Chapter Twenty Four: Temple

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Your pov
"Remind me again about why I'm here?" I yawned loudly and watched them both try to make fire.

"I don't understand what happened!" Zuko shouted as he tried to make fire.

"God, you really do suck." I huffed before getting up. "Stand back, idiots." I huffed and got ready to shoot fire.

     Zuko went a far ways away from where I was. "You might want to stand back further." He told the avatar who stood next to him.

     I did the exact same stance as him, a large flame coming from my hands. "Woah! You can fire bend! But didn't you live in the water tribe?" The avatar asked.

"I can water bend too, if that's what you're asking." I bent water around us before dropping it.

"But aren't you only allowed to use one?" He asked.

"Shitty genes. Water tribe mom, asshole fire Nation dad." I shrugged, going back to where I was sitting.

"But still. Only the avatar should be able to use all the elements. Maybe you were the next avatar!" He exclaimed.

"Hah!" I laughed in his face. "Do you know how many people I've killed? I'll give you a hint; it's in the triple digits. Besides, I can't use all the elements. Just those two." I shrugged.

"Then maybe you should teach me!" He exclaimed.

"Hah!" I laughed in his face again. "If I trained you, you'd be dead within the first two days!" I laughed more.

"She's not kidding." Zuko said. "I could barely handle a day." He mumbled.

"That's 'cause you suck!" I laughed more.

"Well, I'm the avatar! I should be able to handle it!" He wore a large lopsided grin

"Avatar or not! I'll still kill you!" I shouted.

"But I still need to defeat the firelord." He raised a finger.

"And how are you gonna go that when you send the weakest flame shot ever!" I huffed.

"I'll think of something." He shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep. Only wake me up if there's food or there's something I can fight." I turned back to go into the room Zuko and I were resting in.


     I was being shaken awake. "Huh? Wassup?" I groggily got up and held a loose stance.

"We're going to an ancient temple so the avatar and I could learn fire bending again." Zuko said as he held a smile.

"So, why'd you wake me up? Just to tell me that? You could've left a letter." I yawned.

"Well, I... I kinda wanted you to come with." He twiddled with his fingers, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Jeez. You're such a baby." I sighed before getting up. "Alright. Let's go." I huffed before starting to leave the room.

"I can carry you if you want." He followed behind me closely.

"Eat shit." I shoved my middle finger in his face, making him take a step back. "Pick up the pace, slowfuck." I grumbled, seeing the avatar waiting a ways in front of us.

     Once we arrived at the bison, the three of us hopped on and started on our way towards the ancient temple.


     After flying for what seemed like forever, we finally made it to our destination. They awed at the buildings and temple below us. "Meh." I shrugged. "I've seen better."

"Really? Where?" The avatar asked.

"Park the animal and let's get this over with, avatar." I simply huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I have a name, you know?" He squinted his eyes at me. "It's Aang."

"Cool. Didn't ask. Hurry up." I sighed and just jumped out of the saddle, using my water bending to get me to the ground safely.

     The bison landed as well, now, we were walking in the ruins. We ended up at a large temple of some sorts. "Alright. Have fun." I shoved them inside.

"What about you?" Zuko asked, worry in his tone.

"Who needs to fire bend again but can't?" I asked, the question slightly rhetorical.

"Me and the avatar." He lowly said.

"I have a name!" The bald boy huffed as he looked around more.

"Do I need to know how to fire bend again like a kid?" My arms crossed over my chest as I stared at him.

"Uh, no..." He lowered his head.

"So, shut the fuck up and go inside the dusty temple." I growled, shoving them both inside.

"Stay safe!" He shouted from inside the large temple.

"Eat shit!" I shouted back, flipping him off. "Stupid moron." I mumbled to myself, face slightly red.

     I absentmindedly kicked pebbles as I waited for them. As I was waiting, I fell asleep since someone had woken me up previously. I was waken up by someone shaking me roughly. In front of me, Zuko smiled happily. "The fuck are you so happy about?" I grumbled, turning to go back to sleep.

"I got my bending back." He happily said.

"Cool." I yawned, getting up and stretching. "So, we're done here?"

"Let's go tell everyone back at the air temple!" The avatar exclaimed, hopping on his bison.

     I shrugged, still tired as Zuko and I joined him. Now, we returned back to the temple.


     Once we returned, they began to demonstrate what they've learned: gaining them to be made fun of slightly. Nightfall came quickly, to which we all sat around a small camp fire. Zuko had offered me a cup of tea, to which I was skeptical of, yet still took the cup from him. After tea was served to everyone, Zuko and Sokka began to talk outside. I started to drink the tea, surprised I didn't throw up. "(Y/n)!" Zuko waved to me from outside, excited.

"What'd ya two idiots want?" I huffed as I stood up and followed them.

     Once we were away from prying ears, Sokka began to speak. "So, remember when we did the invasion and everyone got captured?" Sokka asked.

"There was an invasion? The fuck was this?" I angrily said, grabbing him by the collar. "And why didn't you bring me along? I want to fights some dick weeds." I growled.

"It was when I went to face my dad." Zuko butted in.

"Then? That's why shit was going down?" I huffed.

"Yes! Besides the point! Do you want to come with us to break my dad out of prison?" Sokka asked again, impatiently waiting for my response.

"I do most of the fighting. You sissies-" I poked both of them in the chest, making them stumble back, "stay out of my way and don't fuck shit up."

"Great! We'll be leaving early!" He whispered shouted.

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