you fall asleep in the car

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"Did you have fun this weekend, babe?" Taylor asked as she hopped into the driver's seat of the car, gazing over at you only to find you staring out the window. She placed her hand on your thigh and you turned your head to quickly look over at her before sending her a sad smile.

"You know I had a blast. I wish we could stay longer."

"Me too." She said, wishing for nothing more than more time to cherish these moments spent with you.

On your vacation for the weekend with no one else around, it gave you time to relax and unwind together. It felt nice since you've been so busy lately that time spent together isn't exactly easy to come by.

"We've both got time off again in a few weeks. I say we come back then."

Your eyes lit up and you nodded excitedly before leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Ready to go? We've got a two and a half ride back home."

You adjusted the blanket over your legs and turned the radio up a bit before nodding your head and she soon pulled out of the driveway.

She drove for a good forty minutes before stopping to get some gas and you took a minute to stretch your legs out and took a few sips of your water. You felt yourself growing tired, so you put your seat back a little and scrolled through your phone until Taylor came back inside.

You tried hard to stay awake. You wanted to watch the scenery and enjoy the time with Taylor, knowing that your schedules were gonna be hectic again in the next couple of days.

But the drive was quickly lulling you to sleep. Your eyes were growing heavy as your weekend vacation activities began to catch up to you. You yawned, the sound catching Taylor's attention.


Your tired eyes were enough of an answer for her. She placed her hand over yours, keeping the other on the wheel. She gave it a squeeze before saying, "You can sleep if you want. We've still got a long while to go before we get home."

"I'll be fine, babe." You insisted and turned the music up a tiny bit.

Taylor just sighed and let your hand go to focus on the road once again. You placed your head on the door, watching the scenery until your eyes became too heavy to keep open. You started to drift off to sleep and you didn't even try to fight it since you were so exhausted.

"Are you alright? You're quiet," Taylor said before she turned her head to gaze over at you. She chuckled when she saw you sleeping peacefully, your head against the door and your blanket to your chest. "I knew you'd fall asleep." She smiled before laying her hand back over yours for just a minute.

"I love you. Sleep well, cutie."

She took her eyes off of you to look back at the road, but every time a stop sign came into view or she hit a red light, she looked over at you and felt her heart swell with the precious sight of you sleeping beside her, falling a little more in love with you each time

Taylor Hill Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now