Chapter Two: Stupid Fire Soldiers

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Your pov
     He rubbed his chin as he stared at me. "You're more pretty up close it seems." He grabbed my chin and tilted my head. "You'd make an excellent wife. Probably children as well."

"EXCUSE ME!!" I shouted at him, punching him in the face. "WHO WOULD WILLINGLY BE A WIFE TO A STUPID FIRE SOLDIER LIKE YOU!!! I'D RATHER CHEW MY LEGS OFF FIRST!" I stomped on his stomach before someone pulled me back.

"Ah, that's enough. Why not join me for tea?" An old, round man asked.


"No need to shout. Simple tea is all I ask. What do you like? Jasmine? Green tea? Ginseng?"

"Peppermint. Bet you stupid fir-"

"What a lovely choice. We'll get that started." He motioned for one of the soldiers to make it.

     He sat at a nearby table and motioned for me to follow. I begrudgingly did, sitting across from him. He brought out a game for us to play while the tea was getting ready. I flipped him off, not wanting to have anything to do with any of these men.
     He let out a hummed laugh before playing the game by himself.

     The tea was finally finished. "What? Don't you fire dicks know what sugar is?"

"So you like sweets?" He asked.

"What's it to you?"

"I'm personally fond of sweets myself." He motioned for a soldier to bring something.

     The soldier brought a tray with a container along with cookies and more. I eyed him, the sweets, and even the tea. "Believe me, if we wanted you dead, we wouldn't poison you."

     I continued to stare at him. "If I feel even slightly queasy, I'm drowning you." I threatened.

"Seems fair." He shrugged his shoulders. "Just play a game with me." He motioned to the pieces in front of us.

"Whatever." I placed a piece down before eating a cookie.

     He moved another piece, therefore starting our game.


"Another win for me." The old man crossed his arms, grinning.

"You cheated! You had to!" I yelled.

"Have you even played this game?"

"It's because you cheated!"

"Hohoho, you wish. You're just terrible. Like Zuko over there." He laughed again and pointed to the boy I was stomping on.

"That's his name? Pfft, guess all you fire idiots have stupid names."

"Prince Zuko actually." He shrugged his shoulders.

"So? Who cares if he a prince? I'll beat who ever I want."

"So much spirit." He laughed more.

     I finished the rest of my tea and stood up. "So where the hell can I sleep that actually has a bed that's comfortable?"

"Follow me." He stood up and motioned for me to follow.

     I reluctantly did. I turned to see the prince training with a few of the soldiers. Turning to face forward, I followed the old man to a room. The room was simple and had a few fire nation banners hung on the wall. I looked out the window to see the deck, them still fighting before the old man left.
     I took off most of my clothes, leaving me in my under shirt and shorts. I flopped on the bed, leaving the blanket off since it was already so hot. I held the pillow, the scent wafting towards my nose. It was strange, yet calming.
     As I almost passed out, the door opened. I turned to find the supposed prince, Zuko, staring at me from the door. "What do you want now? Was kidnapping me not enough? I almost fell asleep too, damnit." I mumbled into the pillow.

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked.

"Ehh!? Fuck are you talking about? The old man said it was my room." I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Old man? This is my room."

"No way! Bring that old guy in here! The one that cheated in that game earlier!"

     He stormed off to find the man.

     Once he brought the old man back, we started asking questions. "Why is she in my room?"

"Why is this fire prick in my room? You brought me here. So that means this in my room."

"It would be sleeping in the dungeons or here. And you would probably shout and yell at being down there again."

"So you brought me to sleep in the room that prick does too?" I pointed at Zuko.

"Would it be this or down there?"

     I grumbled before turning away, not wanting to listening to this anymore. He laughed, knowing he won yet again before leaving. The door was closed soon after. "That's my bed." He said.

"Piss off. Get another. You're a prince after all."


"Didn't ask. This is mine now." I curled up into the pillow, my back turned to him.

"I won't be able to get one until the ship gets repaired, so you'll just have to make room."

"Like hell I'm sleeping next to a fire boy! Sleep on the floor!"

"That's not your call to make."

"Whatever. Go do you prince things or whatever."

     He sighed before sitting at his desk, doing something. I was grumbling and mumbling about him and how stupid this was.

     It was dark now, meaning I could sleep easier. Which word have been the case if someone didn't kick the bed. "I swear to god if you kick me, I'm ripping your legs off and beating you senseless with them."

"Scoot over." He demanded.

"Go sleep on the floor." I huffed.

"Scoot over. We're approaching our destination soon, and I need rest."

"Whatever." I scooted over, my back towards him, still holding the pillow.

"Did you really need to take the only pillow?"

"Did you really need to kidnap me?"

     He sighed before turning so his back was towards me as well. My head was on the pillow as I still hugged it. I was continuously shifting because of how hot it was. "Are all you fire pricks warm as hell? You're radiating heat like a torch."

"Not my fault."

"It sure is!" I tried to cool myself down.

Opposite Yet So Similar {Prince Zuko X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now