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Chapter Ninety-Four: Only Time Will Tell

Kagome waited with bated breath as he finish of the cup. Then she waited more, and waited but nothing seemed to happen. Well maybe she had thought wrong.

"Would you like more?" she asked finally.

He shook his head before standing up.

"I have business to attend to, and you need to get ready to leave."


"Yes, Inuyasha will be taking you home by the end of the week, You should say your goodbyes before then."

"Who said I wanted to leave, Besides have you gotten any information out of that bandit? I want to know how come I woke up to this!" she indicated to her for head.

"Markings may look good on you but I'm human and I can't go home looking like this."

"You are being noisy," he said grimacing "And you will do as I say,"

Kagome had a sudden urge to slap him but didn't, she balled up her fist instead and stood up.

"I will not do as you say! I will do as I want, and I want answers, so until you can provide them, I will be staying," she crossed her arms "Did you forget who helped you against those bandits?"

Words: 200

Prompts: Slap, Boisterous

Chapter Ninety-Five: I Owe You Nothing

"Those bandits," he said almost a hint of delight in his voice, "Were nothing I couldn't of handle."

Kagome's eyes widen, "How dare you?"

"You were the one who made them out to be so tough, But I should have guessed that such a weak human would not know the difference."

He walked toward the door, acting as though that was the end of the conversation.

"We are not done here!" Kagome shouted rushing in-front of him.

Sesshomaru stared down at the Miko his eyes narrowed, "You will move out of this Sesshomaru's way."

Kagome tried to hold her ground.

"I will not leave, not until I have answers," she said stating her point again.

"Quite using that as a crutch!" he almost shouted. "Maybe that's what you get for getting in the way. A weak and pathetic human like you should never have gotten her self involved with a great Daiyokai like this Sesshomaru. This Sesshomaru should have left you at the rivers edge, it would have rid this world of another on of your kind."

He shoved her out of his way.

"Do not act like this Sesshomaru owes you anything, you are lucky enough to be alive."

Words: 200

Prompts: Delight, Crutch

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