Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Matthew gave Kuma a quick pet before turning back to the Prussian. He was talking with one of the officers closer to the body. He bit his lip and walked over to them. He passively listened to their conversation. They were just exchanging the usual information. The Canadian's eyes wandered to the crowd of people that had stopped to watch. He watched the people curiously for a second before Gilbert poked him.

"It seems like it just happened approximately an hour ago. The shop owner next door called it in." The albino said. He handed him a pair of rubber gloves as he put his own on. "Said she didn't hear anything, but discovered the body vhen she was taking out the trash."

The Canadian was a bit hesitant to put the gloves on. He didn't intend to look or touch anything he didn't have to. He was just wanting to get it over with. He stepped with Gilbert towards the body. It was covered, but he could see blood leaking out from under the sheet. He closed his eyes for a moment trying to block out old memories. When he opened his eyes he gasped quietly. He hadn't expected the Prussian to have already lifted the sheet. He was grateful that Gilbert hadn't noticed the noise.

"Looks like two bullet wounds to the back." The Prussian mumbled. "Just like the others." He checked the pockets and found some paper. He unfolded it and saw it was the note. He handed it over his shoulder to Matthew. "Another one of those too. Is it real?"

The blond looked over the note to ignore the scene around him. "Looks like the same person wrote all them." He said comparing it to the others from his memories. He read it properly and noticed it was still just addressed to Gilbert. The killer didn't know he was there yet.

"Here, Birdie." The Prussian said getting his attention. He handed him an empty evidence bag to put the note into.

"You asked if it was real, thinking this could be more than one person's doing?" Matthew asked.

The Prussian just shrugged. "Possibly, but ve've had issues vith copy cats before." He said straightening up. He noticed a phone next to the body and picked it up. He put it in an evidence bag for prints. "So, I vouldn't rule it out."

"Oi! Who-a are you?" Someone called that made them both jump. The short man with reddish brown hair looked annoyed. The Canadian noticed he had a thick Italian accent and wore a corners coat. The man looked him up and down suspiciously. "You're not a detective."

"Hallo Lovi!" Gilbert smiled nervously. The Italian just glared at him. "This is Matthew. He's a retired detective assisting with the investigation. Birdie, this is Lovino."

"Hi." The Canadian said nervously extending his hand. Lovi smiled and shook his hand. His mood had changed not that he was talking to the blond.

"You're the Matthew from-a the notes?" The Italian asked raising an eyebrow. He nodded. "Well, hope you don't get killed. That idiot can use all the help he can get."

"Hey!" Gilbert said with a frown. Matthew and Lovino laughed. He grumbled to himself and went back over to the body just out of ear shot leaving him with Lovino.

"So, I'm guessing you're the Matt he wouldn't shut up about?" The Italian asked looking up raising an eyebrow.

"Huh?" The blond asked confused.

"The whole first week he worked for major crimes, he wouldn't shut up about a Matthew that was his partner and how 'awesome' he was." Lovino explained as the blond blushed and groaned slightly. "He said you quit and disappeared."

"Yeah." Matthew said looking down.

"Why?" Lovino asked. "Sounded like you were a damn good cop."

"I remember everything. I'm not exaggerating either." The Canadian shook his head. "It's a bit of a problem."

"That doesn't sound-a like a problem!" Lovino said surprised.

"It is around bad scenes. Considering we worked in homicide, it got to be a problem." Matthew explained. He already liked and trusted the Italian. "I not only remember everything, but I get to relive it a lot of the time too. I get stuck in my memories."

"Oh, well that sucks." Lovino said plainly. The blond snorted and nodded.

"Hey birdie!" Gilbert called getting his attention. He walked over to where the pair were standing. "I'm done here. Finished chitchatting with Lovi? And-"

"I'll have the autopsy done by tomorrow morning." Lovino said interrupting the Prussian. "Might let you know if I find anything."

"Please do." Gilbert said with a small pout. "Shifts done too! Ready to go home?"

Matthew nodded turning to were he told Kumajirou to stay. He whistled and the dog came trotting over. The pair said goodbye to Lovino before going back to the albino's car. The ride to his house was the same as the others, Gilbert talked and he listened absentmindedly. His mind wandered and he ended up in the past.

"Ve're here, Birdie." Gilbert said getting his full attention. Matthew nodded and got out of the car. He let Kumajirou out before grabbing his backpack. "It might be a bit messy."

"You, messy?" The Canadian rolled his eyes.

Gilbert just shrugged and opened the door to his apartment. They were immediately met with a flurry of angry cheeps from a certain bird. Gilbird chirped and pulled at the Prussians hair. He noticed Matthew behind him and his chirps changed. He flew right at him and landed in his hair. He cheeped contently setting in.

"Hello, Birdie." Matthew smiled gently reaching up and petting the canary with a finger. Kumajirou whined and stood on his hind legs to see what his friend was doing. The blond crouched down to let Kuma see the bird. "Gentle, Kuma."

The dog put his paws on his shoulder to get a better look at Gilbird. The bird chirped loudly and Kuma barked back at him. Gilbird wasn't fazed by the dog's loudness. He chirped again flying from his head to Kuma's. He landed and settled between his ears. Matthew smiled seeing the pair. Kuma barked and looked up at him proudly.

"Oh mien Gott! So verdammt süß!" Gilbert squealed seeing the animals. "Told jou they'd get along."

The Canadian nodded and laughed. Kuma had trotted off into the apartment to explore. He could hear Gilbird chirping and wondered it he was telling him where things were.

"Oh! I'll show jou jour room." The albino said.

Gilbert lead him down the hallway to one of the rooms. The pair stepped inside. It was a nice small room with a double bed and a desk in the corner with a window over it. There were books stacked on the foot of the bed. Matthew recognized most of them from their old apartment they shared. The albino took them off the bed and sat the stacks on the desk.

"Here- "Gilbert was cut off by a bark and the sound of running. Kumajirou charged into the room with Gilbird still on his head. He jumped up into the bed and curled up. As he ran passed, he hit the Prussian. "Ah!"

Gilbert ended up pressed against Matthew with his hands on the blond's chest. He blinked not realizing what happened for a second. He realized were he was and looked up blushing. He saw Matthew looking back down at him blushing too.

"Sorry!" The Prussian apologized. He stepped back awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay." Matthew said with a gentle smile. The room went quiet.

"Are jou hungry?" Gilbert asked breaking the sudden silence. The blond nodded. "I'll just order in. Chinese food?"

"Sounds good." Matthew smiled.

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