Chapter 22

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"Report," called the mysterious figure as his eyes roamed the surroundings. They lingered on the Creeping Horror before moving to land on Leo and the others with amusement as they struggled to stay afoot before his presence.

"Master, after luring away the sword sage, I was able to determine that the island holds no traps or preparations for our arrival," Reign answered calmly, still kneeling in submission.

The man's lips tucked in a frown. "I'm disappointed. It is the beginning of a new cycle—he must've known I would be coming." He strode forward, hands clasped behind his back. "Was his thirst for revenge really so slight? I thought I had given him plenty of motivation the last time we crossed paths."

With each step the man took, the plants around him withered and turned to ash, their grey forms breaking apart like flakes of snow falling to the earth. He walked over to where Leo and the others were clustered, haggardly trying to stay afoot under the immense pressure the man exerted.

"You must be the new Arrival. Tell me, lad, how has old Zeldorth been getting along after the death of his wife and son? I imagine that kind of loss tends to leave quite the mark on a person." The black-clad figure peered off in the direction of the cabin, as if his pitch-black eyes could pull back all the undergrowth and obstacles, unveiling the gravestones tucked quietly away.

"" Leo gasped as his legs finally gave out. The pressure was too much to bear and his body crumpled to the ground, leaving him gasping for breath on his hands and knees.

"Me?" The man cocked his head to the side before revealing his teeth to show a flawless smile. "I'm the one who killed them."


A loud cry went up from Leo's right side as Sparky darted into the clearing, feathers bristling with power. She gave a mighty flap of her bright yellow wings and hurled three separate arcs of electricity that spun toward the man. The three strikes of lightning spiraled as they raced forward, their energies mixing and condensing into one massive bolt.

The man whipped his hand up and held out a single finger to meet the massive surge of energy. The bolt lit up the clearing in a golden glow as it impacted the tip of his index finger, before dissipating in a million sparks beneath his touch.

While the man was temporarily distracted by Sparky's attack, Mute charged silently out of cover from where he had lain in wait on the other side of the clearing. He held his war hammer high, muscles rippling in power as he sped behind the man, intent on delivering a killing blow.

The heavy metal weapon made it within six inches of the man's black robes before it blew away like dust in the breeze. Mute stared at his empty palms as his weapon dematerialized and vanished in his hands. He looked down at the two dendromancers, stone-faced in calm acceptance as he spoke a single word. "Run." Then his body peeled apart and vanished as well, leaving empty rags and a heavy metal collar to flop to the gray ground below.

"Reign, why didn't you take care of the rabble already?" the man said, his eyes flickering to the boy's prostrated form.

"Forgive me, master, I thought they would be of use to support the new Arrival's growth," Reign replied in an empty voice.

"He has his pets for that."

The man, whom Leo was starting to believe was some sort of reaper, towered over their fallen forms like death's very shadow. Lila's brother had managed to struggle to his feet, refusing to succumb to the immense strain the man's presence exerted on them. He was desperately trying to pull his sister back into the garden but stopped to jump protectively in front of her as Vizon shifted his attention to them.

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