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It was around 9AM when the Park family arrived and were walking to Jeongwoo's room. "Mom are you sure we're going the right way?I just saw a meeting with the chart of a human-" Jihoon shut up once he saw the handsome doctor who visited them. "Hyunsuk look that Woo's doctor?Look at the far right upfront." Hyunsuk stood beside him and scanned the room. "I can't see- Oh damn do all doctors look like that here?" His boyfriend gave him a 'I'm right beside you' look.

"How did Woo get so luck?Look at those eyes?" Jihoon kept going on and on about how handsome he looked and took his phone out just out of sheer curiosity for his brother. "Take it quickly!" Hyunsuk said checking to see if Jihoon's mom was still there. She was about 3 meters away.At that exact moment when he took the picture,Haruto had turned his head and Jihoon almost dropped his phone.He pulled Hyunsuk immediately and ran up to his mother.

"What happened-" "He almost saw me,that's what happened." Jihoon was whispering but loud enough for his mother to here."Already causing trouble for yourself?I'm not surprise." His mother said holding the room number they were told. "Are you serious he came with a suit?He would hotter if the buttons undone," They all stopped once their eyes heard Jeongwoo's voice."What I would give to feel his lips one more time before mom get here." Their eyes were wider than their mouths as they heard the last statement.

They knocked on the door pretending to not have heard anything.A bubbly Jeongwoo opened the door and started jumping once he saw his Mom and Brother.
"Mommy,Hyunsukkie,Hoonie!!" He said embracing his mother in a hug.

He pulled away and looked at their faces only to see confusion on their faces. "What's wrong?" He asked as his eyes turned gray."Who were you talking about before we came in,sweetie?" His mom asked and he quickly answered "Oh I was talking about Doctor Llama.He left this plushie that looks exactly like him and then left for a meeting."

They were shocked at his revelation but paid no mind to it as he started talking again. "Come in and meet my roommate." He dragged them inside and called for Ten.Ten emerged from the inner room seemingly brushing his teeth.Jihoon couldn't contain himself and almost hit his head on the ceiling from how high he jumped.

He pulled Ten in for a hug but realised what he did and quickly let go.He started stuttering as he spewed apologies to Ten."It's alright Jihoon.I've been told alot about you."

He started fangirling on the spot as soon as he heard his name. Hyunsuk quickly up his boyfriend as he felt embarrassed about it. "I was just about to call my husband to tell him to hurry up since we were planning on going on a picnic.Haruto informed me that he wanted to try focus testing Jeongwoo in a calm environment."

Jihoon was wide eyed as he heard the word 'husband'. "YOU'RE MARRIED!?" He shouted as he processed what the word actually means. "........Yes I am.Why?" Ten asked shocked that Jeongwoo knew while his brother was left in the dark.

"I thought you said you would wait for marriage?" Jeongwoo suddenly spoke,"That's Taeyong you idiot." His eyes were back  to their natural colour,a hazel brown.He was playing with the ears of the plushie,looking sad."What's wrong,Woo?Today you should be HAPPY!You spend the whole day with your family and my family." Ten consoled him but realised he spoke in Japanese.He heard a deep voice translate and they all turned to the door."Good morning Mrs.Park," Haruto bowed to her in respect to both her and her son's. "Doctor I dont believe we have formally met.I'm Hyunsuk,Jihoon's boyfriend." Hyunsuk said trying to break the ice.

"It's nice to meet you.I'm Doctor Haruto Watanabe," he said trying to act calm while looking at Jeongwoo. "Good morning Woo- I mean Jeongwoo."

He saved himself before he slipped up.Jeongwoo looked up from the llama and smiled,"good morning doctor Llama." He had said the last part in Japanese,sure that his family was completely lacking in the language. Hyunsuk started laughing out of nowhere."Why is that so funny in Japanese?"

He held onto the bed and caught his breath."He knows Japanese?" Jihoon asked his brother and Jeongwoo had never seen his brother be so stupid."Of course he isn't.His Canadian," Jeongwoo said finally getting tired of his brother.

"I hate you," Jihoon said as Hyunsuk patted his back."You're just like mom." He whined remembering how savage his mother is.

A sound for the door startled them but Jihoon's scream is what made it worse."AAAHHHHH! It's YOU!!"

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