Chapter Twenty Six: Makeup

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Your pov
     A sudden loud explosion woke me up, along with everyone else. Fire nation War ballons launched explosives at us, Aang making sure they wouldn't hit us. Toph and another earth bender made a tunnel for us to which a few entered. Katara, Toph, Suki, Aang, Sokka, and I hopped onto Appa; flying away. "That bastard better get the fuck over here." I grumbled under my breath, trying to stop fire balls from hitting us.

     We flew underneath the warships, catching Zuko from falling. "You better not do that again!" I shouted pulling at his hair.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He shouted trying to stop me from pulling his hair.

"Now's not the time, (Y/n)!" Sokka yelled at me. "Wait until we land at least!"

     After thinking for a moment, I let him go. "This ain't over." I jabbed a finger at him, huffing.

     He held his hands up defensively as we flew far away.


     We made it to a secured area, resting. As they were toasting to Zuko for being of help today, Katara stormed off as usual. "One of these days, I'm gonna yank the stick that's up her ass and beat her with it." I sighed, drinking my tea.

"I'll see what's wrong." He patted my back before following after her.

     I clicked my tongue, turning away. "Ooh, looks like someone's J-E-A-L-O-U-S." Sokka laughed.

"Of what? Bitching Katara? Yeah right." I quickly finished the rest of my tea before standing up. "I'm going to bed."

     He stiffled a laugh, making me flip him off. I laid down in my tent, huffing. "I'm jealous of nothing." I grumbled to myself, shifting around in the bed; almost instantly dozing off.

     Someone was gently shaking me awake, making me groan. "I don't care if it's morning." I huffed, turning away.

"How can you fall asleep that fast?" Zuko softly asked.

"What'd you want?" I rubbed my eyes, getting up slightly.

"I want to help Katara find the man who killed her mom, and I want you to come along." His hand gently stroked my back.

"Why the hell do you want that?" I huffed, pushing his hand away.

"Everyone else seems to trust me, but she doesn't. So, I want to fix that." He pulled his hands into his lap.

"Fuck you want that for, huh? If you care about her so much, then go fuck off." I huffed, pushing him out of the tent.

"Hey-! (Y/n)!" He whisper shouted from outside of the tent.

     I laid back down, a pit in my stomach. I rolled around, now uncomfortable and wide awake. I groaned heavily, trying to force myself to sleep again. I laid there, awake for hours: angry. Soon, the sounds of chirping birds reached my ears; angering me more.
     I got up, and left the tent to go somewhere else. "You're up early. And mad too." Sokka yawned, passing me.

"Fuck off." I grumbled under my breath, kicking his feet out from under him.

     I stomped off to the ocean and created a dome around me so I could breath. My legs crossed themselves as I sat down, watching fish swim past me. 'We didn't even bring Shi with us. He'd probably do some weird thing to make me feel better.' I thought, gazing at the wild life around me.

     Hours past as I continued to watched them, occasionally going up for fresh air. I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the underwater creatures. "(Y/n)!" I heard Zuko shout from the beach behind me.

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