waking her up for cuddles

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A chill went down your spine when you opened your eyes. One thing was evident right away; Taylor wasn't holding you. You could tell by the empty feeling around you. Her arms weren't wrapped around you, her breath wasn't fanning against your skin. You felt cold; the opposite of what you usually feel when she's holding you.

You turned over and saw her lying next to you. She was on her side, her back facing towards you. You could see the steady movement of her back as she breathed and as much as you didn't wanna wake her, you needed her cuddles and warmth.

You tried to move and wrap your arm around her but you woke her up in the process. "Y/n?" She whispered, too tired to really speak any louder. She turned over, now face to face with you.

She was fighting to stay awake for you, but it was hard for her to do with how tired she was. "Yeah, it's me. I woke up and you weren't cuddling with me anymore so I just planned to wrap my arms around you and go back to sleep. But I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry,"

She shook her head and rolled onto her back, opening her arms for you. You happily moved into them, sighing when they wrapped around you tightly. "It's alright, I don't mind. Is that better now?" She mumbled, closing her eyes once again. "Yeah, much better."

You felt a lot warmer now and a lot more content. You put your head on her shoulder, your heart beating just a little faster when she tiredly kissed the side of your head. "I love you, y/n. Goodnight and sweet dreams." She murmured before falling back asleep.

Even though she was already asleep, you still said the words back to her. It didn't feel right when you didn't. You curled up closer to her and with the sound of her heartbeat in your ear, you quickly fell back asleep, feeling so much better now that she was cuddling with you again.

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