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Mom did you remember to get the paprika I asked mom as I stirred the soup. We had brought Hyunsuk back from the hospital and we had good news. Well it was good to me. We had invited his parents to dinner  for the news cause he wanted them to be there. They weren't supportive but he wanted them there.


He was kicked out when he had told his parents that he was gay. He was roaming on the street near the bakery. I decided to follow him and saw that he had a small makeshift house in the back of the building.

I had offered him some help but he refused and shooed me away. I always went to offer hun food but he refused saying that I should leave him alone. I always left them there and once I looked at the plates and found them empty. I left him a note and asked him to come inside.

He went through the front door and scared the daylights out of mom at the counter. He had on tattered clothes and dirty hair. I approached him and sat him down at a booth at the corner. I gave him his favourite, white chocolate fondue mix and a black coffee. He looked self conscious of his appearance so I told him that he could freshen up in the upstairs rooms.

We have our house above the bakery so I told him that he could take a shower and I would call him when it's ready. I gave him some of my clothes and gave him a spare towel. He was done and I gave him his tray to eat in the living room. He may not have been comfortable with people.

He sat down and watched the tv as I called mom from the upstairs intercom. I sat beside him as he shyly placed his hair behind his ears. We talked a bit till an awkward silence fell in the room. A bolt of thunder roared and he cuddled up to me. He was whispering to himself as it got louder. I carried him to my bed and tucked him in.

I headed down stairs and went to help mom close up shop. She kept asking if he was boyfriend but insisted that he was just a friend of sorts. I slept in the living room and let him sleep in my bed. The next morning he was hugging my arm with a pout on his lips. We looked at each other in shock and fell to the floor. My back hit the door with a loud thud and he fell on my torso.

Groans left both of our mouths as mom and Jeongwoo came in. Their eyes widened and ears went pink as they looked at us. Their eyes met ours as we scrambled off the floor. They looked at each other as Jeongwoo gave his mom 20 dollars. 'You bet on me?! They just smiled as mom asked, "what's you name sweetheart? I'm Park Seomin and this is Jeongwoo and you obviously know Jihoon." She said with a smirk at the end.

"I'm Hyunsuk. I'm sorry for disturbing you in your home." He said with guilt in his voice. "It's okay. You're welcome here anytime." He knelt down and burst into tears saying multiple thank you's to her. She went to him and picked him up hugging him.

"Don't worry you can stay here if you need to," she pat his head and comb his hair.

End of

The doorbell chimed and he went to open the door. The silence could be heard all over the house. I left mom to finish up the soup as I went to help him.

Mr and Mrs.Choi stood at the door with a stern look on their faces. His mother (WHO DOESN'T DESERVE THAT TITLE FOR ABANDONING MY PRECIOUS BABY) held a box in her hand and forced him to hold it. We moved aside and let them enter the small house. We had moved to a bigger house near the bakery cause mom wanted the extra space to fit all 4 of us.

They sat in the living room and looked like they were judging every single detail. We sat in an awkward silence as their eyes met. "Uhm....Good Afternoon Mr and Mrs.Choi. I'm Park Jihoon, Hyunsuk's boyfriend." I said as I bowed at them. The woman scoffed and flipped her hair seeming impatient.

Mom entered the room and introduced herself brightly clearly not reading the room. She removed her apron and sat beside the two. We sat there not knowing what to tell the other.

I didn't know being gay also meant not having taste, I raised you better. His father said but Hyunsuk didn't listen to his words instead holding my hand. I guess it took your senses too. Especially the common one. What is that smell? It smells like burned sugar. You know you get big easily. That's why your brothers were always better. Strong,muscular, family men and straight. She eyed the both of us with disgusting.

You have no right to say you raised me! Your butt implants were more than the love you showed me. He fired back. I'd never seen him being that mad. You ungrateful little bitch! If it weren't for us,you would be on the street. You wouldn't have anything you have now. That was his breaking point.

If it weren't for him, I would still be in that alley dead for the rats to eat. Remember that YOU are the one who kicked me out. YOU stole all my hard earned money from all the jobs I had to work at. YOU are the ones who took away my livelihood just cause I like my gender. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME A BITCH WHEN YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CHEAT ON DAD AND HE STILL LET YOU LIVE IN THE HOUSE!!" *SLAP*

"You will not talk to me in that tone." She said surprisingly calm. A bag came flying to her back and she winced at the pain. "AND YOU WON'T TALK TO MY HYUNG LIKE THAT YOU SKANK! YOU BUTT HAS TO BIGGER THAN YOUR BRAIN FOR YOU TO TALK TRASH IN THIS HOUSE!!!" Jeongwoo shouted as he was held back by Haruto. "Let me go Haruto!"

"So is this a gay house? You just let any slut live here. If you just called me here to insult me, and disrespect our family name you have another thing coming!" His father said as he dragged his wife out.

"I'M PREGNANT!!!" I was shocked that he said it first. They stopped in their tracks and looked in our direction. Jeongwoo stopped fighting against Haruto and looked at us. Mom was sitted in shock as he spoke. The silence was suffocating.

"Don't let that little demon get close to me once it's born. We don't need another disappointment in this family. They slammed the door and left. That could have gone better. I sat him down and patted his stomach and cheek. That slap was so loud I'm shocked he wasn't red yet.

Did you tell her that to shut up or is it actually true? Mom asked as she stood in front of us with the couple behind her. Yes Mama. We're having a baby. I smiled at her and she did was fall back.

" MAMA!!"

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