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Chapter Eleven: No One Left Behind

"Milord!" came a small girlish voice, "Is this not Kagome-chan?"

Her small little finger pointed to a heap of black hair on the bank of the river.

Sesshomaru didn't utter a word of response, and just kept walking.

He barely stopped as he said "Rin."

"But Milord," Rin said now standing knee deep in the water, "She doesn't look to good."

Sesshomaru smoothly walked over to Rin as she managed to turn over the waterlogged woman. Her eyes barely moved under the smooth skin of her eyelids. The blood from her many wounds quickly turning the water murky around her.

Words: 100

Prompt: Murky

Chapter Twelve: Strange Things

Kagome's eyes opened at a sharp pain in her leg. She tried to sit but was restrained. She turned her head to see three demons in white yukatas standing around her. Rin stood in-front, eyes trained on Kagome's face. A smiled erupted on her small features.

"You're awake!" she squealed.

"Um??" Kagome began to question.

"It was Milord," she said grabbing Kagome's hand "He brought you to his best healers. So you'll be okay."

"What happened?"

"That's what we'd like to know," said a tall yokai, with hazel eyes and silvery hair, who was examining the zipper on her skirt.

Words: 100

Prompt: Zip

Chapter Thirteen: Fortune Told

"Do you mind?" Kagome asked eyeing her skirt.

The demon raised one eyebrow before setting down the skirt.

"Lord Sesshomaru will be here shortly, so I'd like to hear your story." he said.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked

"And he's not a patient man," the demon said, walking to the curtains opening them, a sliver of light coming through.

"Well, We were fighting a centipede demon, and I tried to use my reiki to destroy it but my first attempt failed, so I tried again, but this time the arrow exploded, causing the ground I stood on to collapse into the river."

Words: 100

Prompt: Light

Chapter Fourteen: Cornered

"So," the demon began "you're a miko?"

"Really?" Kagome asked "Is that all you heard?"

"Answer the question," he barked.

"Kiyoshi, did I tell you to interrogate her?"

"Milord," Kiyoshi said quickly turning and bowing.

Sesshomaru walked in quickly toward Kagome's bed, stopping briefly beside Kiyoshi,

"We'll discus this later," with that Kiyoshi quickly rushed out.

Kagome's reiki flared as Sesshomaru got closer.

"I'd think twice before you do that," Sesshomaru said his voice barely a whisper as he leaned slightly into Kagome, "I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Rin," he said straightening up, "Please go work on your studies."

Words: 100

Prompt: Whisper

Chapter Fifteen: Home

"I've spoken to my healers," Sesshomaru began "They said that your injuries should heal though it may take some time."

"Can you tell me what I sustained." she asked quietly.

"That is not my job," he replied "I'll send in a healer to do that."

He walked over to the door.

"I'll return you to the half-breed soon so be ready."

Kagome's eyes followed Sesshomaru as he left, before they moved about the room observing it. It was quiet, almost eerie, and tranquil, she couldn't even hear anyone in the hallway. She just wished that she knew where she was.

Words: 100

Prompt: Placid/tranquil

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