Chapter Twenty: Beach

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A/n: lol keep forgetting to update
Your pov
     We entered the house. I immediately got hit with the scent of old lady. I gagged at the smell as we walked around the house. We now went to the beach. There were too many people here, making me sigh.
     I sat next to Tai Lee since she was the only one I could tolerate here. Boys flocked to the both of us, trying to gain our attention. "How about a hot girl like yourself come hang out with me?" One boy asked me until he looked at my neck. "Hold up. You're from the water tribe? And you're married?" He asked.

"Who the hell said anything about that?" I laughed as I ripped the necklace off and throwing it behind me. "I'd love to hang out with you. But unfortunately, I'm a little tied up at the moment." I lifted up the shackles bounding me.

"Ooh, I love a bit of bondage play." He smirked as I got up.

"Oh, really now?" I smirked as I froze the shackles before breaking them over his head. "Then think twice, dipshit!" I laughed in his face. "The only one that'll be tied up is you when I push your corpse into the sea!"

     He shrieked before he rushed away. I laughed as I watched the little bitch of a man run off. "Ooh, now that your cuffs are off, you have to tell me about your scars!" Tai Lee exclaimed as she got up, leaving the males desperate for her attention.

"Well, if you really wanna know." I put my leg on her shoulder, all too aware that it looked like one of the positions we did. "Some pirate asshole had my leg like this and stabbed my thigh right here." I pointed to the scar on my leg.

"So cool!" She exclaimed.

     I put my leg down and turned around. "Right here, some stupid civilian chased me with a sword for stealing from his shop and cut my back." I moved the hair away so she could see.

"Wow! What about these ones?" She put her hands on my hips where he left the marks. "They have really big hands. Did you get in a fight with a fire soldier?" She asked.

"I get into fights with a bunch of fire pricks!" I exclaimed proudly as I turned around.

"Tell me about your other ones!" She exclaimed.

     I began to tell her about all the stories from the scars I got from battle. Some of them were pretty funny, others were not. But she still listened happily to my stories. "Tai Lee! (Y/n)! Get over here now!" Azula shouted at us.

     We both walked over, well, she walked on her hands towards Azula. "What is it, Azula?" Tai Lee asked as she got back on her feet.

"We're playing next." A smirk on her face.

"What? Little miss boring can't get off her ass and be not boring for once?" I flipped her off.

"Well, I thought you'd be perfect at this game. And, you could totally hit them in the face." Her smirk widening.

"Hell yeah!" Fire bursting from my hands. "Let's beat the shit out of some lowlives!!" I laughed as the three of us along with Zuko got ready to play.

     She told us her plan, not like I really cared. She served the ball to the pigtailed girl's left, which is where they started to lose. We continued to hit it to her left. Zuko crouched down and motioned for me to jump up and kick the ball that was high in the air.
     I kicked it over, knocking all of them over. "Hell yeah!" Zuko and I shouted as we clasped our hand into one another.

     I squeezed tightly on his hand, making him look towards me with a scared expression. I squeezed it so hard he fell to his knees in pain. As I was about to break his wrists, two boys walked up to the four of us. They asked if we'd go to their party, we being Tai Lee and I.
     We went back to the old lady house to eat. Zuko and Mei were leaning against each other, making me gag and lose my appetite. I got up and went to a room to change clothes. After a few minutes, Tai Lee entered. "Don't you know how to knock?" I huffed.

"We're all girls here! So, it's fine!" She exclaimed as she pulled something out to change into.

"And what about half ass out there?"

"Oh, him? He's with Mei, so he probably won't look at you." She obviously didn't know we were previously together, not that she should.

"Yeah. Don't remind me about it." There was a harsh stabbing pain in my heart.

"Anyways, what are you doing? I mean, you were probably gonna change. But I don't see any clothes out." She said as she finished putting her clothes on.

"I couldn't figure out what to wear." I shrugged.

"Well, I'll help you!" She offered and looked through the clothes I had. "Here! This is a nice dress!" She exclaimed and pulled out the oversized shirt Zuko gave to me when he burned mine.

"Ah, I don't know." I didn't want to be reminded of him more.

"Don't worry! You'll look great!" She took off my clothes and put the shirt on me. "Hmm. It's missing something." She rubbed her chin.

"I have a corset over there somewhere." I said as I slipped the sleeves off of my shoulders.

"Oh! You're right!" She pulled it out and put it on me. "There! You look amazing! You might even get a few guys. If ya know what I'm saying." She nudged my shoulder, making me laugh.

"Alright. I'll wear it again." I nodded, making her squeal happily.

     She dragged me out, finding everyone else had changed. "Who's ready to party!" She exclaimed.

"I don't see why we can't just stay here." Mei complained, making me roll my eyes.

"It'll be fun! Let's go, (Y/n)!" Tai Lee shouted as she looped her arm with mine and started to leave the house.

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