridden an alicorn before?"

Marella smiled. "No..."

"Would you like to?"

"I WOULD LOVE TO!" Marella yelled. "Oh...oops, sorry."

Sophie laughed. "It's okay!"

"Can I ride on an alicorn?" Dex piped up.

"Why not!" Sophie smiled.

"Wait, if they're going then I want to!" Keefe whined. "I can't resist the babies."

     "Okay, then I'll go with you." Sophie smiled.

    Soon Marella and Dex were riding Greyfell, and Sophie and Keefe on Silveny.

     "Aww, look, Wynn and Luna want to fly with their parents!" Marella said as they soared into the sky, trying to catch up with their little wings.

     "Marella, you're going to fall off if you keep moving like that."

     "The question is," Marella smirked, "would you catch me?"

     "Well of course!" Dex responded.

      "You two are perfect for each other," Sophie laughed.

     "WE ARE NOT!" Marella and Dex said in unison.

    "Oh, Sophie look, now they're saying sentences together!"

     "Hey-" Dex started.

     "STOP THAT!" Marella finished.

     "Now they're finishing each other's sentences? This is too cute."

     "I could say the same for you two," Marella said as she looked over at Sophie and Keefe's entwined hands.

     "I just don't want her to lose her balance!" Keefe said.

     "Yeah, right. So how long have you two been together?"

     "A few weeks," Sophie said, before clamping a hand over her mouth.

     "Well this is interesting. Does Fitz know?"

     "That's none of your business, I thought we were talking about you two!"

     "Well-" Started Marella.

     "-This is more important." Dex finished.

     "Keefe, they did it again!" Sophie smiled.

     "You two really should get together."

     "Well, what if I don't like Dex?" Marella stuttered.

     Dex's face turned into a frown. Oh no, what did I do? Marella thought.

     "I'd say you made a bad choice," Sophie answered.

     Dex smiled. "But you do like me, right?" He asked nervously.

     "Why wouldn't I?" Marella responded.

     "You know, I feel like we should go, but..." Keefe started.

     "This is too cute." Sophie finished.

     "Ahah! So we aren't the only ones doing it!" Dex exclaimed.

     And with that, everyone started laughing. And that, my friends, was why Marella knew this was why she loved these people so much.

     But as she looked down at Greyfell and Silveny, she saw them neighing happily. Maybe, just maybe, it was all the magic of the alicorns.

What did you think? Sorry I couldn't publish this yesterday like I said I would, I didn't have WiFi when I had finished it.

Word count: 635



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