15: Love For The Fandoms-Sophie

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    Sophie awoke and did her morning routine like usual, getting dressed and combing her hair before going to eat breakfast. She was about to put some bread in the toaster when she heard a knock on the door. This early? She thought. Must be one of the boys.

     Sophie opened the door, smiling when she saw her boyfriend smiling back at her. "Morning sunshine," he said to her.

     "Morning," she yawned. Sophie was glad she brushed her hair and changed clothes.

      "You seem sleepy," Keefe commented as she moved back over to the kitchen, popping some bread in the toaster.

     "I was up a bit late last night reading, I'm getting back into the Harry Potter series," she replied.

     "The what?"

     She gasped. "How do you not know what Harry Potter is?"

     "If it's a book about some artist with a massive beard, I think I get the point of the book."

     Sophie rolled her eyes. "It's not, and it's time to get you educated. Have you eaten breakfast or do you want to eat some after the library?"

     "Fosttttterrrrr, why do I have to read? I'm good at art, can't you 'educate me' on some famous paintings or something?"

     "That," she replied, "is for another day. But seriously, I can't believe you haven't heard of Harry Potter! Tell me you've at least heard of Percy Jackson."

    "I feel like I should be saying yes, but it's too early for me to think logically."

     "Is it always too early for you or is that just how you are 24/7?"

     "Haha, very funny. I'm sorry I haven't heard of your weird things of paper that hold odd names and all that stuff, but in the elvin world we don't read human things."

     "Well...yeah that makes sense, but you're going to love these books! Grab some toast from the toaster and some OJ, and then we can head over to the library, where you will discover your true love."

     "Why do we need to be in the library though? I've already discovered you, we don't need to go there."

     "Aww, you're sweet. And nice try, but today will not end without you reading at least book 1 of Harry Potter."

     Keefe groaned like the normal Keefe he was, but agreed, and they headed over to the library. "E, F, G, H...h h h h....Aha! Found it! Get to reading, Mr!"


     Sophie watched him as he read, and she enjoyed seeing his face every time the book got more exciting. One time he even yelled, "OMG THERES A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! BUT THAT'S WHERE THE SLYTHERINS GO!" Sophie also enjoyed one of the librarians coming over to 'shush' Keefe.

     Soon, Keefe had finished the book, and that caused him to comment on the fact that Hermione was a definite teacher's pet, to which Sophie came back with the fact that Hermione just loved learning so much that she knew all of the answers to things, and it was hard for her to resist answering to them. And although Sophie was annoyed at their clearly very different opinions on the book, she was still glad that Keefe was exploring fantasies and having fun reading. After all, it wasn't often that Keefe decided to read anything.

     Soon Keefe and Sophie were starting to get hungry for lunch, they had been at the library for a while, and Keefe left with book 2 in his hands. Since they weren't allowed outside the college campus, they went back to the girls' dorm and sat there for a while, eating and talking.

     Soon Biana walked by them and left the dorm, in a nice but casual lavender dress. She looked like she had makeup on, and fancier makeup than usual. Sophie didn't know what that was about, but she was definitely going to be asking Biana about it when she got back from wherever she was.

     Hope you liked this chapter, sorry it was a little short but the next chapter is Tam's POV, and I wanted to do a Tiana chapter and saw this as an opportunity, so here we are. Anyway, thank you all for reading!

Word count: 700



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