you're hungover

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When you opened your eyes and felt the rays of the sun shining right into them all you could do was groan and roll over. Rolling over only seemed to make your slight headache so much worse, causing agonizing pain to pound in your head.

You turned over and buried your face into the pillow. You heard something like the sound of a mug being placed on the table beside you and when you opened your eyes it was just that; a mug of tea right by your side. Taylor sat down next to you and started to rub your back.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling this morning?"


She chuckled. "Not surprising. When I picked you up from the bar last night you were insanely drunk. Your friends said you had a lot of fun though."

You groaned when you felt your stomach beginning to turn. "Well, I regret it now." You mumbled and just a few seconds later you felt a rush of nausea come over you. You pushed yourself out of bed and raced into the bathroom hurriedly to be sick.

Taylor knelt behind you. She held your hair back for you and rubbed your back as you got sick until you stopped a moment later. She helped you to your feet and you quickly brushed your teeth, since your head was still pounding. But you needed to rid yourself of the alcohol on your breath and the taste in your mouth.

She helped you back to bed when you finished where you laid right back down and sipped on the tea. "I don't think I'll ever go drinking again." You heard Taylor laugh. "You say that, but just wait till one of your friends call you again and you'll be right back out."

You hummed when she kissed your forehead. She got up and closed the curtains, making the room go dark. You uncovered your eyes. "Thank you."

Taylor smiled and laid down next to you, pulling you right into her arms. "You're welcome." She heard you sigh contently as she pulled the blankets up and wrapped them around you. "Try to get some sleep. Hopefully, you'll sleep off this hangover and feel better when you wake up."

You could only nod weakly. "Love you."

"I love you too," Taylor said as she started to run her fingers through your hair comfortingly as you drifted off to sleep.

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