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Chapter Forty-One: Death on the Horizon

Kagome watched out the window as a fire burned on the horizon. The smoke rising up in plumes, darkening the early morning sky. It had only been a few days since Sesshomaru's slumber began, but demons from all over were starting to cause havoc. Kiyoshi stood a few steps behind her his eyes trained on the plumes rising high into the sky.

"This is going to become a dangerous territory if Milord doesn't wake up," Kiyoshi said under his breath, but Kagome heard him.

Her eyes flickered over to him.

"I already told you, whatever happened it's not my doing."

Words: 100

Prompt: Dangerous Territory

Chapter Forty-Two: Burning Flesh

The smoke moved closer throughout the day and Kagome began to worry. In the early afternoon as she sat down for lunch, her stomach began to hurt and her head started spinning. The smell of burning flesh enveloped her and everything flashed white. She opened her eyes and looked around her. She was on the top of a hill surrounded by burning corpses, and in the distance she could see Sesshomaru's fortress. A small band of blood soaked demons sat nestled against the side of the hill. Their voices barely a whisper drifted lazily in the wind up to her.


Prompt: Spin

Chapter Forty-Three: Demons Plans

"He's not dead, but he is weak," said the largest in the group his beady eyes seemed to be bleeding.

"Then we should act now!" came the stern voice of the smallest in the group.

His fiery red hair blowing in the wind giving it a burning effect.

"No!" the third mans voice was final, "We must wait, they will be watching our every move. When the tide falls we'll sneak in through the dungeon cavern off of Mistval lake."

This man looked like he was someone Kagome should know, but she couldn't remember. The scene slowly faded to black.

Words: 100

Prompt: Stern

Chapter Forty-Four: Nightmares or Daydreams

Soft full lips speak slowly, sweet words cascading from them.

Gentle fingers drawing small circles across the back of his warm hand.

Delicate black curls brushing softly against his cheeks.

Her lashes long and full barely move as her eyes dart under her closed lids.

"Sesshomaru," her voice trickled out, his eyes growing heavy at the sound.

Slowly she entwines her fingers in his pulling his hand gently to her heart.

His eyes opened abruptly, as a servant stared at him intensely.

"Milord you are awake!!"

It wasn't the same voice, "Damn nightmares," he mumbled before his eyes closed again.

Words: 100

Prompt: Poem

Chapter Forty-Five: Awake But Asleep

Kagome's eyes opened abruptly, faces stared down at her.

"Kagome-chan, are you alright?" Rin asked her voiced laced with fear.

"I...." Kagome began as she clutched her chest. "Ughh, what is that smell?"

"What smell?" asked Rin, her eyes growing worried.

"You are probably just realizing how bad you smell," Kiyoshi retorted.

Rin sent a glare towards Kiyoshi, as she helped Kagome sit up. Suddenly a servant ran into the room.

"Milord was awake!" she almost shouted stopping short of Kiyoshi.

"Was?" He asked

"He was awake for a few seconds, all he managed to say was something about nightmares."

Words: 100

Prompt: Clutch

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