Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The rest of their day was uneventful. Matthew had ended up falling asleep on the couch. Kuma was still curled up on him.

Gilbert decided to keep his mind occupied by doing some old reports he'd been putting off. He grabbed his laptop and sat back down next to the Canadian. Matthew immediately shifted and rested his head on his shoulder with a quiet hum. The albino froze for a second letting him fall properly back asleep. He relaxed and nuzzled his hair with a sigh.

The Prussian tried to focus back on his work. He found it hard. His mind, and eyes kept wandering back to Matthew. He had to keep checking that he was real and actually there. He still couldn't believe that he was his again. He smiled to himself trying to get back to work.

Supper finally rolled around. Gilbert closed his laptop and looked over to Matthew. He was still asleep. He knew he'd probably been pretty stressed since he got hurt and deserved the rest. The Prussian carefully got up. He made sure to gently lower the blond down to let him keep sleeping. Kuma woke up and watched him, but didn't move.

Gilbert padded out to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. He hummed quietly to himself pulling out ingredients. He always tried to eat healthy, but was too tired after work most days. He kept a lot of fresh stuff around to make meals. He started cooking some pork he'd been keeping.

The Prussian hummed quietly to himself as he cooked. He didn't hear the claws clicking towards him. He jumped in surprise when he heard a quiet woof. He looked down to see Kuma at his side looking up at him.

"Hallo." Gilbert greeted seeing the dog.

The albino realized he wanted some of the food. He grabbed one of the raw slices of bell pepper. He crouched down and offered it in his palm. Kuma looked at him suspiciously, but gently took the vegetable. He trotted to the other side of the kitchen to eat.

Gilbert bounced excitedly at the slight progress. He remembered to take his pill before going back to his cooking. He set a small pile of peppers aside just encase Kuma wanted more. He heard footsteps and turned to see a half asleep Matthew.

"Where'd you go?" The blond whined through a yawn. He stood by his boyfriend's side attempting to wake up more.

"I vas hungry and it vas getting close to supper." Gilbert explained with a quiet laugh. "I started to make us food."

"Oh." Matthew mumbled stretching. He leaned into his side and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Merci."

The Canadian hummed quietly from his side watching him cook. He had missed the Prussian's cooking. Matthew normally made more fancy foods for big meals and pancakes for breakfast. Gilbert would make hearty comfort food.

Matthew sighed moving away from the albino to set the table. He fed Kuma and Gilbird while he was at it. When he was done, he went back over to his boyfriend. He smiled and hugged him from behind. He hummed pressing a kiss to his neck. Gilbert leaned into his touch.

"I know I've said this already, but I really missed stuff like this." Matthew hummed.

The Prussian nodded in agreement. He put one hand over the ones that were around his waist swaying back and fourth slowly. He finished cooking and plated the food. He gave a little bit to Kuma who was watching him expectantly. Matthew bounce excitedly seeing his dog gently take the food from the albino.

The pair ate quietly. The blond didn't realize how hungry he was until he started eating. He'd missed Gilbert's cooking and slowed down to enjoy it. Kuma trotted over to him and whined wanting some. Matthew shook his head and the dog softly barked at him.

"Go bug Gil, I'm sure he'll give you some." The blond said. Kuma listened and went over to the Prussian. Matthew smiled knowing he couldn't say no to a dog.

The rest of their night was quiet. They cuddled on the couch with their pets. Kuma was warming up slowly to the albino. He would still glare any time he'd touch his human, but didn't growl. Gilbert tried to pet him and succeeded a few times. Gilbird was a bit jealous and demanded attention from the Canadian.

"Time for bed?" Matthew asked seeing Gilbert was nodding off. He nodded and stood up to stretch. He offered the blond a hand and he took it pulling him up. They started walking to the bedrooms. He realized all his stuff was still in the spare room. He didn't really want to sleep alone. "Wait, Gil. Can I sleep with you?" He asked nervously.

"Of course, Vogelchen!" The albino smiled excitedly.

Matthew smiled gently. Gilbert reached and took his hand pulling him towards the bedroom. The Canadian realized that he might have misinterpreted his words, but didn't mind the outcome.

—-❄️"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ❄️—-

Monday morning...

Gilbert blinked awake. He hummed feeling arms around his waist. Matthew was dead asleep snoring quietly behind him. He still found it surreal that he was there. The albino was just about to fall asleep again when his alarm went off. He groaned and reached out turning it off. He sighed carefully untangling himself from the Canadian.

"Où allez-vous?" Matthew asked. His voice was deep with sleep. Gilbert wasn't sure exactly what he said, but got the gist.

"Jou can sleep longer. I'm going for a run." The Prussian said leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. The blond just smiled and nodded. He turned over and fell back asleep.

Gilbert smiled and went to get dressed. He went out to the kitchen and grabbed his keys and phone. He took his pill before going to the door. As he was putting his shoes on, Kumajirou trotted up to him with his leash in his mouth. He dropped it at his feet and looked up at him expectedly.

"Me?" The albino asked confused. Kuma let out a quiet bark. "Jou vant to go out? Vith me?"

The dog just looked at him. Gilbert shrugged and took the leash. He carefully clipped it on and opened the door. Kuma waited long enough for him to lock the door before starting to pull him along. The dog easily kept up with him as he ran. He was pretty good, but wanted to go different ways then the Prussian's normal route. He let him lead him a few times, but had to pull him in the right direction to get home on time.

When they got home, Kumajirou immediately went back to the bedroom and flopped onto Matthew. The Canadian didn't wake and kept sleeping. Gilbert laughed quietly and grabbed his actual clothes for the day. He went and had a quick shower before making coffee. He made one for his boyfriend as well. He hummed going back down the hall to the bedroom to wake him.

"Birdie, it's time to wake up." The albino hummed. He set the coffee on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. He carefully brushed the hair out of his face and cupped the Canadian's jaw. He saw Matthew smile sleepily as he rubbed his cheek with his thumb. "Liebling? Are jou awake?"

"Oui." The Canadian sighed opening his eyes. "It's too early."

"Jou can keep sleeping. Jou don't have to come." Gilbert said as the blond leaned into his touch.

"I know, but I said I was gonna." Matthew yawned. He slowly sat up and leaned into his side. "I want to see this through."

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