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I was completely panicking about his family knowing that I'm just falling for Jeongwoo and not curing him.I was in the corridor heading to my car as I saw a black sports car pull up beside mine.The driver pulled down the window and sitted there was my brother Yoshi.

He gave me a smile and I couldn't help but jump up and down in happiness.He got out and hugged me tightly and throwing me up in the air."I thought that you were going to my house first." "I did but the door was locked.I see why you are mom's favourite,you are exactly like her." He said leaning on his car."Where the hell did you find a sports car?You're an employee for a ceo.If you're not running from the police,I can't believe you." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"Well I have some connections here and there.I met an old friend who was going to sell the car since he's moving back to Japan and can't take the car.He gave it to me for free," I was left gaping when he finished."I need new friends." I said sighing opening my car and placing my coat inside."You're looking a snack in this outfit," he said staring at my shirt."I've had an eventful day.My patient has RainBow.It's a trauma based disease but it doesn't affect him or cause him any harm.I lied to him and had to buy him a cake and a kiss." He blinked once.Twice. "Was there a punchline to that joke?Rain?"

"RainBow and guess who caused it?Little Keita." I said adding jazz hands at the end."No WAY!!!Is that why he made Mashi and his mom move again?" I nodded."I told him that no matter what,He shouldn't come anywhere near the building,Parks or Woo." He smirked as I finished. "Woo,huh? You must really care," I turned back to him.

"I do.He already has a friendship with Ten and the rest.Even Mashi even though he's brother is the reason for him being here." I reasoned with him."But did you really kiss him?" I looked down and that was enough for him."Ah~My baby brother is growing up. Where did you kiss?" "The cheek." "I take back my statement.What are you a freshman crushing on a senior?" He tsked and got in his car.

"Drive up to your house and you'll get my bags on the front door.I'm going to the store and grab some cake.Your story made me hungry," he said waving bye.I got in my car and sat there contemplating calling his mother.I sent a quick text to her informing her about the family day.She replied that she'd be there with her son and his boyfriend.

I sat there looking up to the various windows of the hospital. I saw Ten pretending to sing while holding a fork with chocolate on it.It fell on his gown and he frowned.I laughed softly seeing Jeongwoo laughing on the window seat almost toppling over.

I drove away after a few more minutes and stopped at a familiar neighbourhood.I had to tell his mother everything before it's too late and I mess up along the way.I knocked on the door and it was opened by a fairly tall boy."Oh hi.Who are you if I may ask?" I bowed and answered."Hello I'm Doctor lla- Watanabe Haruto.I'm currently taking care of Park Jeongwoo.I'm here to see his mother on his progression." He smiled brightly and welcomed me in."I'm Park Jihoon.Brother of Jeongwoo.Mom will be down in a second," he rushed up the stairs probably to call her.I tried evening my breath but it didn't help.

I heard a woman's voice and looked back.I immediately stood up and fixed my shirt.I quickly buttoned my shirt and waited.

"Ah Doctor Watanabe,it's a surprise to see you here. Did Woo do anything?" She said as she alerted me to sit down."Yes and no.I finally made a colour list that can tell you the difference in the eyes and he's opening up slowly.He was chatting with his roommate, Ten,a little after I left and they've formed a bond." I found myself in a corner as she asked for the bad news. "Well.....I know who caused this problem.Keita is my cousin and a brother to one of Woo's doctors.I told him to strictly avoid coming round him till I get his emotions in control."

She sadly nodded as Jihoon patted her shoulder. "You can come during family day with any of his favourite toys,clothes or food but limited to only 2 snack boxes." Jihoon smiled and he looked at his mother."Can I please go with the doctor to see him please.I would really love to see Te- I mean my brother."

"Actually I'm heading home.My brother is coming over from Japan and is waiting for me.But you can visit today or tomorrow and tell the receptionist to take you to room 12-06 patient NO.2020." They nodded as I said my final goodbyes.

As I got in the car I began to scold myself."Why couldn't you just say it?Do you have a want for him or do you love him?" My conscience was arguing with common sense but neither won."I guess I have to wait for family day then?"

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