Chapter Eleven: Scars

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Your pov
"It seems like you already met him."

"Yeah! The asshole insulted me!" I shouted.

"Sweetheart, he insults everyone." She groaned like she was remembering something.

"How could you keep this a secret from me!? One of the biggest assholes I ever met was actually my shitshow of a father?!" Balls of water in my palms, already beginning to boil.

"Do you see now why I had to keep it a secret from you?"

"No, mom! I really fucking don't!"

"You're...... focus... you need.. calm.... sweetie..." Her voice was fading as my concentration slipped.

     I continued to yell as I threw the many items around the room. The door opened, revealing Zuko and Iroh. "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Zuko shouted.

"Get the hell out!!" I threw the boiling water at him.

     Instead of water hitting him, it was fire. Shock and fear filled me as I saw fire in my palms instead of water. I screamed, trying to get the fire away from me. Trying to get it away from me only burnt my hands.
     Tears started falling, not only from pain but from the thought of that asshole being my father and having his abilities. Water was dumped on my hands, extinguishing the flames and slightly soothing the pain.


     My damaged hands had finished being covered in ointment and bandaged. I sat and stared at the bandages, the noise around me was static. Shi was gently patting my head as he held me. I was brought back to the trashed room, finding my trophies and many other things scattered around the room.
     I gently picked up the things from the floor and put them where they belong, careful of the wounds on my hands. The occasional pain would shoot through my hands, which I had to ignore.


     It was now nightfall, meaning just about everyone would be asleep. I walked to the edge of the ship and brought water up, covering up my wounds. I tried to concentrate on healing my wounds, but all I gained were more wounds. The burns made their way to my wrists, making me yell and throw the water.
     I huffed in pain before going to take care of my new wounds.

     The next day, I was playing a game with Iroh. I gingerly drank the tea we had. "Your scars must have grown." Iroh said, also drinking his tea.

"Of course not." I lied. "I just suck at putting bandages on. I'm usually not the one that needs them." Now, that wasn't a lie.

"About yesterday-"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Of course." He quickly dropped the subject and continued with the game. "Will you be joining us for music night tonight?"

"Fuck it. Why not?"

     He nodded a response before finishing the game.


     It was the beginning of music night. I grabbed the guitar and started playing it while Iroh sang and the other crew members played instruments. In the middle of the song, someone boarded the ship: monkey faced. I held up the guitar, ready to smash it in his ugly face. "Don't worry, country bumpkin wife. I'm not here for you." He walked towards Iroh.

"For the last fucking time," I made my way over to him. "I'm no one's fucking wife!!" I slammed the guitar over his head before he punched fire at me, which I dodged.

"Why don't you cool down with Zuko?" Iroh asked, slightly pushing me in the direction of the sleeping quarters.

     I shrugged him off before going to the shared room of ours to 'cool down'. "What's got you all worked up now?" Zuko asked.

"I'll rip your limbs off if you so much as say anything I don't like, fuckface." He motioned for me to continue. "My fucking dad is here."

"What?! Who?!" He hastily got up.

"Shut the fuck up!" I covered his mouth. "I don't need you to say it to make it more true than it already is!"

     The door opened behind us, Iroh and monkey face entering the room. "You better not fucking say shit." I muttered to Zuko.

     He nodded before facing the other two males. "I'm taking your crew." Money face said, making Zuko shout. "Be grateful I'm not taking your country bumpkin of a wife."

"You're really going to say that about your-!" I quickly covered Zuko's mouth to prevent him from spilling anything else.

"My what?" He pressed Zuko.

"Your ugly ass face. That's what. Now, fuck off. I'm trying to sleep." I spat at him.

"Making I should take you with then. Force you to fight your own people." A disgusting grin on his face.

"Or you can piss off, swallow a dick, and die." A menacing expression on my face.

     He sighed and shrugged before leaving. "How can he just do this?!" Zuko shouted, fire coming from his hands.

"The next time that asshole calls me a country bumpkin wife, I'll fucking kill him." Fire also coming from my hands.

"It's strange seeing you fire bend now too." His anger seemed to subside as he stared at me questionably.

"It's strange to be fire bending now. I hate you fuckers, and now I'm one of you. Or half of you. Or a mix of you. Or fuck all whatever! Fuck it!" I shouted, the flames getting larger.

"You should rest before you burn my ship down." He motioned for me to calm down.

     I grumbled before laying on the bed. Shi pet my head slightly to comfort me while Zuko sat at his desk, his eyes closed as he rested there.

     A loud creek was heard a few minutes after Iroh left for his walk. All three of us stood up to investigate. We made our way to the bridge, finding nothing. There was a lizard bird outside, which seemed to bring memories to him.
     Explosions made their way towards us. I put water around us to protect us from the blast. We were launched into the ocean, breaching the surface to gather our breath. "I'm fucking killing him." I huffed.

     I brought us to the shore, meeting up with Iroh. He told us of a plan to get back at that monkey faced bastard, which we all agreed on quickly. Iroh would join Zhao while the three of us impersonated guards.

"I don't think you should be doing this." Zuko said as we stole guard uniforms. "They'll know you're a girl the second you open your mouth."

"You really think I can't mimic a dude's voice?" I said, in a deeper tone of voice. "Plus, I need to stay with Shi because he'll just get thrown off if they can't understand him."

"But he could just write to them!" He insisted.

"His hand writing still sucks. Deal with it because I'm not going anywhere." I flipped him off.

     He groaned as we all put our uniforms on and boarded monkey face's ship.

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