Chapter Eight: Shopping

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Your pov
We finally returned to the ship. I fell onto the bed, tired as hell. "What are you doing!? We're close to the avatar!" Zuko shouted once again.

"Dude, I've been up all night. I'm tired as shit. I'm not a damn soldier, so I don't need to go get the avatar with you. I'm gonna be sleeping for awhile. And I don't want to fight if every move I make makes the shirt basically fall off. Take care of Shi." I yawned before passing out.


After sleeping peacefully for a few hours, Zuko stormed into the room. "Dude, seriously... I'm sleeping here..." I grumbled, sitting on the bed.

"I had the avatar in my grasps! If General Zhao wasn't there!"

"Who's that again?" I yawned again.

"I fought him." He wore a 'this is obvious' face.

"Mmm, monkey." I was barely staying awake throughout the conversation. "So did he get the avatar instead of you?"


"Then it's fine. Stop yelling." I laid back on the bed.

"How is it fine!?"

"You still have a chance to get him. Shut up now."

He grumbled before leaving the room, to go train most likely. With him gone, I returned to my peaceful sleeping.


It's been a few days since then. Shi and I were talking by the edge of the ship, looking at the fish swimming by as well. Behind us, Zuko was training with someone. The ship shifted, almost knocking Shi off the ship and the two training hit the edge of the ship.
Both Zuko and I stormed off to the man steering the ship. "No one told you to change course!" Zuko shouted.

"What's your problem, asshole!? Shi almost fell off!" I shouted at him.

"I assure you both, I changed course for something important." The old man said, playing a game with the other crew members.

"Is it the avatar?" Zuko asked.

"No. It seems I lost my white lotus tile." He rubbed his chin.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted at him. "Shi almost fell off because of a stupid tile!?" I shouted before angrily leaving to find Shi.

Once I found Shi, he excitedly talked about the fish over the ship like he didn't almost fall overboard.


We eventually made it to the pier. The old man, Zuko, Shi, and I looked around the shops for his dumb lotus tile. As we were walking, someone put a hand on my lower back. "Excuse me." The man said, moving past me and avoiding the others.

I used my water whip to slap him in the face. "The hell is your problem, bitch?" He raised a fist to punch me.

Before he could even get close, Shi grabbed his hand, bending it backwards. His other hand shifted to a spike, ready to impale it in his face. His once angry expression turned fearful before he ran away. I patted Shi on the back before we continued to look for the tile.


After hours of searching around, the old man got more things than just the tile. As we looked at the many stands, I noticed one that sold corsets. I stopped and admired what they sold. "Interested in anything specific?" The woman asked, setting one down.

"Just anything to keep this shirt from opening up." I said.

"Why'd you stop here?" Zuko asked, behind me.

"To get something to make sure the shirt doesn't keep opening up. Anything would be fine." I told the woman.

"Husband of yours?" She asked me, a smile on her face.

I covered his mouth to prevent him from making a scene. "Just recently." I lied.

"Well, how lovely! I'll look through my selection and find one perfect for you!" She smiled and went to look throughout her collection.

"Why did you lie to her?!" He whisper shouted at me, slightly red in the face.

"I bet you one hundred gold pieces she'll give us a discount." I smirked.

"Why would she-!" He was interrupted by the woman coming back.

"I've found a lovely red and gold designed black corset. It seems to match your size as well. And you won't need help tying it." She held up the corset for us to look at.

"I'll take it. How much?" I asked, bringing my wallet out.

"For the newlyweds, a discount!" She smiled brightly.

I nudged Zuko with a smirk, gaining a sigh from him. I bought the corset and put it on, tying it. It shaped my body nicely while keeping the shirt together without it exposing anything. We left the stand and met up with the old man and Shi. "You ever find that tile?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, this pier doesn't have it."

"Sucks to suck." I shrugged my shoulders. "Meet you two fire asswipes on the ship." I waved behind me as Shi and I returned to the ship.

Once we returned to the ship, Zuko and the old man left on a smaller ship; most likely following the trail of the avatar. I took the corset off before laying on the bed to finally sleep.


My sleeping was interrupted once again by the Prince. "Again, really? If you make this a habit, I'll punch you in the face. The hell's got your panties in a twist?" I groaned, yawning.

"They took our boat." He sighed.

"The avatar?" I groggily asked.


"Pffft. Pirates?" I tried to hold back a laugh.

"Yes, pirates." He put a hand on his face, shaking his head.

"Must've sucked to be you. Walking all the way back." I laughed at him.

"It did suck."

"That's what happens when you make fun of Shi."

"It was one time! Once!" He held up a finger.

"So you admit it!" I jabbed a finger at him.

"No! Urgh! Why the hell are you so difficult?!" He shouted.

"You fire fuckers were the ones who started being difficult! Don't start blaming me!"

"Why is that always the first thing you say!? Fire asshole this, fire asshole that! What's your problem with the fire nation?!"

"Do you want the short or long answer?"


"Why don't you take a look around and every city or any place we ever go to and see how much damn fear you put into everyone? You fire dicks ruined everything all because you wanted power. All for fucking power and control. And don't you dare fucking say I'm lying because I know I'm fucking not."

"That seems too long for a short answer."

"Do you want the actual long answer, asshole?"


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