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AN: Hello! This is a cross between the tv show Unforgettable and Hetalia. It is Hetalia characters with the basics of unforgettable. There won't be any characters from Unforgettable tho.

Gilbert stretched with a yawn being careful not to spill his coffee. He tapped his foot waiting for the elevator. When it finally came, it was empty. He smiled and stepped in pressing the button for his floor. He sipped at his coffee as it started upwards.

The albino stepped off when the doors opened and walked to his office. He nodded in Kiku's direction seeing he was already there and working on his computer. Gilbert wondered if he had even left last night. He went over and set his coffee on his desk before shrugging his coat off. He draped it over his chair.

"Beilschmidt!" The Prussian jumped in surprise hearing his boss yell his name. He turned to see and she waved for him to come over. "My office, now."

"Eliza!" Gilbert smiled heading over. The Hungarian just looked unimpressed. "I don't think I've ever seen jou here this early!"

Elizabeta quickly ushered him into her office and closed the door behind them. Gilbert sat in the chair in front of her desk. The Hungarian sat behind the desk and pulled a baggie from the drawer. He knew it was an evidence bag.

"So, I'm guessing you've heard about the resent homicides in the east end?" Elizabeta asked raising an eyebrow. Gilbert nodded. He'd seen a few news stories about them, but didn't know the details. "Homicide assumes this was left for you. You are the only Gilbert that has had a partner named Matthew in the city."

"Is this the first one?" The Prussian reached forward and plucked the evidence bag from the table. He quickly read the note and frowned. Who ever wrote the note was threatening their lives.

"No, the third." Elizabeta admitted. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Do you have any idea who could be doing this?"

"Nein. There's too many people that could be out to get us." Gilbert said shaking his head. "Is there any DNA, witnesses, video, prints, anything?"

"Nothing yet. No leads." The Hungarian said. "I've had Kiku try to find Matthew to notify him about what's going on. We haven't been able to."

"Jou probably von't find him. He dropped off the face of the earth a vhile ago." The albino grumbled shaking his head.

"Kiku is looking through everything." Elizabeta said.

"He won't find anything. Birdie, ah Matthew, is good at going unnoticed." Gilbert explained. "He knows how to hide."

"Well, we need to find him." The Hungarian said firmly. "Since you know him well, you find him."

"Was? Warum?" The Prussian asked. "Vouldn't it be better to leave him alone?"

"No. You don't want him killed, right?" Elizabeta asked and he quickly shook his head. "Good. Then, find him. I want to at least talk to him."

"Fine." Gilbert sighed. He didn't really want to find the Canadian. Matthew had been his partner and boyfriend for almost five years before he disappeared. The albino knew why he left and didn't stop him. "But this case is mind now."

"Alright." Elizabeta nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

Gilbert grabbed the evidence bag and stood up. He went back out to his desk. He grabbed his coat and coffee. He carefully put the bag in his pocket as he walked towards Kiku's desk. The Japanese man was still typing away.

"Hallo, Kiku." The Prussian greeted. "Have jou found anything?"

"Good morning, Detective Beilschmidt." Kiku said. He was always overly formal, even when Gilbert said he could call him his first name. "No, I haven't found anything. It is like Mr. Williams doesn't even exist."

"Ja, that's normal. I might have a number for his brother at home." The albino sighed. Kiku looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "If jou do find anything, call me."

—-❄️"We didn't bring him here for a fucking Happy Meal.""❄️—-

Matthew sighed feeling sun on his face. He was sitting at his kitchen table in his small apartment. He had a pencil in hand and a sketchbook open. The page he intended to fill was still blank. He was staring into space lost in his memories.

The Canadian jumped in surprise feeling something wet bump into his hand. He looked down seeing Kumajirou with his leash in his mouth. He smiled and pet him taking the lead. The dog was the one that pulled him out of his memories since he had no one else around.

"Want to go for a walk, eh?" Matthew asked. The huge white Great Pyrenees bounced and barked excitedly as he gathered up his pencil and book. The blond stood up and grabbed his keys before clipping the leash on his dog. "Alright, let's go."

Kumajirou trotted along at his side as they walked. There were a few other people out and about mid day. He liked living in a small town, it was nice and quiet. He especially loved the forest and fields that surrounded the town. The blond enjoyed being in nature, but he did miss the faster pace of a big city.

Matthew hummed to himself letting Kumajirou off his leash to run. They were in a field full of wild flowers with a few huge oak trees. He settled in the grass under one of the trees to watch the dog. Kuma was happily bounding around the fields chasing butterflies.

The blond smiled and opened his sketchbook to draw. He started with a few of the flowers near him. He didn't really like drawing a lot of people, but he loved to draw plants, flowers and trees. It wasn't long before the spread in his sketchbook was filled. He wasn't sure how long they'd been out in the field, but Kuma had tired out and curled up next to him.

"Are you ready to go?" Matthew asked the dog. Kumajirou looked up and wagged his tail excitedly. He barked at him and the Canadian laughed lightly. He packed up his things and pet Kuma before standing up. He clipped the leash on as they started to walk.

The blond decided to stop at a cafe to have lunch. He sat outside on the patio with Kuma. The waitstaff knew him and his order well since he'd been there a lot. He sat quietly and sipped at his coffee. Kumajirou sat next to him and rested his head on his thigh. He used his free hand to pet him absentmindedly. He was starting to fall back into his memories.

"Hallo, mind if I sit vith jou?" Matthew jumped slightly at the sound. It took him a second to realize it wasn't from his memories. He didn't even need to look to see who it was. The Prussian didn't wait for an answer and sat across from him. "Jou're a hard guy to find, Birdie."

"Hmmm." The Canadian grumbled quietly. Kumajirou was looking at Gilbert suspiciously. He knew his owner had some mixed feeling for the new person. "What are you doing here?"

Matthew looked up finally meeting the albino's eyes. It had been three years, four months and twenty two days since he'd seen him, but he hadn't changed a bit. Old feelings and memories surrounding Gilbert started to pop into his mind.

"Vell," The Prussian pulled out a bag and set it in front of him on the table. Matthew immediately recognized it as an evidence bag. He quickly shook his head.

"If you're looking for help on a case, it's not going to happen." The blond said firmly. He made his choice and wasn't about to go back to police work. "I'm retired."

"Nein, not exactly. Jou might want to read it." Gilbert said pushing the note closer to him. Matthew narrowed his eyes, but picked up the bag to read the note.

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