"I can ensure you that we are both very capable of these meetings. What is you IQ?" MJ questions

"137" Jerry says, voice dripping with smugness. 

"Ah, well I have an IQ of 251 and MJ here has an IQ of 209. We are also your future bosses. Let me introduce myself properly. The name is Peter Benjamin Anthony Stark, I'm 18 years old. I graduated MIT at 16 years old, I'm the heir of Stark Industries and your future boss." I state, matter-of-factly. 

"And I'm Michelle Jones, girlfriend of Peter Stark and also future CEO of Stark Industries. I graduated Harvard at 17 and am also your future boss." MJ adds. 

He pales and starts apologising profusely, "I'm so sorry Mr.Stark sir. I am so sorry Ms.Jones m'am. It won't happen again!" 

"Save it. You showed your true personality. Even though we are young, you didn't give us a chance. You have 30 minutes to pack your stuff and leave the building. Here at Stark Industries, we have a strict policy: Give everyone a chance. You clearly did NOT follow that policy." I say

"F.R.I.D.A.Y please deactivate his badge." I ask

Before F.R.I.D.A.Y can say anything Jerry shouts out "You can't do that!!!! I earned my place here!", 

"Well you lost it being the rude person you are. Is it deactivated F.R.I.D.A.Y?" MJ says

"Yes, I did Ms.Jones." F.R.I replies. 

"Brilliant. Let's start." I say and we start the meeting. 

TiMe SkIp

Third Person POV

The meeting had just ended and Peter and MJ had lead a tour group so they headed down to wait in the lobby. MJ was looking through some emails on the newest StarkTablet while poor Peter had to check up on the inventory. The head of the inventory was way behind on it and was about to get an earful from Peter. 

When the school bus pulls up to the Tower, it's filled with whispers of excitement. and when they head inside the whispers continue. They saw a girl with reddish-brown hair in a gray suit looking at a StarkTablet walking with a boy with curly brown hair almost yelling, at someone he was talking to in his earpiece. 

"Sabrina (No offence if your name is Sabrina) I know you are the smartest person there but you're extremely late! We were supposed to have this last week!!! This has happened before!! This is the last strike! If this happens again you will be off the team!" the boy yells. 

He looked like he was listening then let out a big string of Italian curses. "Just get it here by tomorrow!" he all but yelled then tapped his earpiece and hung up. The girl just roller her eyes at him and told him something that the class couldn't exactly hear. 

They headed over to the receptionist and started talking, "When is the tour going to be here Roshani?" the boy asked. 

"They are currently right behind you Mini Stark." Roshani replied

"Thank you" the girl said and then they turned around. 

"PUNY PARKER AND MJ!?!?!" Flash yelled

Just has Flash said that F.R.I.D.A.Y voice rang out and said "Hello Stark Jr.! Boss is wondering what you and his future daughter-in-law are doing."

"We're just about to lead the Midtown Tour, why does he need us for something?" I ask while I hear MJ mutter something about "annoying father-in-laws" and "stupid Stark". 

"There was an unexpected meeting and he needs you both there." F.R.I.D.A.Y replies

I groan with annoyance so MJ replies with a "Alright F.R.I. Where's the meeting?"

"Floor 89 Boss Lady Jr." 

MJ rolls her eyes while I say "Alright. Roshani can you please get someone else to lead the tour?"

Roshani nods and MJ and I walk out leaving our class dumbfounded and confused while Ned had an amused look on his face. 

tImE sKiP

Third Person POV

The Midtown tour was walking past a conference room that Peter and MJ had been leading. 

"That is an amazing idea Mr.Stark!!" someone said

"Great marketing plan Mrs.Stark!" another said

"Mr.Stark is my father, you can just called me Mini Boss or Stark Jr." Peter says with a smile

While MJ says "It's not Mrs.Stark yet. Thank you though."

The Midtown class was super confused, the dorky Puny Peter Parker was actually a Stark?!?

The class starts whispering and Peter can hear little bits and parts of it like 



"That's Peter???"


When Peter and MJ walked out to find their former class they decided to tell them what was going on. 

"Did they sign the NDAs Raj?" MJ asked the class tour guide. 

He nodded so the two kept talking.

"My real name is Peter Benjamin Anthony Stark not Peter Parker. I dropped out of high school as you guys know but graduated at MIT when I was 16. I'm the heir to S.I. and have an IQ of 251. People tend to call me Mr.Stark but I prefer Stark Jr. , Mini Boos , Mini Stark or even just Peter." Peter explained

A girl in their class, Cindy asked a question: "Why did they call MJ 'Mrs.Stark'?" 

"Hey guys. I dropped out of high school but only to study at Harvard. I graduated when I was 17. They called me Mrs.Stark because I'm going to be Mrs. Jones-Stark." she explained while flashing her diamond ring. 

Their jaws dropped even more while Ned started making happy noises. 

"YOU GUYS DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!! WHEN??" he screamed at them

"3 months ago." Peter replied

"HoW dArE yOu NoT tElL mE?????" he yelled

MJ and Peter just started laughing leaving their class very, very baffled. 

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