Chapter Nineteen: Over

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Your pov
     I wish I could've slept, but of course, Katara had to be annoying. As they were talking, the wall busted open. Iroh and the avatar emerged from the hole. Crystals surrounded Iroh and me as Azula emerged from a new hole. She tried to switch Zuko to her side. "If you fucking follow her, you better expect this to be over." I meant the relationship we had.

     He said nothing and watched her leave. Once she was gone, both Iroh and I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." He lowly said as he followed after her.

"You fucking coward! You better not show your face anywhere near me again!" I shouted, tears bubbling in my eyes as I watched him leave.

Zuko's pov
     There was a pang of sadness in my heart as I heard her. Once I was out of sight from them, I rushed after Azula.

     I caught up with her, seeing her fight against Katara and the avatar. I shot fire at them and stood next to her. "If I fight with you, will you keep (Y/n) safe?" I asked.

"Gone soft for the barbarian? You know she'll hate you for this." She taunted me.

"Whatever it takes to keep her safe." I said as we resumed fighting.

"Alright. I will." She said as she shot fire at the other two. "As a bonus, I'll let her stay with you. So you two lovebirds won't be apart." She laughed.

     I said nothing and continued to fight.

Your pov
     I choked on my tears, not wanting to let them fall. "(Y/n)-" Iroh started before I cut him off.

"Old man, I'm not in the mood right now." I huffed and turned away.

     He said nothing as he tried to get out. He succeeded, going to let me out as well. "Go away." I huffed. "Go beat some sense into that stupid nephew of yours."

     He nodded, and rushed off to follow Zuko. I sat in the crystal, hearing footsteps come towards me. In front of me were two agents from Azula's forces. I simply let them take me as we went above ground.
     Up above stood Azula and next to her was Zuko. He called out my name, only for me to turn away from him.


     It's been a few weeks, and now we were going to the fire nation. Before this, Zuko continuously tried to talk to me, to beg me to listen. But all I did was turn away from him. If he was truly choosing them over Iroh and I, I had no reason to listen to him.
     While I was chained up in the ship and on constant supervision from a few guards, I would hear them talking. Some said meaningless things sometimes about food or other things. But one thing that peaked my interest was that Zuko and someone by the name of Mei were now together. Now, I wouldn't listen to him even if he was dying.
     We were now at the fire nation, a lengthy speak about Azula and Zuko was being announced from two elderly woman. It made me scoff, making the guard yank at the chains that bounded my hands. I grumbled as I continued to listen to the trash they were saying.


     I was forced to follow Zuko almost everywhere. I was able to see the fire lord, surprised that they both looked very similar. The only time I wasn't forced to be near him was when he needed 'alone time', which probably meant him being with that boring girl. Thankfully, I was allowed to train with one of the guards in the palace: alone.
     I still wasn't happy about being here at all but if I was, I might as well train my ass off. I kicked the soldiers feet out from under him and straddled his chest, holding his arms above him by his wrist. "Hah! Got you again, asshole!" I shouted as I got back up.

"You sure got me good." He laughed as I yanked him up.

"Of course I did, stupid!" I shouted pridefully.

"I wonder what else you're good at." I could hear the flirtatious smugness coming off from him.

"Like you'd ever know. You're older than me." I shoved him harshly and laughed.

"Age is just a number, baby." He laughed back at me, getting closer to me.

"Prison is just a place, bub." I kicked him in the gut, making him double over.

"What's going on here?" Zuko asked, standing in the doorway.

     I huffed and turned away. "Prince Zuko!" The guard exclaimed before bowing.

"I said what's going on here?" He repeated himself.

"Since you requested time alone, she asked to train." He answered him.

"And you think you can just seduce my wife!?" He shouted angrily.

"Pardon my rudeness, sir. But from what she's said, you cheated on her. And are still doing it."

     I snorted at the bickering that was happening. Zuko grumbled before turning to me. "You." He pointed to me. "Put the cuffs on and follow me." He demanded.

     I grumbled before angrily slapping the chains back on. He grabbed the end of the chains and pulled me along. I muttered out curses as he dragged me behind him. He dragged me to a boat, making me huff. "Ugh. What is she doing here?" Mei grumbled.

"Shut the hell up, you basic boring bitch." I threatened.

"Hey. Don't start picking fights." Zuko tugged at the chains.

"Eat shit and kill yourself." I pulled the chains from his hands, making him fall on his face as I walked elsewhere on the boat.


     We stopped at an island. We went to their old family house on the island, the old ladies welcoming us; more so the siblings. It seems this was a forced vacation of some sort. It was stupid that I had to come along as well, but 'whatever the prince wants' I suppose.

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