4: The Sleepover PT 1-Sophie

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"Alright, Mom, Dad, I'm ready to go to the Vackers!"

Grady and Edaline came running up to meet Sophie at the Leapmaster, Edaline saying, "Okay sweetie! Remember, tell me-" Grady nudged Edaline's shoulder, "sorry, us, exactly who you get. Oh! And what your reaction was when you saw it, and who your #1 is, and who you wished your #1 was, and-"

"Mom, jeez, didn't you already look at the list?" Sophie interrupted, trying hard to stop the conversation from happening before it had even started.

"Well...yeah...but I want to know exactly how you feel when you see it!"

"Alright, I'll call you as soon as I find out. But no...no giggling crazily or talking about...boyfriends."

Edaline looked at her like was crazy. "Like you won't!" Sophie said.

Edaline still looked at her like she was crazy. "Don't believe me? I bet you 50 lusters you won't make it the night without calling or saying anything sappy about my list."

"Ooooo, girl drama! I bet she won't even last 5 minutes." Grady said.

"Aww man! That's a better bet than what I made!" Sophie fake-whined.

"Deal. And Sophie, I bet you 50 lusters you'll come home with a big dopey grin on your face because the boy who's your #1 or #2 will have asked you out."

"Okay, this just got weird...bet's off..." Sophie said. It wasn't like she thought that would happen, she highly doubted it, but her mom sounded like Biana and it was, frankly, a little too creepy for her. Also, her mom had an advantage because she had already looked at the list and already knew who her #1 and #2 were. And every time she mentioned one of the boys, she always gave Sophie one of those all-powerful, all-knowing, 'you'll-get-it-when-you're-older' mom glances.

Besides, those 50 lusters could be put to better use! Like buying a necklace, or a new dress, or-what was happening with Sophie? She had been hanging out with Biana too much.

"Bye sweetie! I'll call you later if you really want..."

"More like if she really wants to..." Sophie muttered.

"What was that?" Grady said.

"Oh, nothing, just super excited to see all my friends!"

She kissed their cheeks goodbye, and yelled, "Everglen!" as the Leapmaster swirled to life and created her beam of light.

~~~~~~~~Everglen, a moment later~~~~~~~~~

     "Hey, Sophie!" Biana yelled from inside the gates to Everglen. "Gimme a sec, I'll let you in."

     She watched as Biana pressed a silvery button and the magnificent glowing gates opened, like they were stretching their arms out to give her a hug.

      "Thanks!" She said. "Oh, by the way I've got something super exciting to tell you! I got my-"

     "Well whatever you're gonna say, maybe you should wait until the rest of the group arrives. Unless it's girl talk, then I'M ALL IN!"

     Sophie rolled her eyes. Classic Biana. "Nevermind. So who else is coming? The whole sha-bang?"

     "Yup! Keefe, Dex, Tam, Linh, You, and Me and Fitz! You're the only one here, besides Keefe."

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